Materiality / edited by Petra Lange-Berndt.
Main entry:

Materiality (M.I.T. Press)

Title & Author:

Materiality / edited by Petra Lange-Berndt.


London : Whitechapel Gallery ; Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2015]


239 pages ; 21 cm


Documents of contemporary art

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction : How to be complicit with materials / Petra Lange-Berndt -- Follow the Materials. Material / Monika Wagner -- In conversation with James Putnam / Antony Gormely -- Gutai Manifesto / Jiro Yoshihara -- Wood: Figuring problems of material / Wolfgang Kemp -- A thousand plateaux / Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari -- The order of material: Plasticities, malaises, survivals / Georges Didi-Huberman -- 'Truth' and 'Truth to materials' / Susan Hiller -- In conversation with Kara Rooney / Kara Walker -- The Living Fire of Labour. Volatile, liquid, crystal / Esther Leslie -- Theory of the curse of the brush / Shozo Shimamoto -- Indifference of material in the work of Carl Andre and Robert Smithson / Dominic Rahtz -- Manifesto / Artur Barrio -- Theory of artistic work / Dieter Hoffmann-Axthelm -- The alchemist's workshop / Pennina Barnett -- House in mud / Hilke Wagner -- Knitting for good! / Betsy Greer -- Statement / Romuald Hazoumè -- Chromophobic activism / Natasha Eaton.
Fornless Blobs and Trash Flows. Formless / Georges Bataille -- The poetics of softness / Max Kozloff -- Anti form / Robert Morris -- Plasticity: An art history of the mutable / Dietmar Rübel -- Michelangelo Pistoletto / Germano Celant -- On the aesthetics of ufology / Mike Kelley -- Junk: Art and the politics of trash / Gillian Whiteley -- On garbage: in conversation with Boris Groys / Ilya Kabakov -- Flow city: In conversation with Anne Doran / Mierle Laderman Ukeles -- Disjecta reliquae: The Tate Thames dig / Robert Williams -- Fetishism/Hoarding/Entropy / Nicolás Guagnini -- Bodies That Matter. Bodies that matter / Judith Butler -- Beneath the skin: In conversation with Gene Swenson / Paul Thek -- Powers of horror / Julia Kristeva -- Aspects of feminist actionism / VALIE EXPORT -- The phobic object / Simon Taylor -- A purpose in liquidity / Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton -- Parts and whole: On Janine Antoni's Gnaw / Dan Cameron -- Strange fruit / Ann Temkin -- Interior structures / Ian Hunt -- Teresa Margolles: Primordial substances / Pascal Beausse -- The body: A material amongst other usable, questionable materials / ORLAN -- Counter laboratories, inverted suspects and latent signs / Paul Vanouse.
Nature After Nature. The thing / Elizabeth Grosz -- A sedimentation of the mind: Earth projects / Robert Smithson -- In conversation with Craig Adcock / Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison -- The periodic table / Primo Levi -- Statement / Mel Chin -- In memory of the scottish forest / herman de vries -- Between the furniture and the building (Between a rock and a hard place) / Jimmie Durham -- Hans Haacke's earth samples for the Bundestag / Monika Wagner -- Making culture and weaving the world / Tim Ingold -- Atmospheric monument: In conversation with Ana Teixeira Pinto / Amy Balkin -- Rematerialization of the Void. Blue Company, or Yves Klein reconsidered as world economy / Nicolas Bourriaud -- Plastic / Roland Barthes -- Foams / Dan Graham -- The demateriali-zation of art / Lucy R. Lippard and John Chandler -- Ideas come out of objects: In conversation with Matthieu Copeland / Robert Barry -- Six years ... / Lucy R. Lippard -- After modern sculpture / Richard J. Williams -- The scatter: Sculpture as leftover / Briony Fer -- Line describing a cone and related films / Anthony McCall -- Dust: A history of the small and the invisible / Joseph A. Amato -- Blotting out architecture? : A fable in seven parts / Hubert Damisch -- In conversation with Tim Griffin / Tino Sehgal.
Materialities of Media. Understanding media / Marshall McLuhan -- 7360 Sukiyaki / Tony Conrad -- Les Immatériaux / Jean-François Lyotard -- Dematerialization / Christine Buci-Glucksmann -- Dematerialization, matériau, matériel / Jacques Derrida -- Form and material / Vilém Flusser -- Zeros + Ones : Digital women + the new technoculture / Sadie Plant -- Meeting the universe halfway / Karen Barad -- Who's afraid of the in-between? / Jens Hauser -- The materiality of impermanence / Kristine Marx -- In conversation with Francesco Manacorda / Simon Starling -- Uncreative writing / Kenneth Goldsmith -- The aesthetics of production / Viktoria Schmidt-Linsenhoff.

"Materiality has reappeared as a highly contested topic in recent art. Modernist criticism tended to privilege form over matter--considering material as the essentialized basis of medium specificity--and technically based approaches in art history reinforced connoisseurship through the science of artistic materials. But in order to engage critically with the meaning, for example, of hair in David Hammons's installations, milk in the work of Dieter Roth, or latex in the sculptures of Eva Hesse, we need a very different set of methodological tools. This anthology focuses on the moments when materials become willful actors and agents within artistic processes, entangling their audience in a web of connections. It investigates the role of materiality in art that attempts to expand notions of time, space, process, or participation. And it looks at the ways in which materials obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with social norms, emerging as impure formations and messy, unstable substances. It reexamines the notion of "dematerialization"; addresses materialist critiques of artistic production; surveys relationships between matter and bodies, from the hierarchies of gender to the abject and phobic; explores the vitality of substances; and addresses the concepts of intermateriality and transmateriality emerging in the hybrid zones of digital experimentation"--Publisher's description.
Artists surveyed include: Georges Adéagbo, Carl Andre, Janine Antoni, Amy Balkin, Artur Barrio, Helen Chadwick, Mel Chin, Mark Dion, Jimmie Durham, Tessa Farmer, Chohreh Feyzdjou, Romuald Hazoumè, Pierre Huyghe, Ilya Kabakov, Mike Kelley, Anthony McCall, Teresa Margolles, Robert Morris, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Tino Sehgal, Shozo Shimamoto, Santiago Sierra, Robert Smithson, Simon Starling, Paul Thek, Paul Vanouse, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Kara Walker.

Table of contents

9780854882373 (Whitechapel Gallery)
0854882375 (Whitechapel Gallery)
9780262528092 (The MIT Press)
0262528096 (The MIT Press)


Art, Modern 20th century Themes, motives.
Art, Modern 21st century Themes, motives.
Artists' materials.
Art 20e siècle Thèmes, motifs.
Art 21e siècle Thèmes, motifs.
Matériel d'artistes.
artists' materials.
20.30 history of art: general.
20.02 philosophy and theory of the art sciences.
Art and Design.
Art, Modern Themes, motives.

Added entries:

Lange-Berndt, Petra, editor.
Documents of contemporary art series.


Location: Library main 290775
Call No.: BIB 233938
Status: Available


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