This sketchbook includes sketches for the Santa Maria church and parish centre in Marco de Canavezes, the Chapel of the Casa Manuel Silva in Quinta de Santo Ovidio, Lousada, as well as for Bonjour Tristesse in Berlin, Germany. It also contains sketches of a man on a horse, notes from a meeting with the Gabinete do Chiado (14/05/1999) and notes from a speech at the Universidade Lusíada.
May 1999
Sketchbook 462: Evora - Igreja Lousada - Felgueiras
This sketchbook includes sketches for the Santa Maria church and parish centre in Marco de Canavezes, the Chapel of the Casa Manuel Silva in Quinta de Santo Ovidio, Lousada, as well as for Bonjour Tristesse in Berlin, Germany. It also contains sketches of a man on a horse, notes from a meeting with the Gabinete do Chiado (14/05/1999) and notes from a speech at the Universidade Lusíada.