(available to order)
Dating back to Guy Debord and the Situationists of 1960s Paris, the discipline of psychogeography explores the 'effects of geographical environment... on the emotions and behaviour of individuals', according to Debord. Will Self, a long-distance walker, relates to place intimately, as pedrestians often do, and in this collection he aims to unravel how mdern life has(...)
Psychogeography: disentangling the modern conundrum of psyche and place
(available to order)
Dating back to Guy Debord and the Situationists of 1960s Paris, the discipline of psychogeography explores the 'effects of geographical environment... on the emotions and behaviour of individuals', according to Debord. Will Self, a long-distance walker, relates to place intimately, as pedrestians often do, and in this collection he aims to unravel how mdern life has warped this essential connection.
Architectural Theory