Suburban constellations : governance, land and infrastructure in the 21st century / Roger Keil [ed.].
Berlin : Jovis Verlag, [2013]
205 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 24 cm
In a world of cities, suburbanization is the most visible and pervasive phenomenon. Global sprawl engulfs us but it does so in remarkably differentiated ways. While the single-family home subdivisions of North America remain the "classical case," there are now many other forms of suburbanism around the globe. The high rise housing estates around many European and Canadian cities, the belts and wedges of squatter settlements in the global south, the burgeoning megacity peripheries between Istanbul and Shanghai and the technopoles and edge cities in all corners of the world are all part of a pervasive trend towards global suburbanisms. This book provides a first account of this global development. 22 of the most well-known global urban scholars analyze the multiple manifestations of suburbanization and suburbanism. They are joined by artistic and illustrative contributions. Overviews of suburbanization trends in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia complete 'Suburban Constellations'.
9783868592313 (paperback)
Suburban life.
City planning.
Architecture and globalization.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Vie de la banlieue.
Architecture et mondialisation.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture, Modern.
Keil, Roger, 1957- editor.
Location: Library main 284606
Call No.: BIB 223667
Status: Available
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