Aqui : crônicas cariocas / Paulo Mariotti ; tradução, Laura Folgueira.
Main entry:

Mariotti, Paulo, 1968- artist.

Title & Author:

Aqui : crônicas cariocas / Paulo Mariotti ; tradução, Laura Folgueira.


[São Paulo, Brazil] : Beĩ, [2013]


117 pages : illustrations ; 22 x 30 cm

Apresentação = Presentation -- Prefácio = Foreword / Claudia Saldanha -- O olhar afetivo de Paulo Mariotti = Paulo Mariotti's afectionate eye / Claudia Moreira de Salles -- Centro e Ilha de Paquetá -- Botafogo, Flamengo, Laranjeiras e Urca -- Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon e Jardim Botánico -- Crônicas cariocas = Carioca chronicles / Paulo Mariotti.
In Portuguese and English.

Illustrator Paulo Mariotti has recorded over ten years, scenes of Rio de Janeiro: sidewalks, street corners, houses, bars and varied environments, populated by anonymous everyday characters. Interestingly, Paul-correspondent for Vogue magazine has been living for more than 20 years in Paris, and has never lived in Rio. The city he portrays is one in which he went to stay, visited friends, established relations. It is therefore under the bias of the affection and courtesy that his work unfolds. "Paulo uses a blue point pen over Canson paper reminiscent of the tiles that used to color the colonial city facades. In portraying Pão de Açúcar he chooses a view of the landing strip of the smallest airport to serve a big city as the foreground. Santos Dumont Airport is the newcomers' first emotion. Paulo Marnotti takes us by the hand and shows us Rio"--Verso Cover.




Mariotti, Paulo, 1968- Catalogs.
Mariotti, Paulo, 1968- Travel Brazil Rio de Janeiro.
Drawing, Brazilian Brazil Rio de Janeiro Catalogs.
Buildings Brazil Rio de Janeiro Pictorial works.
Dessin brésilien Brésil Rio de Janeiro Catalogues.
Constructions Brésil Rio de Janeiro Ouvrages illustrés.
Drawing, Brazilian
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Pictorial works.
Brazil Rio de Janeiro


Illustrated works

Added entries:

Mariotti, Paulo, 1968- Drawings. Selections.
Mariotti, Paulo, 1968- Drawings. Selections. English.

Crônicas Cariocas
Carioca chronicles


Location: Library main m 291410
Call No.: BIB 235042
Status: Available


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