Repairing cities : repair as a "survival" strategy : learning from Cairo / editor, Marco Navarra.
[Siracusa] : Università degli studi di Catania, Facoltà de Architettura sede di Siracusa, Dipartimenti DARP e ASTRA, [2006]
64 pages : illustrations ; 15 x 24 cm
Repairing Egypt Cairo.
Salvage (Waste, etc.) Social aspects Egypt Cairo.
Réparations Égypte Le Caire.
Social conditions.
Cairo (Egypt) Social conditions.
Cairo (Egypt) Buildings, structures, etc.
Egypt Cairo.
Navarra, Marco.
Learning from Cities (2006 : Venice, Italy)
International Architectural Exhibition (10th : 2006 : Venice, Italy)
Learning from Cairo
Subtitle on cover: Riparazione come strategia di "sopravvivenza"
Location: Library main y 274801
Call No.: BIB 208697
Status: Available
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