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This publication showcases transformative solutions for food insecurity in the UAE over the past 50 years. From innovations in the private sector to public policy initiatives, these strategies aim to eliminate hunger by providing year-round access to nutritious food in a country whose natural landscape is unconducive to farming. The book is published on the occasion of(...)
On foraging: Food knowledge and environmental imaginaries in the UAE’s landscape
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This publication showcases transformative solutions for food insecurity in the UAE over the past 50 years. From innovations in the private sector to public policy initiatives, these strategies aim to eliminate hunger by providing year-round access to nutritious food in a country whose natural landscape is unconducive to farming. The book is published on the occasion of 'On Foraging: Food Knowledge and Environmental Imaginaries' in the UAE’s Landscape, an exhibition commissioned by Warehouse421 for the UAE Pavilion at Expo 2020, Dubai, UAE.
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Huit millions de personnes en France ne peuvent pas se nourrir comme elles le souhaiteraient, obligées pour certaines de recourir aux dons, contraintes pour d'autres de se rabattre sur des produits ''low cost''. A l'opposé de cette réalité, une offre alternative à celle de l'industrie agro-alimentaire, de meilleure qualité (bio, locale...), se développe depuis vingt ans,(...)
Quand bien manger devient un luxe : en finir avec la précarité alimentaire
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Huit millions de personnes en France ne peuvent pas se nourrir comme elles le souhaiteraient, obligées pour certaines de recourir aux dons, contraintes pour d'autres de se rabattre sur des produits ''low cost''. A l'opposé de cette réalité, une offre alternative à celle de l'industrie agro-alimentaire, de meilleure qualité (bio, locale...), se développe depuis vingt ans, mais n'est accessible qu'aux ménages ayant un certain revenu. Bien manger est devenu un luxe. Cette enquête décrypte les rouages d'un système et explore de nouveaux modèles pour l'alimentation de demain. Lutter contre la précarité alimentaire, c'est agir tout au long de la chaîne, du champ à l'assiette. C'est repenser la place que nous faisons à l'alimentation, dans nos vies et dans notre société.
This is not a food magazine
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A collection of essays and articles about culture and identity in Singapore through the lens of food. This compilation contains contents ranging from Zi Char menus, Home Economics curriculums, unassuming kitchen/cooking tools critical for making signature dishes, to contemplations on specific local food or recipes. There is also interesting relationships between its(...)
This is not a food magazine
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A collection of essays and articles about culture and identity in Singapore through the lens of food. This compilation contains contents ranging from Zi Char menus, Home Economics curriculums, unassuming kitchen/cooking tools critical for making signature dishes, to contemplations on specific local food or recipes. There is also interesting relationships between its contents and design with many insights that might remain unnoticed if not for the author’s versatile and broad range of interests and inquiry.
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The concept of the "harlequin" refers to the practice of reassembling dinner scraps cleared from the plates of the wealthy to sell, replated, to the poor in nineteenth-century Paris. In ''The Harlequin Eaters'', Janet Beizer investigates how the alimentary harlequin evolved in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries from the earlier, similarly patchworked Commedia(...)
The harlequin eaters: From food scaps to modernism in Nineteenth-century France
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The concept of the "harlequin" refers to the practice of reassembling dinner scraps cleared from the plates of the wealthy to sell, replated, to the poor in nineteenth-century Paris. In ''The Harlequin Eaters'', Janet Beizer investigates how the alimentary harlequin evolved in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries from the earlier, similarly patchworked Commedia dell’Arte Harlequin character and can be used to rethink the entangled place of class, race, and food in the longer history of modernism.
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Des légumes en hiver est un manuel pratique destiné aux jardiniers amateurs comme aux professionnels du maraichage. En vingt chapitres illustrés, Eliot Coleman, cultivateur américain et pionnier de l'agriculture biologique, dévoile les méthodes qu'il développe au coeur de son exploitation de petite surface, selon trois principes primordiaux : diminuer l'impact(...)
Des légumes en hiver : produire en abondance même sous la neige
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Des légumes en hiver est un manuel pratique destiné aux jardiniers amateurs comme aux professionnels du maraichage. En vingt chapitres illustrés, Eliot Coleman, cultivateur américain et pionnier de l'agriculture biologique, dévoile les méthodes qu'il développe au coeur de son exploitation de petite surface, selon trois principes primordiaux : diminuer l'impact environnemental, densifier les cultures et réduire le coût financier de son exploitation. Particulièrement connu pour ses techniques de culture hivernales et respectueuses de l'environnement, ce producteur explique comment parvenir à récolter des légumes variés et de qualité, quelle que soit la saison. Il défend l'utilité des serres mobiles et des tunnels, encore inexploités en France, l'une des clés du succès pour les récoltes de primeurs tout au long de l'année. Le lecteur apprend pas à pas à préparer un sol, puis à semer et à récolter à l'aide d'un équipement modeste et peu mécanisé évitant au maximum le recours aux énergies polluantes. Schémas et planning explicatifs jalonnent l'ouvrage afin d'aider chacun à cultiver des légumes, même lorsque les conditions climatiques ne s'y prêtent pas. Les conseils de l'auteur accompagnent les producteurs en herbe à chaque étape de leur apprentissage en leur permettant notamment de faire face aux questions et difficultés qu'ils peuvent rencontrer dans la mise en oeuvre de cultures saines ou encore en abordant la question des outils nécessaires à ce travail de la terre. Des légumes en hiver se présente comme un plaidoyer pour une relocalisation des productions agricoles.
