Phillips, Sandra S., 1945-
Martin Parr / Sandra S. Phillips.
London ; New York, NY : Phaidon, 2013.
125 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 17 cm
The first comprehensive monograph charting the career of British photographer and collector Martin Parr (b.1952), best known for his frank chronicling of British life. Features early black-and-white photographs of the 1970s and previously unpublished work, in addition to his most famous projects, including 'The Last Resort', 'The Cost of Living' and 'Signs of the Times'. Extensive interviews with Parr explore his position as a contemporary artist as well as documentarian of popular culture and consumerism. Includes an appendix illustrating many of Parr's famous collections, from wallpaper to lapel badges and souvenir models.
Parr, Martin, 1952-
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.
Parr, Martin, 1952- Photographs. Selections.
Location: Library main y 285127
Call No.: BIB 224471
Status: Available
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