The Internet does not exist / editors, Julieta Aranda, Brian Kuan Wood, Anton Vidokle.
Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2015]
320 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm
E-flux journal
"The internet does not exist. Maybe it did exist only a short time ago, but now it only remains as a blur, a cloud, a friend, a deadline, a redirect, or a 404. If it ever existed, we couldn't see it. Because it has no shape. It has no face, just this name that describes everything and nothing at the same time. Yet we are still trying to climb onboard, to get inside, to be part of the network, to get in on the language game, to show up on searches, to appear to exist. But we will never get inside of something that isn't there. All this time we've been bemoaning the death of any critical outside position, we should have taken a good look at information networks. Just try to get in. You can't. Networks are all edges, as Bruno Latour points out. We thought there were windows but actually it's made of mirrors. And in the meantime we are being faced with more and more--not just information, but the world itself. And a very particular world that has already become part of our consciousness. And it wants something. It doesn't only want to harvest our eyeballs, our attention, our responses, and our feelings. It also wants to condition our minds and bodies to absorb all the richness of the planet's knowledge."--Back cover.
9783956791307 (paperback)
3956791304 (paperback)
Internet Social aspects.
Internet Political aspects.
Internet Moral and ethical aspects.
Music and the Internet.
Mass media and culture.
Social media.
Social Media
Internet Aspect social.
Internet Aspect politique.
Internet Aspect moral.
Musique et Internet.
Médias et culture.
Médias sociaux.
social media.
Sociala medier.
Massmedia och kultur.
Internet--Moral and ethical aspects.
Internet--Political aspects.
Internet--Social aspects.
Aranda, Julieta, editor.
Wood, Brian Kuan, editor.
Vidokle, Anton, editor.
E-flux journal (Series)
Location: Library main y 293122
Call No.: BIB 237773
Status: Available
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