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Having set global warming in irreversible motion, we are facing the possibility of ecological catastrophe. But the environmental emergency is also a crisis for our philosophical habits of thought, confronting us with a problem that seems to defy not only our control but also our understanding. Global warming is perhaps the most dramatic example of what Timothy Morton(...)
Hyperobjects: philosophy and ecology after the end of the world
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Having set global warming in irreversible motion, we are facing the possibility of ecological catastrophe. But the environmental emergency is also a crisis for our philosophical habits of thought, confronting us with a problem that seems to defy not only our control but also our understanding. Global warming is perhaps the most dramatic example of what Timothy Morton calls hyperobjects entities of such vast temporal and spatial dimensions that they defeat traditional ideas about what a thing is in the first place. In this book, Morton explains what hyperobjects are and their impact on how we think, how we coexist with one another and with nonhumans, and how we experience our politics, ethics, and art.
Critical Theory
Being ecological
(available to order)
Don't care about ecology? This book is for you. Timothy Morton, who has been called 'Our most popular guide to the new epoch' (Guardian), sets out to show us that whether we know it or not, we already have the capacity and the will to change the way we understand the place of humans in the world, and our very understanding of the term 'ecology'. A cross-disciplinarian who(...)
Being ecological
(available to order)
Don't care about ecology? This book is for you. Timothy Morton, who has been called 'Our most popular guide to the new epoch' (Guardian), sets out to show us that whether we know it or not, we already have the capacity and the will to change the way we understand the place of humans in the world, and our very understanding of the term 'ecology'. A cross-disciplinarian who has collaborated with everyone from Bjoerk to Hans Ulrich Obrist, Morton is also a member of the object-oriented philosophy movement, a group of forward-looking thinkers who are grappling with modern-day notions of subjectivity and objectivity, while also offering fascinating new understandings of Heidegger and Kant. Calling the volume a book containing 'no ecological facts', Morton confronts the 'information dump' fatigue of the digital age, and offers an invigorated approach to creating a liveable future.
Environment and environmental theory
(available to order)
The logistics of agricultural society resulted in global warming and hardwired dangerous ideas about life-forms into the human mind. Dark ecology puts us in an uncanny position of radical self-knowledge, illuminating our place in the biosphere and our belonging to a species in a sense that is far less obvious than we like to think. Morton explores the logical foundations(...)
Dark ecology : for a logic of future coexistence
(available to order)
The logistics of agricultural society resulted in global warming and hardwired dangerous ideas about life-forms into the human mind. Dark ecology puts us in an uncanny position of radical self-knowledge, illuminating our place in the biosphere and our belonging to a species in a sense that is far less obvious than we like to think. Morton explores the logical foundations of the ecological crisis, which is suffused with the melancholy and negativity of coexistence yet evolving, as we explore its loop form, into something playful, anarchic, and comedic. His work is a skilled fusion of humanities and scientific scholarship, incorporating the theories and findings of philosophy, anthropology, literature, ecology, biology, and physics. Morton hopes to reestablish our ties to nonhuman beings and to help us rediscover the playfulness and joy that can brighten the dark, strange loop we traverse.
Environment and environmental theory
Ëtre écologique
(available in store)
Le réchauffement climatique a déclenché la sixième extinction de masse, nous sommes dans l'ère de l'Anthropocène. Mais contempler la catastrophe ou chercher le coupable n'aident ni à prendre les bonnes décisions, ni à agir vraiment. Face à une avalanche de faits et de données toujours plus alarmants, n'est-il pas temps de se réaccorder à notre environnement ? En recourant(...)
Ëtre écologique
(available in store)
Le réchauffement climatique a déclenché la sixième extinction de masse, nous sommes dans l'ère de l'Anthropocène. Mais contempler la catastrophe ou chercher le coupable n'aident ni à prendre les bonnes décisions, ni à agir vraiment. Face à une avalanche de faits et de données toujours plus alarmants, n'est-il pas temps de se réaccorder à notre environnement ? En recourant à des outils et des concepts comme l'intuition, l'art, l'empathie, l'interconnectivité, ou notre héritage néandertalien, Timothy Morton nous montre comment se remettre au diapason : à notre échelle, mais aussi à celles des bactéries, de la baleine à bosse, des écosystèmes, ou de la planète.
Environment and environmental theory
La pensée écologique
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Un essai consacré à la nécessité d'une pensée radicale et écologique pour faire face aux défis de l'anthropocène. Le réchauffement climatique a déclenché la sixième extinction de masse. Mais nous manquons d'outils pour penser cette ère de l'Anthropocène. Avec intelligence et humour, Timothy Morton nous libère des discours bien-pensants, tous ces petits pas pour un monde(...)
La pensée écologique
(available to order)
Un essai consacré à la nécessité d'une pensée radicale et écologique pour faire face aux défis de l'anthropocène. Le réchauffement climatique a déclenché la sixième extinction de masse. Mais nous manquons d'outils pour penser cette ère de l'Anthropocène. Avec intelligence et humour, Timothy Morton nous libère des discours bien-pensants, tous ces petits pas pour un monde plus "vert" qui servent trop souvent à soulager les consciences et verdir les programmes électoraux. Avec cette publication, nous apprenons à penser différemment : nous affranchir du concept de Nature, penser grand (global plutôt que local), prendre conscience de l'étrange étrangeté du monde et des liens de tout avec tout.
Environment and environmental theory