Public space acupuncture
(available to order)
With more than half of humanity living in cities, public places have become important regulators of planetary cohabitation. But rapid and uncontrolled urbanization or the urban decay of cities in times of economic crisis can jeopardize crucial aspects of this cohabitation such as community feeling, public life or social cohesion. In this context, Public Space Acupuncture(...)
Public space acupuncture
(available to order)
With more than half of humanity living in cities, public places have become important regulators of planetary cohabitation. But rapid and uncontrolled urbanization or the urban decay of cities in times of economic crisis can jeopardize crucial aspects of this cohabitation such as community feeling, public life or social cohesion. In this context, Public Space Acupuncture has crystallized as a set of alternative urban strategies based on coordinated catalytic interventions with the aim of activating the use of public space and balancing or revitalizing urban life. The book analyzes the key factors in these innovative strategies, including citizen participation and short-term and flexible processes developed through a wide variety of temporary, low-cost, mutating, nomadic or artistic interventions.
Urban Theory