Herscher, Andrew, 1961-
The Unreal Estate guide to Detroit / Andrew Herscher.
Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, ©2012.
307 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 20 cm
The Detroit Unreal Estate Agency was founded in 2008 as an open-access platform for research on urban crisis, using Detroit as a focal point. Against the apprehension of Detroit as a problem that needs to be solved, the Agency has regarded Detroit as a site where new ways of imagining, inhabiting and constructing the contemporary city are being invented, tested and advanced.--P. 2.
9780472035212 (pbk. ; acid-free paper)
0472035215 (pbk. ; acid-free paper)
Urban renewal Michigan Detroit Citizen participation.
Community development Michigan Detroit.
Rénovation urbaine Michigan Detroit Participation des citoyens.
Community development
Urban renewal Citizen participation
Detroit (Mich.) Pictorial works.
Michigan Detroit
Detroit, Mich.
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.
Location: Library main 291566
Call No.: BIB 235299
Status: Available
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