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Philosophe et théoricien du politique et de l'esthétique, Brian Massumi développe ici le concept d'une politique animale, c'est-à-dire d'une pensée de la politique à partir de l'animal. Abordant des questions comme le comportement animal ou les facultés propres de l'humain, il propose une approche du concept de nature redonnant de l'importance à des notions comme le jeu,(...)
Ce que les bêtes nous apprennent de la politique
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Philosophe et théoricien du politique et de l'esthétique, Brian Massumi développe ici le concept d'une politique animale, c'est-à-dire d'une pensée de la politique à partir de l'animal. Abordant des questions comme le comportement animal ou les facultés propres de l'humain, il propose une approche du concept de nature redonnant de l'importance à des notions comme le jeu, la sympathie ou la créativité.
Critical Theory
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Rational self-interest is often seen as being at the heart of liberal economic theory. In The Power at the End of the Economy Brian Massumi provides an alternative explanation, arguing that neoliberalism is grounded in complex interactions between the rational and the emotional. Offering a new theory of political economy that refuses the liberal prioritization of(...)
The power at the end of the economy
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Rational self-interest is often seen as being at the heart of liberal economic theory. In The Power at the End of the Economy Brian Massumi provides an alternative explanation, arguing that neoliberalism is grounded in complex interactions between the rational and the emotional. Offering a new theory of political economy that refuses the liberal prioritization of individual choice, Massumi emphasizes the means through which an individual’s affective tendencies resonate with those of others on infra-individual and transindividual levels. This nonconscious dimension of social and political events plays out in ways that defy the traditional equation between affect and the irrational. Massumi uses the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement as examples to show how transformative action that exceeds self-interest takes place. Drawing from David Hume, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Niklas Luhmann and the field of nonconsciousness studies, Massumi urges a rethinking of the relationship between rational choice and affect, arguing for a reassessment of the role of sympathy in political and economic affairs.
Critical Theory
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La « recherche-création » monte en puissance en France. Erin Manning et Brian Massumi en sont parmi les plus radicaux théoriciens. Ils se demandent dans ce petit ouvrage quelle écologie de l'expérience mettre en place, entre recherche et création, pour nous aider à penser ensemble et à mettre la pensée en acte. En guise de réponses, ils tirent de leurs expériences vingt(...)
Pensée en acte : vingt propositions pour la recherche-création
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La « recherche-création » monte en puissance en France. Erin Manning et Brian Massumi en sont parmi les plus radicaux théoriciens. Ils se demandent dans ce petit ouvrage quelle écologie de l'expérience mettre en place, entre recherche et création, pour nous aider à penser ensemble et à mettre la pensée en acte. En guise de réponses, ils tirent de leurs expériences vingt propositions décoiffantes et enjouées, qui donnent des envies plutôt que des leçons. Ils sèment ainsi des graines d'événements éminemment politiques, dont notre avenir a bien besoin.
Art Theory
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Bringing the creative process of three contemporary artists into conversation, ''Architectures of the Unforeseen'' stages an encounter between philosophy and art and design. Its prose invites the reader to think along with Brian Massumi as he thoroughly embodies the work of these artists, walking the line that separates theory from art and providing equally nurturing(...)
Architectures of the unforeseen: essays in the occurrent arts
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Bringing the creative process of three contemporary artists into conversation, ''Architectures of the Unforeseen'' stages an encounter between philosophy and art and design. Its prose invites the reader to think along with Brian Massumi as he thoroughly embodies the work of these artists, walking the line that separates theory from art and providing equally nurturing sustenance for practicing artists and working philosophers. Based on Massumi’s lengthy relationships with digital architect Greg Lynn, interactive media artist Rafael-Lozano Hemmer, and mixed-media installation creator Simryn Gill, ''Architectures of the Unforeseen' delves into their processes of creating art. The book’s primary interest is in what motivates each artist’s practice and in how their pieces work to give off their unique effects.
Art Theory
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In ''Couplets,'' Brian Massumi presents twenty-four essays that represent the full spectrum of his work during the past thirty years. Conceived as a companion volume to ''Parables for the virtual,'' ''Couplets'' addresses the key concepts of ''Parables'' from different angles and contextualizes them, allowing their stakes to be more fully felt. Rather than organizing the(...)
Couplets: travels in speculative pragmatism
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In ''Couplets,'' Brian Massumi presents twenty-four essays that represent the full spectrum of his work during the past thirty years. Conceived as a companion volume to ''Parables for the virtual,'' ''Couplets'' addresses the key concepts of ''Parables'' from different angles and contextualizes them, allowing their stakes to be more fully felt. Rather than organizing the essays chronologically or by topic, Massumi pairs them into couplets to encourage readers to make connections across conventional subject matter categories, to encounter disjunctions, and to link different phases in the evolution of his work. In his analyses of topics ranging from art, affect, and architecture to media theory, political theory, and the philosophy of experience, Massumi charts a field on which a family of conceptual problems plays out in ways that bear on the potentials for acting and perceiving the world. As an essential guide to Massumi's oeuvre, ''Couplets'' is both a primer for his new readers and a supplemental resource for those already engaged with his thought.
