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Digital Visual Culture presents the latest research into the relationship between theory and practice across digital media and technology in the visual arts and investigates the challenges of contemporary research and art curation, particularly in regard to new media artworks. The contributors to this volume discuss the impact of technological advances on visual art and(...)
Digital visual culture: theory and practice
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Digital Visual Culture presents the latest research into the relationship between theory and practice across digital media and technology in the visual arts and investigates the challenges of contemporary research and art curation, particularly in regard to new media artworks. The contributors to this volume discuss the impact of technological advances on visual art and the new art practices that are developing as a result.
Digital Architecture
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In this book, Branden Hookway considers the interface not as technology but as a form of relationship with technology. The interface, Hookway proposes, is at once ubiquitous and hidden from view. It is both the bottleneck through which our relationship to technology must pass and a productive encounter embedded within the use of technology. It is a site of contestation --(...)
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In this book, Branden Hookway considers the interface not as technology but as a form of relationship with technology. The interface, Hookway proposes, is at once ubiquitous and hidden from view. It is both the bottleneck through which our relationship to technology must pass and a productive encounter embedded within the use of technology. It is a site of contestation -- between human and machine, between the material and the social, between the political and the technological -- that both defines and elides differences.
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L'une des premières analyses à la fois historiques et théoriques de l'impact de l'avènement du numérique sur toutes formes de productions culturelles, Le langage des nouveaux médias constitue un ouvrage de référence sur le sujet. Fondateur de la discipline des software studies, Manovich y propose une analyse systématique et rigoureuse des mécanismes culturels engendrés(...)
Le langage des nouveaux médias
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L'une des premières analyses à la fois historiques et théoriques de l'impact de l'avènement du numérique sur toutes formes de productions culturelles, Le langage des nouveaux médias constitue un ouvrage de référence sur le sujet. Fondateur de la discipline des software studies, Manovich y propose une analyse systématique et rigoureuse des mécanismes culturels engendrés par la généralisation de l'informatique, au travers de l'étude de nombreuses œuvres d'art, des avant-gardes historiques aux productions les plus récentes faisant appel aux technologies numériques.
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La science fiction, dans sa version littéraire ou cinématographique, a depuis longtemps alimenté les visions technologiques en mettant en scène toutes sortes d'objets "futuristes". Voiture volantes, vaisseaux spatiaux, stations orbitales et autres robots humanoïdes ont ainsi formé l'ossature de bien des récits. Pour autant, ces artefacts emblématiques semblent absents de(...)
Futur? La panne des imaginaires technologiques
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La science fiction, dans sa version littéraire ou cinématographique, a depuis longtemps alimenté les visions technologiques en mettant en scène toutes sortes d'objets "futuristes". Voiture volantes, vaisseaux spatiaux, stations orbitales et autres robots humanoïdes ont ainsi formé l'ossature de bien des récits. Pour autant, ces artefacts emblématiques semblent absents de notre vie de tous les jours, comme si l'avenir décrit depuis une soixantaine d'années était sans cesse repoussé. Ce qui n'empêche pas certains de continuer à répéter ces mêmes mythes comme victimes d'une panne imaginaire. Doit-on se cantonner à ces visions du futur ? Des imaginaires alternatifs ne sont-ils pas en cours de construction ? Est-ce que cet avenir technologique n'est pas advenu autrement ? Cet ouvrage aborde ces différentes questions et montre comment d'autres champs que la science-fiction explorent des futurs possibles.
Digital Architecture
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Inside Smartgeometry can be seen as a retroactive manifesto for SG, examining and contextualising the work of the SG community : the digital spaces, prototypes and buildings designed using bespoke tools created in response to architectural ideas. From interactive crowd-sourcing tools to responsive agent-based systems to complex digitally fabricated structures, it explores(...)
March 2013
Inside smartgeometry : expanding the architectural possibilities of computational design
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Inside Smartgeometry can be seen as a retroactive manifesto for SG, examining and contextualising the work of the SG community : the digital spaces, prototypes and buildings designed using bespoke tools created in response to architectural ideas. From interactive crowd-sourcing tools to responsive agent-based systems to complex digitally fabricated structures, it explores more than a decade of advances that have been influential for architecture.
