The best school in the world / authors, Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen, Eriika Johansson, Kaisa Nuikkinen, Pasi Sahlberg ; editor, Maija Kasvio.
[Helsinki, Finland] : Museum of Finnish Architecture, [2011]
78 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans (some color) ; 26 cm
9789525195378 (pbk.)
9525195376 (pbk.)
School buildings Finland Exhibitions.
School buildings Finland Designs and plans.
Architecture Finland 21st century Exhibitions.
Constructions scolaires Finlande Expositions.
Constructions scolaires Finlande Dessins et plans.
Architecture Finlande 21e siècle Expositions.
School buildings.
Exhibition publications.
Architectural drawings.
Exhibition catalogs.
Jetsonen, Sirkkaliisa, author.
Johansson, Eriika, author.
Nuikkinen, Kaisa, author.
Sahlberg, Pasi, author.
Kasvio, Maija, editor.
Suomen Rakennustaiteen Museo, host institution.
International Architectural Exhibition.
Subtitle on cover: Seven Finnish examples from the 21st century
Location: Library main 277584
Call No.: BIB 212447
Status: Available
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