Úhel pohledu : současné projekty : Peter Franta 1994-2004 / [texty katalogu, Zdeněk Lyčka [and others]] = Ways of seeing : current projects : Peter Franta 1994-2004 / [texts by Zdeněk Lyčka [and others]].
[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [2004?] (Praha : Tiskárna GTA)
115, [5] pages : illustrations (some color), facsimiles, plans ; 30 cm
Franta, Petr, 1948-
Czech Architects.
Architecture (object genre) Czech Republic 1990-2010.
Public buildings Czech Republic 1990-2010.
Quotations (texts)
Exhibition Publications.
Lyčka, Zdeněk.
Franta, Petr, 1948-
Ways of seeing
Peter Franta 1994-2004
Location: Library main 233971
Call No.: NA44.F836.23 U5 2004
Copy: c. 1
Status: Available
Location: Library main 299947
Call No.: NA44.F836.23 U5 2004
Copy: c. 2
Status: Available
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