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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore.
Texte zur kunst 129: Trans perspectives
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore.
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore.
Texte zur kunst 130: Ohnmacht
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore.
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Art criticism has been said to be in crisis for decades – and one of its mainstays, the review, would seem to be in no better shape. The number of exhibition reviews in the pages of national daily papers has been in continuous decline, and the material conditions that make the articulation of well-founded criticism possible are deteriorating. Moreover, at least in the(...)
Texte zur Kunst 131 : Reviews
(available in store)
Art criticism has been said to be in crisis for decades – and one of its mainstays, the review, would seem to be in no better shape. The number of exhibition reviews in the pages of national daily papers has been in continuous decline, and the material conditions that make the articulation of well-founded criticism possible are deteriorating. Moreover, at least in the domain of visual art, critics seem to be losing the taste for judgment: more and more often, solidly reasoned objections have ceded ground to affirmative description. This issue of ''TEXTE ZUR KUNST'' responds to the situation by making the case for the review and shedding light on its shifting circumstances
Texte zur kunst 132 : lust
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Traditionally, art scholarship and aesthetic theory have taken a chaste stance toward physical pleasure. Carnal, bodily experiences of pleasure are often associated with a loss of critical thinking; they appear as a base impulse that is said to possess no political agency. Contrary to such dismissal, this issue seeks to tease out the critical potential of pleasure(...)
Texte zur kunst 132 : lust
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Traditionally, art scholarship and aesthetic theory have taken a chaste stance toward physical pleasure. Carnal, bodily experiences of pleasure are often associated with a loss of critical thinking; they appear as a base impulse that is said to possess no political agency. Contrary to such dismissal, this issue seeks to tease out the critical potential of pleasure precisely in its very carnality and immediacy. Although pleasure is typically felt to be a deeply personal and inward experience, it is fundamentally premised on our being-affected and thus points up the relationality and incompleteness of our bodies. This suggests a capacity to arouse unforeseen connections in the social sphere that owe their existence not to the quest for some sort of “inner truths” but to the momentary intensification of bodily sensations.
Texte zur kunst 133
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore.
Texte zur kunst 133
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore.
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New issue now available at the bookstore!
Texte zur kunst #134 : Sculpture
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New issue now available at the bookstore!
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In the spheres of culture, journalism, and politics, urgent desires for better understanding are often met with offers of dialogue. But as Western societies have become increasingly polarized, such reciprocal engagement has lost some of its constructive potential. This is why ''TEXTE ZUR KUNST'' has dedicated its new issue, “Lecture,” to an investigation of the(...)
Texte zur kunst #136: Lecture
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In the spheres of culture, journalism, and politics, urgent desires for better understanding are often met with offers of dialogue. But as Western societies have become increasingly polarized, such reciprocal engagement has lost some of its constructive potential. This is why ''TEXTE ZUR KUNST'' has dedicated its new issue, “Lecture,” to an investigation of the possibilities that the monological format opens up. The contributions to the issue demonstrate how the lecture’s inherently authoritarian interpellation can be repurposed for a critique of power and for subversive ends, highlighting, in particular, the lecture performance as a potent intervention into established hierarchies and regimes of knowledge. In a practical extension of these discussions, six artists and scholars reflect on the approaches, structures, rhetorics, and methodologies of their presentations in video lectures produced for the issue.
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Our 100th issue is dedicated to the question of the “canon.” We take up this theme with an interest in reflecting on the journal’s own role in the field of contemporary art — one that, when first initiated in 1990, was markedly counter-canonical, vigorously contesting certain methods of critique while supporting others. And yet, we pause here to acknowledge that after 25(...)
Texte zur Kunst 100: the canon
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Our 100th issue is dedicated to the question of the “canon.” We take up this theme with an interest in reflecting on the journal’s own role in the field of contemporary art — one that, when first initiated in 1990, was markedly counter-canonical, vigorously contesting certain methods of critique while supporting others. And yet, we pause here to acknowledge that after 25 years, we have also doubtlessly played a crucial part in shaping a particular discourse, even normativizing it to some degree. Could it even be said that TzK has established a canon in its own right? With this issue, we now take stock of what TzK’s relationship to the canon might be, and moreover, what the notion of canonicity in 2015 might now represent.
Texte zur kunst 121 : comedy
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The March issue of Texte zur Kunst, titled ''Comedy,'' investigates the comedic in art while also examining mass-media formats such as TV series and films. Comedy not only offers consolation and comfort by making the tragic seem comic; for the repressed, it also serves as a catalyst, addressing and thematizing repression through jokes, slapstick, or the grotesque.(...)
Texte zur kunst 121 : comedy
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The March issue of Texte zur Kunst, titled ''Comedy,'' investigates the comedic in art while also examining mass-media formats such as TV series and films. Comedy not only offers consolation and comfort by making the tragic seem comic; for the repressed, it also serves as a catalyst, addressing and thematizing repression through jokes, slapstick, or the grotesque. However, at a time when audiences increasingly demand political commitment and authenticity from art, comedic speech, which is inherently disingenuous, has fallen into disrepute: ironically distanced rhetoric is accused of turning a blind eye to social inequality. Together with Bert Rebhandl, author and co-publisher of the film magazine cargo, the editors conceptualized an issue that examines the role of the joke in art, the psychoanalytic dimension of the comedic, and the limits of satire in the age of Donald Trump.
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore.
Texte zur kunst 122 : figuration
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore.