China's turn / Powerhouse Company and Hans Ibelings (editors).
Montreal ; Amsterdam : Architecture Observer, [2016]
160 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 20 cm
If past centuries belonged to Europe and much of the last century has been dominated by America, then now it is China's turn. For decades, the nation has experienced unprecedented economic growth, and it managed to evade the West's economic recession. It has gained a significant economic presence in nearly every part of the world. Yet China is now in the midst of an economic slowdown, which impacts its architecture, urban planning, and infrastructure, both at home and abroad. Nanne de Ru and Hans Ibelings undertake a closer examination of this process, with reports from Canada, Portugal, Angola, South Africa, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Central and South America.
9492058030 (paperback)
9789492058034 (paperback)
Economic history.
China Economic conditions 2000-
Chine Conditions économiques 2000-
Ibelings, Hans, editor.
Ru, Nanne de, 1976- editor.
Powerhouse Company, editor.
Location: Library main 292554
Call No.: BIB 236893
Status: Available
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