After the Fire, 18 Photogravures and Descriptive Text : Illustrating the Great Fire at Milwaukee, Friday Night, October 28, 1892.
Milwaukee, Wis. : The Art Gravure & Etching Co., 1892.
10 pages, 18 unnumbered pages of plates : chiefly illustrations ; 20 x 27 cm
Ruined buildings Wisconsin Milwaukee Pictorial works.
Stores, Retail Wisconsin Milwaukee Pictorial works.
Warehouses Wisconsin Milwaukee Pictorial works.
Industrial buildings Wisconsin Milwaukee Pictorial works.
Ruines Wisconsin Milwaukee Ouvrages illustrés.
Magasins Wisconsin Milwaukee Ouvrages illustrés.
Entrepôts Wisconsin Milwaukee Ouvrages illustrés.
Constructions industrielles Wisconsin Milwaukee Ouvrages illustrés.
Industrial buildings
Ruined buildings
Stores, Retail
Milwaukee (Wis.) Pictorial works.
Wisconsin Milwaukee
photogravures (prints)
Illustrated works
Viewbooks Wisconsin Milwaukee 19th century.
Art Gravure & Etching Co.
After the Fire, Photogravures
Location: Library main 128520
Call No.: ID:86-B6603
Status: Available
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