Turpin, Trevor.
Dam / Trevor Turpin.
London : Reaktion, 2008.
256 pages : illustrations (some color), photographs ; 21 cm.
As well as much-needed electricity, dams generate extremes of emotion. Traditionally, dams have facilitated hydraulic civilizations such as those in the Nile Valley, China and Mesopotamia, and, in the twentieth century, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Yet with the proliferation of dams - there are now more than 40,000 large dams worldwide - opposition and support can be measured in equal proportion. Their outstanding design and construction, often in inhospitable conditions, is representative of the skills of their engineers, yet others do not see such beauty in the 'taming' of rivers. In 1998 the continuing controversy led to the forming of the World Commission on Dams to seek a meeting of minds. This book traces the development of dams from the Industrial Revolution to the present day through a number of themes - both successes and failures - including the extension of the design teams forming an alliance between engineering, architecture, landscape architecture and ecology. The author offers neither a polemic against dams nor a defence of their proliferation. He offers a fresh and much-needed account of their design, construction and function, which will appeal to dam engineers, environmentalists, historians and students, as well as those who previously recognized only The Dambuster's March.
9781861893284 (pbk.)
1861893280 (pbk.)
Dams Design and construction.
Dams History.
Barrages Conception et construction.
Barrages Histoire.
Barrages Ouvrages illustrés.
Location: Library main 258692
Call No.: BIB 189484
Status: Available
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