Digital keywords
(available to order)
In the age of search, keywords increasingly organize research, teaching, and even thought itself. Inspired by Raymond Williams's 1976 classic 'Keywords', the timely collection 'Digital Keywords' gathers pointed, provocative short essays on more than two dozen keywords by leading and rising digital media scholars from the areas of anthropology, digital humanities, history,(...)
Digital keywords
(available to order)
In the age of search, keywords increasingly organize research, teaching, and even thought itself. Inspired by Raymond Williams's 1976 classic 'Keywords', the timely collection 'Digital Keywords' gathers pointed, provocative short essays on more than two dozen keywords by leading and rising digital media scholars from the areas of anthropology, digital humanities, history, political science, philosophy, religious studies, rhetoric, science and technology studies, and sociology. 'Digital Keywords' examines and critiques the rich lexicon animating the emerging field of digital studies.
Archive, library and the digital