A theoretical and practical treatise on the five orders of architecture : containing the most plain and simple rules for drawing and executing them in the purest style : with the opinions of Sir William Chambers, and other eminent architects, both ancinet and modern, exhibiting the most approved modes of applying each in practice, with directions for the design and execution of various kinds of buildings, both useful and ornamental, and suitable to the climate of Great Britain : including a historical description of Gothic architecture, shewing its origin, and also a comparison of the Gothic architecture of England, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy : together with details of the first, second, and third periods of the pointed ach, or Gothic style : illustrated with specimens selected from the most celebrated structures now existing, and numerous plans, elevations, sections, and details of various buildings, executed by architects of great eminence : to which are added, in order to assist the student in drawing architectural objects with ease and accuracy, treatises on projection, perspective, fractions, decimal arithmetic, &c. concluding with an index and glossary of the terms of art, &c.
London : Printed for Thomas Kelly, 1834.
[4], 163, [1] pages, [104] leaves of plates
Chambers, William, Sir, 1726-1796.
Architecture Systematic works.
Clarke, Jeremy, Provenance.
Jury, Sydney Charles, Provenance.
Location: Library main 19259
Call No.: 11365 PO266; ID:87-B648
Status: Available
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