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Digital and social media have transformed how much and how fast we communicate, but they have also altered the palette of expressive strategies: the cultural forms that shape how citizens, activists, and artists speak and interact. Most familiar among these strategies are storytelling and representation. In A Theory of Assembly, Kyle Parry argues that one of the most(...)
A theory of assembly: From museums to memes
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Digital and social media have transformed how much and how fast we communicate, but they have also altered the palette of expressive strategies: the cultural forms that shape how citizens, activists, and artists speak and interact. Most familiar among these strategies are storytelling and representation. In A Theory of Assembly, Kyle Parry argues that one of the most powerful and pervasive cultural forms in the digital era is assembly. Whether as subtle photographic sequences, satirical Venn diagrams, or networked archives, projects based in assembly do not so much narrate or represent the world as rearrange it. This work of rearranging can take place at any scale, from a simple pairing of images, undertaken by one person, to the entire history of internet memes, undertaken by millions. With examples ranging from GIFs and paintings to museum exhibitions and social movement hashtags, Parry shows how, in the internet age, assembly has come to equal narrative and representation in its reach and influence, particularly as a response to ecological and social violence. He also emphasizes the ambivalence of assembly—the way it can be both emancipatory and antidemocratic.
Archive, library and the digital
The smartness mandate
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In this book, the authors suggest that "smartness" is not primarily a technology, but rather an epistemology. Through this lens, they offer a critical exploration of the practices, technologies, and subjects that such an understanding relies upon—above all, artificial intelligence and machine learning. They approach these not simply as techniques for solving problems of(...)
Archive, library and the digital
December 2022
The smartness mandate
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In this book, the authors suggest that "smartness" is not primarily a technology, but rather an epistemology. Through this lens, they offer a critical exploration of the practices, technologies, and subjects that such an understanding relies upon—above all, artificial intelligence and machine learning. They approach these not simply as techniques for solving problems of calculations, but rather as modes of managing life (human and other) in terms of neo-Darwinian evolution, distributed intelligences, and "resilience," all of which have serious implications for society, politics, and the environment.
Archive, library and the digital
Digital cultures
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Writing accessibly about the underlying technology, Doueihi explores the multidimensional question of what it means to participate in online culture—from literacy and citizenship to texts, archiving, and storage. By bringing together topics explored separately elsewhere—such as copyright, digital subjectivity, and social networks—Digital Cultures offers a comprehensive(...)
Digital cultures
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Writing accessibly about the underlying technology, Doueihi explores the multidimensional question of what it means to participate in online culture—from literacy and citizenship to texts, archiving, and storage. By bringing together topics explored separately elsewhere—such as copyright, digital subjectivity, and social networks—Digital Cultures offers a comprehensive view of the emerging digital space.
Archive, library and the digital
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Todd Presner, David Shepard, and Yoh Kawano put digital humanities theory into practice to chart the proliferating cultural records of places around the world. A digital platform transmogrified into a book, it explains the ambitious online project of the same name that maps the historical layers of city spaces in an interactive, hypermedia environment. The authors examine(...)
Archive, library and the digital
June 2014
Hypercities: thick mapping in the digital humanities
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Todd Presner, David Shepard, and Yoh Kawano put digital humanities theory into practice to chart the proliferating cultural records of places around the world. A digital platform transmogrified into a book, it explains the ambitious online project of the same name that maps the historical layers of city spaces in an interactive, hypermedia environment. The authors examine the media archaeology of Google Earth and the cultural–historical meaning of map projections, and explore recent events—the “Arab Spring” and the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster—through social media mapping that incorporates data visualizations, photographic documents, and Twitter streams.
Archive, library and the digital
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Ce livre propose des éclairages précis sur la façon dont une technologie, essentiellement collective, modifie radicalement la vie de chacun, le lien social même, mobilisant nos repères les plus tangibles : écriture et lecture, identité, présence, propriété, archive et mémoire. Ni utopie ni fausse prophétie, le numérique est la vulgate moderne. Avec ses faiblesses, ses(...)
La grande conversion numérique
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Ce livre propose des éclairages précis sur la façon dont une technologie, essentiellement collective, modifie radicalement la vie de chacun, le lien social même, mobilisant nos repères les plus tangibles : écriture et lecture, identité, présence, propriété, archive et mémoire. Ni utopie ni fausse prophétie, le numérique est la vulgate moderne. Avec ses faiblesses, ses aveuglements, ses richesses et ses promesses, le numérique est une culture pour tous.
Archive, library and the digital
(available in store)
L’apparition du numérique a entraîné ces dernières années une transformation profonde des modèles de production et de circulation des livres, qui ont peu changé depuis le XVIIIe siècle. Le web, en particulier, a provoqué une remise en question du sens même du partage des connaissances : d’une économie de la rareté, nous sommes passés à la surabondance. Auparavant, une(...)