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The heem parks (parks that predominately feature native wild plants) De Braak, the K. Landwehrpark and, especially, the Jac.P. Thijsse Park in Amstelveen in the Netherlands, have been important sources of inspiration for landscape architects, gardeners, and nature lovers throughout the world since they were first laid out over fifty years ago. This new book looks at the(...)
Jac. P. Thijsse Park : designed Dutch landscape
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The heem parks (parks that predominately feature native wild plants) De Braak, the K. Landwehrpark and, especially, the Jac.P. Thijsse Park in Amstelveen in the Netherlands, have been important sources of inspiration for landscape architects, gardeners, and nature lovers throughout the world since they were first laid out over fifty years ago. This new book looks at the extraordinary history of these parks and the work of the landscape architect Christiaan Broerse and his colleague, the botanist Koos Landwehr. It also details Broerse and Landwehr’s creative and highly original use of a great variety of native plants in these parks. Bekkers analyses the parks as integral elements of Amsterdam’s urban expansion plans and demonstrates how successfully Broerse and Landwehr resolved the tension between the conservation movement and city planners. He shows too how interest in the Amstelveen heem parks have grown over time. These parks have played a key role, for instance, in the increasing emphasis on the use of native plants in the layout of green areas. The book is richly illustrated, with specially commissioned full-colour photographs by Jan Derwig and aerial photographs by Jan Schot. Also included are historical illustrations and sketches.
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Digesting Recipes: The Art of Culinary Notation scrutinises the form of the recipe, using it as a means to explore a multitude of subjects in post-war Western art and culture, including industrial mass-production, consumerism, hidden labour, and art engaged with the everyday. Each chapter is presented as a dish in a nine-course meal, drawing on examples from published(...)
Digesting recipes: the art of culinary notation
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Digesting Recipes: The Art of Culinary Notation scrutinises the form of the recipe, using it as a means to explore a multitude of subjects in post-war Western art and culture, including industrial mass-production, consumerism, hidden labour, and art engaged with the everyday. Each chapter is presented as a dish in a nine-course meal, drawing on examples from published cookbooks and the work of artists such as Alison Knowles, Yoko Ono, Annette Messager, Martha Rosler, Barbara T. Smith, Bobby Baker and Mika Rottenberg. A recipe is an instruction, the imperative tone of the expert, but this constraint can offer its own kind of potential. A recipe need not be a domestic trap but might instead offer escape – something to fantasise about or aspire to. It can hold a promise of transformation both actual and metaphorical. It can be a proposal for action, or envision a possible future.
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"Empire shops" were first developed in London in the 1920s to teach the British to consume foodstuffs from the colonies and overseas territories. Although none of the stores ever opened, they were intended to make previously unfamiliar produce and products—sultanas from Australia, oranges from Palestine, cloves from Zanzibar, and rum from Jamaica—available in the British(...)
April 2018
Cooking Sections: The Empire Remains shop
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"Empire shops" were first developed in London in the 1920s to teach the British to consume foodstuffs from the colonies and overseas territories. Although none of the stores ever opened, they were intended to make previously unfamiliar produce and products—sultanas from Australia, oranges from Palestine, cloves from Zanzibar, and rum from Jamaica—available in the British Isles. "The Empire Remains Shop" speculates on the possibility and implications of selling back the remains of the British Empire in London today.
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El Internacional Tapas Bar & Restaurant was conceived as an artistic project carried out between 1984 and 1986 by artist Antoni Miralda (born 1942) and chef Montse Guillén (born 1946) in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City. One of the first restaurants to introduce Spanish tapas in the United States, El Internacional quickly became a cultural icon and a creative hub(...)
Miralda's El Internacional (1984-1986)
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El Internacional Tapas Bar & Restaurant was conceived as an artistic project carried out between 1984 and 1986 by artist Antoni Miralda (born 1942) and chef Montse Guillén (born 1946) in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City. One of the first restaurants to introduce Spanish tapas in the United States, El Internacional quickly became a cultural icon and a creative hub of New York’s downtown in the 1980s. It combined the social ritual of eating with installation and performance art, blurring the boundaries between food, art, design, architecture and mass media. Miralda’s El Internacional (1984–1986) documents the restaurant’s history through the memories of the people who contributed to it. Richly illustrated and featuring some of El Internacional’s most successful recipes, this volume tells the story of a crucial piece of urban history from a city not always able to protect its landmarks.
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''Raw Food : Recettes végétariennes pour une nouvelle cuisine nature'' propose 75 recettes saines et délicieuses ainsi que des activités à réaliser au rythme des saisons : cultiver des légumes dans de petits espaces, teindre des tissus avec des produits naturels ou encore confectionner de petits cadeaux faits maison. Les cinq chapitres (Petit déjeuner, En-cas, Déjeuner,(...)
Raw food : recettes végétariennes pour une nouvelle cuisine nature
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''Raw Food : Recettes végétariennes pour une nouvelle cuisine nature'' propose 75 recettes saines et délicieuses ainsi que des activités à réaliser au rythme des saisons : cultiver des légumes dans de petits espaces, teindre des tissus avec des produits naturels ou encore confectionner de petits cadeaux faits maison. Les cinq chapitres (Petit déjeuner, En-cas, Déjeuner, Dîner et Desserts) de ce livre invitent à découvrir de nouvelles saveurs grâce à des recettes originales : smoothie vert, houmous à la pistache et au chou kale, pizza au quinoa, poires au gingembre ou encore brownies aux haricots noirs.