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This book offers a coherent, comprehensive approach to building dynamics, it draws together arguments previously only available in scattered form. Featuring the latest technologies and design approaches used in contemporary practice, the editors provide numerous examples of cutting-edge work from leading designers and engineering firms working today. An essential text(...)
Building dynamics: exploring architecture of change
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This book offers a coherent, comprehensive approach to building dynamics, it draws together arguments previously only available in scattered form. Featuring the latest technologies and design approaches used in contemporary practice, the editors provide numerous examples of cutting-edge work from leading designers and engineering firms working today. An essential text for students taking design studio classes or courses in theory or technology at any level, as well as professionals interested in the latest mechatronic technologies and design techniques.
Digital Architecture
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Digital currencies (cryptocurrencies) and digital property require large amounts of land, resources, and data centers and infrastructures to store these ''supplies''. There is a larger architectural and urban infrastructural challenge and urgency on how these various kinds of digital exchanges are mediated, to limit the detrimental use of our everyday resources. (...)
Digitalstructures: Data and urban strategies of the civic future
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Digital currencies (cryptocurrencies) and digital property require large amounts of land, resources, and data centers and infrastructures to store these ''supplies''. There is a larger architectural and urban infrastructural challenge and urgency on how these various kinds of digital exchanges are mediated, to limit the detrimental use of our everyday resources. Using a mixed-media approach, this book couples a novel exploration of XR (mixed-reality) and AR (augmented reality) into several parts of the book. To prolong the shelf-life of emergent data and case-studies on the topic, the book is complemented with an open-access digital platform for readers to access video interviews with the industry experts, diagrammatic mapping and graphical cartography, and 3D artifacts that shows how data interacts with phygital properties.
Digital Architecture
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Computer-aided design (CAD) technology has already changed the practice of architecture, and it has the potential to change it even more radically. With Architecture's New Media, Yehuda Kalay offers a comprehensive exposition of the principles, methods, and practices that underlie architectural computing. He discusses the aspects of information technology that are(...)
June 2004, Cambridge
Architecture's new media : principles, theories and methods of computer-aided design
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Computer-aided design (CAD) technology has already changed the practice of architecture, and it has the potential to change it even more radically. With Architecture's New Media, Yehuda Kalay offers a comprehensive exposition of the principles, methods, and practices that underlie architectural computing. He discusses the aspects of information technology that are pertinent to architectural design, analyzes the benefits and drawbacks of particular computational methods, and looks at the potential of emerging computational techniques to affect the future of architectural design.
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Robots build! At their Program in Architecture and Digital Production at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich), the architects Gramazio and Kohler have installed a research facility that is unique in the world. It is based on a computer-controlled industrial robot that produces construction elements(...)
Digital Architecture
September 2008, Baden
Digital materiality in architecture: Gramazio & Kohler
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Robots build! At their Program in Architecture and Digital Production at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich), the architects Gramazio and Kohler have installed a research facility that is unique in the world. It is based on a computer-controlled industrial robot that produces construction elements directly from design data. The robot works flexibly with a tremendous range of tools and materials.
Digital Architecture
(available in store)
Il est maintenant possible de contrôler la structure de la matière à des échelles de taille si petites que les systèmes obtenus révèlent des propriétés hors du commun s'apparentant de plus en plus au vivant auquel ils sont parfois même hybridés. Dans ce monde en continuelle mouvance révélé par cette matière émergente, nos repères vacillent et il nous faut repenser(...)
April 2016
L’image-matière: matériaux émergents et métamorphoses imaginaires
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Il est maintenant possible de contrôler la structure de la matière à des échelles de taille si petites que les systèmes obtenus révèlent des propriétés hors du commun s'apparentant de plus en plus au vivant auquel ils sont parfois même hybridés. Dans ce monde en continuelle mouvance révélé par cette matière émergente, nos repères vacillent et il nous faut repenser autrement notre appréhension du réel. Or, les images dont nous disposons pour nous saisir mentalement de ces transformations sont devenues inopérantes. Elles sont à redessiner, à mettre en relation, à assembler autrement. C'est en ces lieux que l'art contemporain peut venir jouer son rôle d'intercesseur entre la matière-forme et ses mises en pratique, entre la méta-réalité de l'oeuvre et notre capacité à penser ces nouvelles émergences. Proposer des image-matières pour nous aider à métamorphoser notre imaginaire, tel est le but de cet essai.