Charney, Melvin.
Melvin Charney fonds, 1987-1990.
192 items.
Access by appointment only.
Melvin Charney (1935-) was born in Montréal. B. Arch., McGill University, Montréal, 1958; M. Arch., Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1959. Professor, School of Architecture, Université de Montréal, since 1964. Working as artist/architect with solo and group exhibitions since 1972. Works include: Les maisons de la rue Sherbrooke (Corridart), 1976; Édifice (Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal), 1979; A Chicago construction, 1981-1983; A Toronto construction, 1982; A Lethbridge construction, 1985; Canadian Monument for Human Rights, Ottawa, 1986-1990; Canadian Centre for Architecture, Garden, 1987-1991; Place du 350e anniversaire de Montréal (Place Berri), 1991.
Sculpture gardens Québec (Province) Montréal.
Jardins de sculptures Québec (Province) Montréal.
Sculpture gardens.
Jardin du Centre canadien d'architecture (Montréal, Québec)
Montréal (Québec) Buildings, structures, etc.
Québec Montréal.
Sculpture gardens Canada Québec (Province) Montréal.
Fonds (collections)
Melvin Charney archive, 1987-1990
Location: Library archives collection 259772
Call No.: AP041
Status: Available
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