Le Corbusier : the complete buildings / Cemal Emden ; edited by Burcu Kütükçüoğlu ; translation, Nafiz Akşehirlioğlu, Victoria Holbrook.
Main entry:

Le Corbusier, 1887-1965, architect.

Title & Author:

Le Corbusier : the complete buildings / Cemal Emden ; edited by Burcu Kütükçüoğlu ; translation, Nafiz Akşehirlioğlu, Victoria Holbrook.


Munich ; New York : Prestel, [2017]


319 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 33 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Preface / Burcu Kütükçüoğlu -- The buildings, 1905-1965 : Valla Fallet : Cosy Corbu / Tim Benton -- Villa Jaquemet -- Villa Stotzer -- Villa Jeanneret-Perret -- Villa Favre-Jacot -- Villa Schwob -- Atelier Ozenfant : Habitable box / Emre Altürk -- Villas Lipchitz-Miestchaninoff -- Maisons La Roche-Jeanneret -- Villa Le Lac : An extraordinary window / Emiliano Bugatti -- Quartier Moderne Frugès : Users' response / Zeynep Çelik -- Maison et Cantine -- Maison Planeix : Symmetric-Asymmetric reflections / Atilla Yücel -- Villa Stein-de-Monzie -- Maison Cook -- Maison Guiette : Inside the photograph: matter or reality? / Ihsan Bilgin -- Houses of the Weissenhofsiedlung -- Centrosoyuz : Melancholy in Moscow's streets / Jean-Louis Cohen -- Villa Savoye et Loge du Jardinier : Five points in miniature / Pedro Bandeira -- Armée du Salut, Cité de refuge -- Pavilion Suisse : Courage / Kengo Kuma -- Immeuble Clarté -- Immeuble Molitor, Appartement de Le Corbusier -- Unité d'Habitation, Marseille -- Usine Duval -- Maison Curutcher -- Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut : Irreligious Ronchamp / Uğur Tanyeli -- The Monument of the Open Hand -- Mill Owners' Association -- Maison Jaoul -- Sanskar Kendra City Museum -- Le Cabanon ; Villa Sarabhai -- Villa Shodhan : When Corbu met Cemal / Mehmet Kütükçüoğlu -- Unité d'Habitation, Rezé -- Museum and art gallery : Memory of the museum of unlimited growth / Jacques Sbriglio -- Palace of Justice : A roof for all / Zekiye Abalı -- Architecture museum : Replicating huts and trees / Namık Erkal -- Maison du Brésil -- Couvent Sainte-Marie de La Tourette : Architecture as an artistic whole / Doğan Kuban -- Maison de la culture -- Palace of ministries -- Yacht club -- National Museum of Western Art : How to photograph the ineffable / Daniel Naegele -- Palace of assembly : A-morph / Günkut Akın -- Unité d'Habitation, Briey-en-Forêt -- The tower of shadows : The "temple" of shadows / Reha Günay -- The geometric hill -- The monument to the martyr -- Unité d'Habitation, Berlin -- College of art -- College of architecture -- Unité d'Habitation, Firminy -- Église Saint-Pierre : Building images / Tülay Atak -- Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts -- Le Corbusier Centre -- Stadium.

"This visual tour of every one of Le Corbusier's buildings across the world represents the most comprehensive photographic archive of the architect's work. In 2010, photographer Cemal Emden set out to document every building designed by the master architect Le Corbusier. Traveling through three continents, Emden photographed all the 52 buildings that remain standing. Each of these buildings is featured in the book and captured from multiple angles, with images revealing their exterior and interior details. Interspersed throughout the book are texts by leading architects and scholars, whose commentaries are as fascinating and varied as the buildings themselves. The book closes with an illustrated, annotated index. From the early Villa Vallet, built in Switzerland in 1905, to his groundbreaking Unité d'Habitation in Marseille, completed in 1947, this ambitious project presents the entirety and diversity of Le Corbusier's architectural output. Visually arresting and endlessly engaging, it will appeal to the architect's many fans, as well as anyone interested in the foundation of modern architecture."-- Provided by publisher.




Le Corbusier, 1887-1965 Pictorial works.
Le Corbusier, 1887-1965 Catalogs.
Le Corbusier,
Le Corbusier, 1887-1965
Architecture, Modern 20th century Pictorial works.
Architecture 20e siècle Ouvrages illustrés.
ARCHITECTURE Individual Architect.
Architectural photography.
Architecture, Modern Pictorial works. 20th century.
Architecture Individual Architect.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture and Planning.


Catalogues raisonnés.
Illustrated works
Livres de photographies.

Added entries:

Emden, Cemal, photographer.
Kütükçüoğlu, Burcu, editor.
Akşehirlioğlu, Nafiz, translator.
Holbrook, Victoria Rowe, 1952- translator.
Le Corbusier, 1887-1965. Works. Selections.


Location: Library main 298573
Call No.: BIB 244720
Status: Available


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