Argentina : Identidad en la diversidad = Identità nella diversità = Identity in diversity / organiza Dirección General de Asuntos Culturales de la Cancilleria Argentina ; comisaria Magdalena Faillace ; curador Clorindo Testa ; co curadores Hernán Bisman, Enrique Cordeyro.
Main entry:

International Architectural Exhibition (13th : 2012 : Venice, Italy). Argentine Pavillion.

Title & Author:

Argentina : Identidad en la diversidad = Identità nella diversità = Identity in diversity / organiza Dirección General de Asuntos Culturales de la Cancilleria Argentina ; comisaria Magdalena Faillace ; curador Clorindo Testa ; co curadores Hernán Bisman, Enrique Cordeyro.


Buenos Aires : Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Dirección General de Asuntos Culturales de la Cancillería Argentina : Sociedad Central de Arquitectos : CEDODAL, 2012.


254 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm

At head of title: 13 Mostra Internationale di Architettura. La Biennale di Venezia.
Includes bibliographical references.
Identidad en la Diversidad = Identità nella diversità = Identity in diversity / Magdalena Faillace -- Instalación Memoria Descriptiva = Installazione Memoria Descrittiva = Installation Project Narrative / Arq. Clorindo Testa -- Economía de recursos: Ironía = Economia del mezzi: Ironia = Economy of means: Irony / Juan Fontana -- La identidad: un relato coral = Identità: un racconto corale = Identity: a coral tale / Hernán Bisman, Enrique Cordeyro -- Diversidad = Diversità = Diversity -- Argentina: la diversidad a través de los tiempos = Argentina: la diversità nel tempo = Argentina: diversity over time / Carlos L. Dibar -- Diversidad social y cultural en la Argentina = La diversità sociale e culturale a L'Argentina = Social and cultural diversity in Argentina / Enrique García Espil -- Obra reciente premiada 2006-2011 = Lavori recenti premiato 2006-2011 = Awarded recent Works 2006-2011 -- Integración = Integrazione = Integration -- El racionalismo, Le Corbusier y la arquitectura Argentina = Il racionalismo, Le Corbusier e l'architettura Argentina = Rationalism, Le Corbusier and Argentine architecture / Carlos del Franco, Graciela Novoa -- Integrados por la arquitectura moderna = Integrati dall'architettura moderna = Brought togheter by modern architecture / Emilio Rivoira -- Memoria = Memoria = Memory -- Memoria de los arquitectos italianos en la arquitectura argentina = Ricordo degli architetti italiani nell'architettura argentina = A history of the influence of Italian architects in the Argentinean architecture / Ramón Gutiérrez -- Memoria construida: identidad y proyecto futuro = La memoria costruita: identità progetto futuro = Built memory: identity and future vision / Horacio Torcello -- Territorio = Territorio = Territory -- Patrimonio natural y cultural de la Argentina. Paisajes culturales = Patrimonio naturale e culturale dell'Argentina. Paesaggi culturali = Natural and cultural heritage of Argentina. Cultural landscapes / Unidad de Gestión de Sitios Inscritos en la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial UNESCO -- La obra construida en el entorno territorial = Tra opera e territorio = Between the construction and its territorial environment / Luis María Albornoz -- Obra reciente premiada 2006-2011 = Lavori recenti premiato 2006-2011 = Awarded recent Works 2006-2011 -- Soberanía = Sovranit = Arquitectura y planeamiento en las Malvinas 1764-1844 = Architettura e pianificazione nelle Malvine 1764-1844 = Architecture and planning in the Malvinas 1764-1844 / Alberto S.J. de Paula -- El eternauta, Buenos Aires y la arquitectura = L'eternauta, Buenos Aires e architettura = El Eternauta, Buenos Aires and architecture / Jorge Hampton.
Texts in Spanish, Italian and English.

The 13 International Exhibition of Architecture entitled "Common Ground", directed by David Chipperfield was organized in 2012 within the framework of the Biennial of Venice. The Argentinean participating exhibition "Identity in Diversity" comprised a large stage set installation designed and curated by notorious architect Clorindo Testa and inspired on the relationship between architecture, territory and society throughout the history of Argentina as a Nation, highlighting the features of the Venetian historic building "Arsenales" (1570) where the Argentinean pavilion was housed. The "enormous installation where works and projects that have won awards at national and international competitions shed light on historic constructions by contrasting them with the present."--P. 9 was inspired in 5 concepts of Argentinean architecture history: diversity, integration, memory, territory and sovereignty. The design, construction and exhibition were documented in the present edition by architect Juan Fontana and co-curators architect Enrique Cordeyro and Hernán Bisman, executive director of the Museo de Arquitectura y Diseño (MARQ).




Architecture Argentina History Exhibitions.
Architecture Argentina History 21st century Exhibitions.


Exhibition catalogs

Added entries:

Bisman, Hernán.
Cordeyro, Enrique.
Faillace, Magdalena.
Testa, Clorindo, 1923-2013.
Argentina. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto.
Argentina. Dirección General de Asuntos Culturales.

Argentina, Identidad en la diversidad
Argentina, Identità nella diversità
Argentina, Identity in diversity


Location: Library main 289877
Call No.: BIB 232566
Status: Available


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