Belhoste, Jean-François.
Architectures et paysages industriels : l'invention d'un patrimoine / Jean-François Belhoste et Paul Smith ; photographies, Pierre-Olivier Deschamps.
Paris : Éditions de La Martinière, [2012]
271 pages : color illustrations ; 32 cm
Architecture, Industrial France Pictorial works.
Industrial archaeology France Pictorial works.
Historic buildings France Pictorial works.
Cultural property France Pictorial works.
Architecture industrielle France Ouvrages illustrés.
Archéologie industrielle France Ouvrages illustrés.
Patrimoine culturel immatériel France Ouvrages illustrés.
Architecture, Industrial
Cultural property
Historic buildings
Industrial archaeology
France Industrial architecture Cultural patrimony Photography
Illustrated works
Smith, Paul.
Deschamps, Pierre-Olivier.
Location: Library main 280387
Call No.: BIB 217088
Status: Available
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