Critical Theory
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Events are always passing; to experience an event is to experience the passing. But how do we perceive an experience that encompasses the just-was and the is-about-to-be as much as what is actually present? In Semblance and Event, Brian Massumi, drawing on the work of William James, Alfred North Whitehead, Gilles Deleuze, and others, develops the concept of "semblance" as(...)
Semblance and event : activist philosophy and the occurrent arts
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Events are always passing; to experience an event is to experience the passing. But how do we perceive an experience that encompasses the just-was and the is-about-to-be as much as what is actually present? In Semblance and Event, Brian Massumi, drawing on the work of William James, Alfred North Whitehead, Gilles Deleuze, and others, develops the concept of "semblance" as a way to approach this question. It is, he argues, a question of abstraction, not as the opposite of the concrete but as a dimension of it: "lived abstraction." A semblance is a lived abstraction. Massumi uses the category of the semblance to investigate practices of art that are relational and event-oriented - variously known as interactive art, ephemeral art, performance art, art intervention - which he refers to collectively as the "occurrent arts."
Critical Theory
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Since its publication twenty years ago, Brian Massumi's pioneering ''Parables for the virtual'' has become an essential text for interdisciplinary scholars across the humanities. Massumi views the body and media such as television, film, and the internet as cultural formations that operate on multiple registers of sensation. Renewing and assessing William James's radical(...)
Parables for the virtual: movement, affect, sensation
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Since its publication twenty years ago, Brian Massumi's pioneering ''Parables for the virtual'' has become an essential text for interdisciplinary scholars across the humanities. Massumi views the body and media such as television, film, and the internet as cultural formations that operate on multiple registers of sensation. Renewing and assessing William James's radical empiricism and Henri Bergson's philosophy of perception through the filter of the postwar French philosophy of Deleuze, Guattari, and Foucault, Massumi links a cultural logic of variation to questions of movement, affect, and sensation. Replacing the traditional opposition of literal and figural with distinctions between stasis and motion and between actual and virtual, Massumi tackles related theoretical issues by applying them to cultural mediums as diverse as architecture, body art, the digital art of Stelarc, and Ronald Reagan's acting career. The result is an intriguing combination of cultural theory, science, and philosophy that asserts itself in a crystalline and multifaceted argument. This twentieth anniversary edition includes a new preface in which Massumi situates the book in relation to developments since its publication and outlines the evolution of its main concepts. It also includes two short texts, "Keywords for Affect" and "Missed Conceptions about Affect," in which Massumi explicates his approach to affect in ways that emphasize the book's political and philosophical stakes.
Critical Theory
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L’orthodoxie économiste s’obstine à imposer le modèle d’un individu décideur rationnel, qui maximise ses revenus à force de calculs régis par le souci de son intérêt bien entendu. Opérant un changement d’échelle radical, « L’économie contre elle-même » soutient plutôt que le néolibéralisme se fonde aux niveaux infra- et trans-individuel, sur une interaction complexe entre(...)
L'économie contre elle-même : vers un art anti-capitaliste de l'événement
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L’orthodoxie économiste s’obstine à imposer le modèle d’un individu décideur rationnel, qui maximise ses revenus à force de calculs régis par le souci de son intérêt bien entendu. Opérant un changement d’échelle radical, « L’économie contre elle-même » soutient plutôt que le néolibéralisme se fonde aux niveaux infra- et trans-individuel, sur une interaction complexe entre rationnel et affectif. Brian Massumi insiste en effet sur la manière dont, en deçà du niveau individuel, les tendances et contre-tendances affectives d’un individu résonnent avec celles des autres pour amorcer et orienter l’action. Cette plongée vers l’infra-économie des affects entraîne une recomposition conceptuelle de toutes les dynamiques sociales : là se dessinent les mouvements des corps sensibles et se constitue la volonté, mais surtout, là se crée l’action de transformation sociale. Empruntant à Hume, Foucault, Deleuze, Spinoza et Luhmann, L’économie contre elle-même a l’ambition de déployer une nouvelle théorie de l’économie politique.
Art Theory
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In What Animals Teach Us about Politics, Brian Massumi takes up the question of "the animal." By treating the human as animal, he develops a concept of an animal politics. His is not a human politics of the animal, but an integrally animal politics, freed from connotations of the "primitive" state of nature and the accompanying presuppositions about instinct permeating(...)
What animals teach us about politics
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In What Animals Teach Us about Politics, Brian Massumi takes up the question of "the animal." By treating the human as animal, he develops a concept of an animal politics. His is not a human politics of the animal, but an integrally animal politics, freed from connotations of the "primitive" state of nature and the accompanying presuppositions about instinct permeating modern thought.
Critical Theory