Church's Albastine and how to use it to the best advantage = Church's Alabastine et comment l'employer avec avantage.
Paris, Ont. : Walker Press Limited, [1920]
80 pages : illustrations ; 16 cm
Alabastine Co. Paris, Limited.
Stencil work.
Interior decoration 20th century.
Paint 20th century.
Stencils and stencil cutting.
House painting Equipment and supplies.
Décoration intérieure 20e siècle.
Peinture (Produit chimique) 20e siècle.
Peinture en bâtiment Appareils et matériel.
stencils (image-making tools)
Interior decoration.
Painting (image-making)
Wall Coating (material)
Tinting Material.
Trade catalogs.
Canadian Trade catalogs.
Alabastine Co. Paris, Limited.
Church's Alabastine et comment l'employer avec avantage
Alabastine stencil catalogue
Location: Library main y trade catalogues 206155
Call No.: NK8669.C5 1920
Status: Available
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