Rifkin, Mark, 1974- author.
Beyond settler time : temporal sovereignty and indigenous self-determination / Mark Rifkin.
Durham ; London : Duke University Press, 2017.
xvii, 277 pages ; 24 cm
"What does it mean to say that Native peoples exist in the present? In Beyond Settler Time Mark Rifkin investigates the dangers of seeking to include Indigenous peoples within settler temporal frameworks. Claims that Native peoples should be recognized as coeval with Euro-Americans, Rifkin argues, implicitly treat dominant non-native ideologies and institutions as the basis for defining time itself. How, though, can Native peoples be understood as dynamic and changing while also not assuming that they belong to a present inherently shared with non-natives? Drawing on physics, phenomenology, queer studies, and postcolonial theory, Rifkin develops the concept of "settler time" to address how Native peoples are both consigned to the past and inserted into the present in ways that normalize non-native histories, geographies, and expectations. Through analysis of various kinds of texts, including government documents, film, fiction, and autobiography, he explores how Native experiences of time exceed and defy such settler impositions. In underscoring the existence of multiple temporalities, Rifkin illustrates how time plays a crucial role in Indigenous peoples' expressions of sovereignty and struggles for self-determination"--Publisher's website
9780822362852 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0822362856 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
9780822362975 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
082236297X (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Umschulungswerkstätten für Siedler und Auswanderer Bitterfeld
Indians of North America Colonization.
Indians, Treatment of United States History.
Time perception.
Geographical perception.
Time Perception
Indiens Amérique du Nord Colonisation.
Indiens, Attitudes envers les États-Unis Histoire.
Perception du temps.
Perception géographique.
Attitudes envers les Peuples autochtones États-Unis Histoire.
Indians, Treatment of.
United States History Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
États-Unis Histoire ca 1600-1775 (Période coloniale)
United States.
Temporal sovereignty and indigenous self-determination
Location: Library main 310015
Call No.: BIB 255148
Status: Available
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