Raisons d'écrire : livres d'architectes, 1945-1999 / sous la direction de Pierre Chabard et Marilena Kourniati ; postface Christian Topalov.
Paris : Ed. de la Villette, ©2013.
262 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
Penser l'espace
9782915456783 (pbk.)
291545678X (pbk.)
Le Corbusier, 1887-1965. Trois établissements humains.
Lynch, Kevin, 1918-1984. Image of the city.
Venturi, Robert. Learning from Las Vegas.
Rossi, Aldo, 1931-1997. Architettura della città.
Castex, Jean. Formes urbaines.
Team 10 primer.
Metacity datatown.
Architettura della città (Rossi, Aldo)
Image of the city (Lynch, Kevin)
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Kourniati, Marilena.
Topalov, Christian.
Chabard, Pierre.
Penser l'espace.
Location: Library main 284604
Call No.: BIB 223665
Status: Available
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