Archive, library and the digital
November 2014
Pratique de l'édition numérique
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L’apparition du numérique a entraîné ces dernières années une transformation profonde des modèles de production et de circulation des livres, qui ont peu changé depuis le XVIIIe siècle. Le web, en particulier, a provoqué une remise en question du sens même du partage des connaissances : d’une économie de la rareté, nous sommes passés à la surabondance. Auparavant, une poignée d’institutions centralisatrices, privées et publiques, étaient garantes du choix, de l’évaluation et de la distribution des contenus ; aujourd’hui, il n’y a plus de systèmes de légitimation, ou alors ils sont déstructurés. Après avoir fait le constat de la crise de ces modèles et de la difficulté d’en proposer de nouveaux, ce livre présente les enjeux et les défis complexes du nouveau monde de l’édition numérique.
Archive, library and the digital
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The applied research project from University of Arts and Design, Karlsruhe, and resulting publication, ''The Archive as a Productive Space of Conflict'' examines archival practice and its spatial repercussions in an open conversation among over 80 artists, architects, writers, theorists, educators, designers and others. What are the spaces involved in making archives(...)
Archive, library and the digital
March 2015
The archive as a productive space of conflict
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The applied research project from University of Arts and Design, Karlsruhe, and resulting publication, ''The Archive as a Productive Space of Conflict'' examines archival practice and its spatial repercussions in an open conversation among over 80 artists, architects, writers, theorists, educators, designers and others. What are the spaces involved in making archives productive? Conventional archives tend to define themselves through content-specific accumulation of matter, subscribing to an existing order.
Archive, library and the digital
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When we speak of clouds these days, it is as likely that we mean data clouds or network clouds as cumulus or stratus. In their sharing of the term, both kinds of clouds reveal an essential truth: that the natural world and the technological world are not so distinct. In The Marvelous Clouds, John Durham Peters argues that though we often think of media as environments,(...)
June 2015
The marvelous clouds: toward a philosophy of elemental media
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When we speak of clouds these days, it is as likely that we mean data clouds or network clouds as cumulus or stratus. In their sharing of the term, both kinds of clouds reveal an essential truth: that the natural world and the technological world are not so distinct. In The Marvelous Clouds, John Durham Peters argues that though we often think of media as environments, the reverse is also just as true - environments are media.
A prehistory of the cloud
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We may imagine the digital cloud as placeless, mute, ethereal, and unmediated. Yet the reality of the cloud is embodied in thousands of massive data centers, any one of which can use as much electricity as a midsized town. Even all these data centers are only one small part of the cloud. Behind that cloud-shaped icon on our screens is a whole universe of technologies and(...)
A prehistory of the cloud
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We may imagine the digital cloud as placeless, mute, ethereal, and unmediated. Yet the reality of the cloud is embodied in thousands of massive data centers, any one of which can use as much electricity as a midsized town. Even all these data centers are only one small part of the cloud. Behind that cloud-shaped icon on our screens is a whole universe of technologies and cultural norms, all working to keep us from noticing their existence. In this book, Tung-Hui Hu examines the gap between the real and the virtual in our understanding of the cloud.
Archive, library and the digital
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Gérard Berréby s'entretient avec Aurélie Noury sur ce qui constitue sa première expérience éditoriale, au tout début des années 1980. En décidant de réaliser sur sa seule initiative une édition pirate du livre d'Aragon – alors opposé à tout retirage –, Gérard Berréby soulève plusieurs questions liées à l'appropriation et à l'autoédition : la copie et le faux, la(...)
Documents relatifs à l'édition pirate du Traité du style de Louis Aragon par Gérard Berréby
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Gérard Berréby s'entretient avec Aurélie Noury sur ce qui constitue sa première expérience éditoriale, au tout début des années 1980. En décidant de réaliser sur sa seule initiative une édition pirate du livre d'Aragon – alors opposé à tout retirage –, Gérard Berréby soulève plusieurs questions liées à l'appropriation et à l'autoédition : la copie et le faux, la circulation des textes, le détournement, le droit d'auteur, l'édition comme geste politique, la prescription, etc. L'épisode, inédit dans l'histoire de l'édition généraliste, aura provoqué de nombreuses réactions dans le monde littéraire, jusqu'aux poursuites judiciaires engagées par Gallimard. À partir des témoignages et documents d'époque, analysés par Berréby et mis en perspective par Nathalie Leleu plus de 40 ans après, l'ouvrage retrace les circonstances d'un geste fondateur pour le futur directeur des éditions Allia.
Archive, library and the digital