The lichen museum
(available in store)
This publication explores how the physiological characteristics of lichens provide a valuable template for reimagining human relations in an age of ecological and social precarity. Using this tiny organism as an emblem through which to navigate environmental and social concerns, Palmer implores us to envision alternative ways of living based on interdependence rather than(...)
The lichen museum
(available in store)
This publication explores how the physiological characteristics of lichens provide a valuable template for reimagining human relations in an age of ecological and social precarity. Using this tiny organism as an emblem through which to navigate environmental and social concerns, Palmer implores us to envision alternative ways of living based on interdependence rather than individualism and competition.
Environment and environmental theory
(available to order)
In The Aura of a Hole explores the work of A Laurie Palmer an ar tist, writer, and teacher. Her work is concerned, most immediately, with resistance to privatisation, and more generally, with theoretical and material explorations of matter's active nature as it asserts itself on different scales and at different speeds. Her work takes various forms - as sculpture,(...)
In the aura of a hole : exploring sites of material extraction
(available to order)
In The Aura of a Hole explores the work of A Laurie Palmer an ar tist, writer, and teacher. Her work is concerned, most immediately, with resistance to privatisation, and more generally, with theoretical and material explorations of matter's active nature as it asserts itself on different scales and at different speeds. Her work takes various forms - as sculpture, installation, public projects, and writing. This publication focuses specifically on a decade-long project Palmer undertook - an extended exploration of mineral extraction sites in the US. Through her narration, the project discusses themes of the raw scientific and mechanical aspects of the industry, alongside environmental justice, First Nation rights, industrial agriculture, chemical weapons, low temperature physics, the Cold War, the Iraq War, biotechnology, bio geochronology, nanotechnology, Homeland Security, globalised trade, global warming and unemployment.
Architectural Theory