Finnish architecture 2010/2011 : [projects, comments, perspectives] / [editor, Maija Kasvio].
Helsinki : Alvar Aalto Academy : Finnish Association of Architects SAFA : Museum of Finnish Architecture, 2012.
181 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps, plans (some color), portraits (some color) ; 28 cm
The fifth biennial review of Finnish architecture offers a richer variety of perspectives than ever before. It is designed to interest the general public and make architecture accessible to a wider audience. In addition to the traditional exhibition and catalogue, this year's featured projects are also be presented on web and mobile platforms. The catalogue provides a visually inspiring introduction to the projects and their architects. Also included is a calendar of architectural events and four expert essays contributed by Netta Böök, Luis Fernández-Galiano, Juhani Pallasmaa and Huseyin Yanar.
Architecture Finland History 21st century Exhibitions.
Architecture, Modern 21st century Exhibitions.
Architecture Finlande Histoire 21e siècle Expositions.
Architecture 21e siècle Expositions.
Architecture, Modern
Architecture (object genre) Finland 2010-2020.
Finnish architectural Firms.
Exhibition catalogs.
Kasvio, Maija.
Alvar Aalto Academy.
Suomen Arkkitehtiliitto.
Suomen Rakennustaiteen Museo.
Location: Library main 279248
Call No.: BIB 215232
Status: Available
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