Extreme urbanism 2 : speculations and alternative futures for the Mumbai metropolitan region / edited by Rahul Mehrotra, Gareth Doherty, Victor Munuz Sanz].
Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 2012.
510 pages : color illustrations, maps ; 21 cm
City planning India Mumbai Metropolitan Area.
Regional planning India Mumbai Metropolitan Area.
Architecture India Mumbai 21st century Designs and plans.
Waterfronts India Mumbai.
Sociology, Urban India Mumbai.
Architecture Inde Mumbai 21e siècle Dessins et plans.
Fronts de mer Inde Mumbai.
Sociologie urbaine Inde Mumbai.
City planning.
Regional planning.
Sociology, Urban.
India Mumbai.
India Mumbai Metropolitan Area.
Architectural drawings.
Doherty, Gareth Gerard.
Muñoz Sanz, Victor.
Mehrotra, Rahul.
Harvard University. Graduate School of Design.
Location: Library main 284770
Call No.: BIB 223914
Status: Available
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