Gehl, Jan, 1936-
How to study public life / by Jan Gehl and Birgitte Svarre ; translation by Karen Ann Steenhard.
Washington : Island Press, [2013]
xiii, 179 pages : color illustrations ; 27 cm
"In How to Study Public Life Jan Gehl and Birgitte Svarre draw from their combined experience of over 50 years to provide a history of public-life study as well as methods and tools necessary to recapture city life as an important planning dimension. This type of systematic study began in earnest in the 1960s, when several researchers and journalists on different continents criticized urban planning for having forgotten life in the city. City life studies provide knowledge about human behavior in the built environment in an attempt to put it on an equal footing with knowledge about urban elements such as buildings and transport systems. Studies can be used as input in the decision-making process, as part of overall planning, or in designing individual projects such as streets, squares or parks. The original goal is still the goal today: to recapture city life as an important planning dimension. Anyone interested in improving city life will find inspiration, tools, and examples in this invaluable guide."--Publisher.
9781610914239 (cloth ; alk. paper)
1610914236 (cloth ; alk. paper)
City planning.
Public spaces Social aspects.
Espaces publics Aspect social.
urban planning.
survey methods.
social behaviour.
Öffentlicher Raum
Offentliga platser.
Svarre, Birgitte.
Location: Library main 284705
Call No.: BIB 223807
Status: Available
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