The printed and the built: architecture, print culture and public debate in the nineteenth century
(available to order)
This publication explores the intricate relationship between architecture and printed media in the fast-changing nineteenth century. Publication history is a rapidly expanding scholarly field which has profoundly influenced architectural history in recent years. Yet, while groundbreaking work has been done on architecture and printing in the Renaissance, the(...)
The printed and the built: architecture, print culture and public debate in the nineteenth century
(available to order)
This publication explores the intricate relationship between architecture and printed media in the fast-changing nineteenth century. Publication history is a rapidly expanding scholarly field which has profoundly influenced architectural history in recent years. Yet, while groundbreaking work has been done on architecture and printing in the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the twentieth century, the nineteenth century has received little attention. This is the omission that 'The Printed and the Built' seeks to address, thus filling a significant gap in the understanding of architecture's cultural history.
Architectural Theory