Critical prison design : Mas d'Enric penitentiary by AiB arquitectes + Estudi PSP Arquitectura / Roger Paez ; editor, Ricardo Devesa.
Main entry:

Paez, Roger, author.

Title & Author:

Critical prison design : Mas d'Enric penitentiary by AiB arquitectes + Estudi PSP Arquitectura / Roger Paez ; editor, Ricardo Devesa.


New York : Actar Publishers, 2014.


245 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 21 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Mas d'Enric Penitentiary -- Somewhere lions still roam / Roger Paez -- Concept : Visibilization : Confined / Keller Easterling -- Genealogy : Walls, bars, open space / Adrià Carbonell -- Discipline and freedom : Mas d'Enric, landscape and self-awareness / Lluis Ortega -- Totality : The coat of the jaguar / Juan Azulay -- Vibration : Architecture and the potential for effect / Juan Elvira -- The outside : Doing time / Ed Keller -- Topology-typology : Stick your head out / Ramon Faura -- Design : Project overview ; Façades ; Roofs ; Program ; External area ; Intermediate area ; Residential blocks ; Cultural and sports facilities ; Solitary confinement, infirmary, kitchen-laundry-storage, workshops ; Interior promenade -- Fictions : Escorça / Camí ; Full circle / Eoghann MacColl ; Correspondence / Angela Kay Bunning ; Breaking and entry / Gruff Rhys ; A nomadic prison / AiB arquitectes ; Hic Sunt Leones / Jordi Bernadó and 15-L. Films.

The newly built Mas d'Enric penitentiary sparks a series of reflections on architecture's role in the problematic subject of prison design. The prison is an uncomfortable institution and its architecture is often subjugated to technocratic criteria. This servility forces the prison out of the socio-cultural realm where it belongs, thus erasing it from public discourse. 'Mas d'Enric' is a new penitentiary that overturns preconceptions and posits architecture as a medium to critically rethink contemporary prison buildings. The discussion is enriched by contributions from a number of influential architects and architectural theorists, and is complemented by original work in film, photography, literature, sculpture and visual arts.




Paez i Blanch, Roger
Centre Penitenciari Mas d'Enric.
Prisons Spain Design and construction.
Architecture Moral and ethical aspects.
Prisons Espagne Conception et construction.
Architecture Aspect moral.
Prisons Design and construction Spain.
Prisons Design and construction

Added entries:

Devesa, Ricardo, 1971-
AiB Estudi d'Arquitectes.
Estudi PSP Arquitectura.


Location: Library main 288766
Call No.: BIB 230669
Status: Available


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