The architecture of neoliberalism : how contemporary architecture became an instrument of control and compliance / Douglas Spencer.
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Spencer, Douglas, author.

Title & Author:

The architecture of neoliberalism : how contemporary architecture became an instrument of control and compliance / Douglas Spencer.


New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.


xiv, 213 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction : Architecture, neoliberalism and the game of truth -- Necessary ignorance: the art of neoliberal governmentality : Foucault and governmentality ; Neoliberalism, human capital and the entrepreneurial self ; Hayek, Polanyi and cybernetics ; Spontaneous orders and complex systems ; Neoliberalism as the 'form of our existence' -- The spatial constitution of the neoliberal subject : Hamilton, Pollock and Kaprow ; THX 1138 and Alphaville ; The counterculture and the technical mentality ; Banham, Baudrillard and McLuhan -- Architectural theory: from May '68 to the 'real' of the market : Post-theory and the post-political ; Architecture and Deleuze ; The new agenda for architecture ; DeLanda, LaTour and Luhman ; The real subsumption of theory -- Labour theory: architecture, work and neoliberalism : Architecture and the image of labour ; Ubiquitous workspace ; Boltanski and Chiapello, Postone, and the thesis of 'immaterial labour' ; Zaha Hadid Architects and BMW Leipzig ; The urban diagram of the new factory ; Koolhaas, OMA and CCTV ; Architecture as infrastructure ; Circulation as labour and image -- Festivals of circulation: neoliberal architectures of culture, commerce and education : The Pompidou as fun palace ; Crowd modelling ; Citizen-consumers: FOA's Meydan Retail Complex ; Student-entrepreneurs: the 'learning landscape' and the 'univers-city' -- Neoliberalism and affect: architecture and the patterning of experience : Architecture and the affective turn ; Jameson, architecture and the totality ; Aesthetics, aisthesis and cognition ; Pattern recognition: the 'period eye' of neoliberalism -- Conclusion : The necessity of critique.

"Neoliberalism is a project to remake us, and our world, according to a purely economic rationality. In societies where the logic of the market reigns unopposed we must fashion our lives as entrepreneurial endeavors. We must be networked, in constant circulation, opportunistic. The Architecture of Neoliberalism pursues an uncompromising critique of architecture's part in this neoliberal turn. This book reveals how a self-styled parametric, post-critical and projection architecture serves mechanisms of control and compliance while promoting itself as progressive."--Provided by publisher.


9781472581525 (hardback)
1472581520 (hardback)
9781472581518 (paperback)
1472581512 (paperback)


Architecture and society.
Architecture Political aspects.
Architecture et société.
ARCHITECTURE History Contemporary (1945- )
POLITICAL SCIENCE Political Ideologies Conservatism & Liberalism.


Location: Library main 293515
Call No.: BIB 238563
Status: Available


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