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The latest issue is now in store!
Texte zur Kunst 111 : Amerika
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The latest issue is now in store!
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Texte zur Kunst : the sea
Texte zur Kunst 114 : the sea
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Texte zur Kunst : the sea
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore! In the current issue of Texte zur Kunst, ''Literature,'' the authors explore the emergence of the genre ''autofiction'': a field in literature that has taken up space between the formally distinct categories of fiction and autobiography.
Texte Zur Kunst 115 : literature
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore! In the current issue of Texte zur Kunst, ''Literature,'' the authors explore the emergence of the genre ''autofiction'': a field in literature that has taken up space between the formally distinct categories of fiction and autobiography.
(available in store)
The latest issue is now available at the bookstore!
Texte zur Kunst 112 : noise/silence
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore!
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore!
Texte zur Kunst 113 : discrimination
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The latest issue is now available at the bookstore!
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Issue 101 of Texte zur Kunst takes “Polarities” as its theme—a term that in the first degree we associate with what’s unfolding around us right now: ideological polarization, from Pegida to Donald Trump. In turn, this issue looks to the macro conditions in which art critical and art historical discourses are currently being formed, and within which they will need to(...)
Texte zur Kunst 101: Polarities
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Issue 101 of Texte zur Kunst takes “Polarities” as its theme—a term that in the first degree we associate with what’s unfolding around us right now: ideological polarization, from Pegida to Donald Trump. In turn, this issue looks to the macro conditions in which art critical and art historical discourses are currently being formed, and within which they will need to position themselves. What’s particularly striking, we argue, is that this trend toward polarization is happening despite the popular tendency, in recent decades, to speak of increased unification. How, then, can such polarization be reconciled with the dominant, and inherently continuous, neoliberal system—one characterized by the global economy’s promise of inclusiveness; utopian visions of peace (if not survival) via the “singularity” of screen, mind, and body; and a European Union as project of post-Soviet unification, striving to push all conflict to its periphery? What do we make of this growing difference between the ideals of technological/smooth space (where the art world often resides, swiftly neutralizing any resistance as “content”) and the broadening expanses of material unrest? Could the image of polarization be something not to avoid but to engage, at least as a potentially generative model, for understanding true opposition within a continuous system—for times that are anything but free from ideological division?
Texte zur Kunst 102: Fashion
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Art and fashion have always been interrelated. And it’s due to fashion’s ability to quickly capture social shifts that the art world has repeatedly turned to it. But as Texte zur Kunst No. 102 proposes, it is fashion’s protagonists, recently, that have been markedly drawing on art conceptual practices (e.g., parasitism, collective authorship, détournement, and forms of(...)
Texte zur Kunst 102: Fashion
(available in store)
Art and fashion have always been interrelated. And it’s due to fashion’s ability to quickly capture social shifts that the art world has repeatedly turned to it. But as Texte zur Kunst No. 102 proposes, it is fashion’s protagonists, recently, that have been markedly drawing on art conceptual practices (e.g., parasitism, collective authorship, détournement, and forms of institutional critique) as they push back against the pressures of a hyper-accelerated fashion market. In this issue, TzK examines, also, how the industry’s current volume is a product of its late-'00s promise of online democratization; the changing function of such long-held value designations as “luxury,” “discount,” and “underground,” and the role of “real”-er bodies in a climate wherein models are preferably “nodels” or “othered” bodies, hyper-individualised to stand out in the stream.
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Our 100th issue is dedicated to the question of the “canon.” We take up this theme with an interest in reflecting on the journal’s own role in the field of contemporary art — one that, when first initiated in 1990, was markedly counter-canonical, vigorously contesting certain methods of critique while supporting others. And yet, we pause here to acknowledge that after 25(...)
Texte zur Kunst 100: the canon
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Our 100th issue is dedicated to the question of the “canon.” We take up this theme with an interest in reflecting on the journal’s own role in the field of contemporary art — one that, when first initiated in 1990, was markedly counter-canonical, vigorously contesting certain methods of critique while supporting others. And yet, we pause here to acknowledge that after 25 years, we have also doubtlessly played a crucial part in shaping a particular discourse, even normativizing it to some degree. Could it even be said that TzK has established a canon in its own right? With this issue, we now take stock of what TzK’s relationship to the canon might be, and moreover, what the notion of canonicity in 2015 might now represent.
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Issue 85 of Texte zur Kunst is dedicated to art historiography. This is now the third time that we seek to shed light on the methods and principles of this humane discipline, the discourses of which form the crucial foundation of our magazine. While the 1994 issue under the heading “Art History Under Construction” put the import of theories from the Anglo-American(...)
Texte zur Kunst 85: Art History revisited
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Issue 85 of Texte zur Kunst is dedicated to art historiography. This is now the third time that we seek to shed light on the methods and principles of this humane discipline, the discourses of which form the crucial foundation of our magazine. While the 1994 issue under the heading “Art History Under Construction” put the import of theories from the Anglo-American countries to Germany up for debate, an issue from 2006 was concerned with reflecting on the state of affairs of a discipline that at the time was extremely influenced by visual studies and an increasing enthusiasm for “contemporary art”. The current issue, in contrast, focuses on the norms to which historiography is subjected and the effects produced by its view to the past. In seven essays, common art-historical paradigms are called into question and examined a new perspective. Established academic notions are revised on the one hand; while selected themes are taken up to elucidate the principles of knowledge and theory production on the other.
journals and magazines
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Current issue
Texte zur Kunst 86 : June 2012
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Current issue
journals and magazines
June 2012