Reports on selected buildings in St. John's, Newfoundland / by Roger Bill, ALison Earle and Jane Lewis, Historical Research Section, CIHB.
Main entry:

Bill, Roger.

Title & Author:

Reports on selected buildings in St. John's, Newfoundland / by Roger Bill, ALison Earle and Jane Lewis, Historical Research Section, CIHB.


[Ottawa] : Parks Canada, Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs, 1974.


xx, 374 pages : illustrations, plan ; 28 cm.


Travail inédit ; no. 256

At head of title: National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 8-9).
Introduction -- Plan of St. John's harbour, 1698 -- Plan of St. John's harbour, 1751 -- St. John's, 1798 -- Extent of the fires of 7 and 21 November 1817 -- Extent of the fires of 9 June 1846 and 8 July 1892 -- Panoramic view of St. John's, Newfoundland, 1879 -- General Post Office, St. John's, Newfoundland -- St. John's before the 1892 fire, looking west -- St. John's after the 1892 fire, looking west -- St. John's after the 1892 fire -- Aftermath of the 1892 fire -- Newman Building -- New Gower Street -- Rennies Mill Road -- Riverdale -- {Former) Winter house -- Sir Robert Bond house -- "Bartra" -- Bannerman House -- "Sunnyside" and Coach house -- Devon Row -- Bank of Montreal -- (Former) Union bank -- 377 Duckworth Street -- 383 Duckworth Street -- Cash's Tobacco Store -- Court House -- Commercial Chambers -- 288-300 Water Street -- Delgado Building -- Railway Station -- St. Thomas Rectory (the Commissariat) -- 77 & 79 Monkstown Road -- 3 Forest Road -- 50 Forest Road -- H.M. Penitentiary -- Jubillee Cottage -- St. Thomas' Church (Old Garrison Church) -- Pall Mall House -- Colonial Building -- Government House -- Our Lady of Mercy Convent -- Basicilica of St. John the Baptist -- "The Heights" -- 82 Cochrane Street -- George Street United Church -- St. Patrick's Hall -- 34 Queen's Road -- Fishermans' Hall -- St. Patrick's Church -- Mount St. Francis (Monastery of Congregation of Irish Christian Brothers) -- Richmond Hill -- 42-44 Powers Court -- 335-337 Southside Road -- 355 Southside Road -- Presentation Convent -- Jersey Cottage -- St. Michael's Convent -- "Stone Cottage" -- Retreat Cottage -- St. John the Baptist Cathedral Rectory -- St. John the Baptist Anglican Cathedral -- Ebsary Farm -- Winterton -- Quinnipiac -- 31 Angel Place; 33 Angel Place -- Ashleaf -- 39 Portugal Cove Road -- Dunluce -- Westerland Estate -- O'Brien's Farm.

Architecture Newfoundland and Labrador St. John's.
Historic buildings Newfoundland and Labrador St. John's.
Architecture Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador St. John's.
Historic buildings.
Newfoundland and Labrador St. John's.
Architecture (object genre) Canada Newfoundland St. John's.
Historic buildings Canada Newfoundland St. John's.



Added entries:

Earle, Alison.
Lewis, Jane.
Parks Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.
Canadian Inventory of Historic Building. Historical Research Section.
Travail inédit (Parks Canada) ; no 256.


Location: Library main canada 179878
Call No.: NA746.N42.S8; ID:98-B409
Status: Available


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