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En 1972, quatre jeunes scientifiques du MIT rédigent à la demande du Club de Rome un rapport qu’ils intitulent « The Limits to Growth ». Celui-ci va choquer le monde. Pour la première fois, leur recherche établit les conséquences dramatiques sur le plan écologique d’une croissance économique et démographique exponentielle dans un monde fini. Leur analyse repose sur le(...)
Environment and environmental theory
August 2017
Les limites à la croissance (dans un monde fini)
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En 1972, quatre jeunes scientifiques du MIT rédigent à la demande du Club de Rome un rapport qu’ils intitulent « The Limits to Growth ». Celui-ci va choquer le monde. Pour la première fois, leur recherche établit les conséquences dramatiques sur le plan écologique d’une croissance économique et démographique exponentielle dans un monde fini. Leur analyse repose sur le modèle « World3 », qui permet une simulation informatique des interactions entre population, croissance industrielle, production alimentaire et limites des écosystèmes terrestres.
August 2017
Environment and environmental theory
Construire avec l'immatériel
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Sous la pression des grandes transitions et des aspirations de tous, l'architecture doit aujourd'hui assumer des responsabilités nouvelles, mais difficilement maîtrisables : participer à une lutte cruciale pour l'adaptation de l'habitat et des villes au changement climatique, réguler l'emploi de la matière et de l'énergie, écouter les besoins des sociétés, affronter une(...)
Construire avec l'immatériel
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Sous la pression des grandes transitions et des aspirations de tous, l'architecture doit aujourd'hui assumer des responsabilités nouvelles, mais difficilement maîtrisables : participer à une lutte cruciale pour l'adaptation de l'habitat et des villes au changement climatique, réguler l'emploi de la matière et de l'énergie, écouter les besoins des sociétés, affronter une urbanisation sans commune mesure... L'ensemble de ces transitions pose la question d'un nécessaire renouvellement des ressources de l'architecture, dessine les contours d'un changement complet de paradigme. Car ces ressources ne sont pas seulement matérielles – matériaux et techniques – mais immatérielles. Les textes de cet ouvrage, écrits par des architectes dont l'autorité est fondée sur l'expérience, ouvrent une réflexion sur ces ressources immatérielles qu'il est crucial aujourd'hui de réintroduire dans la pensée architecturale.
Environment and environmental theory
City unseen
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Seeing cities around the globe in their larger environmental contexts, we begin to understand how the world shapes urban landscapes and how urban landscapes shape the world. Authors Karen Seto and Meredith Reba provide these revealing views to enhance readers’ understanding of the shape, growth, and life of urban settlements of all sizes—from the remote town of Namche(...)
Environment and environmental theory
September 2018
City unseen
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Seeing cities around the globe in their larger environmental contexts, we begin to understand how the world shapes urban landscapes and how urban landscapes shape the world. Authors Karen Seto and Meredith Reba provide these revealing views to enhance readers’ understanding of the shape, growth, and life of urban settlements of all sizes—from the remote town of Namche Bazaar in Nepal to the vast metropolitan prefecture of Tokyo, Japan. Using satellite data, the authors show urban landscapes in new perspectives. The book’s beautiful and surprising images pull back the veil on familiar scenes to highlight the growth of cities over time, the symbiosis between urban form and natural landscapes, and the vulnerabilities of cities to the effects of climate change.
September 2018
Environment and environmental theory
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The islands of Orkney, off the northern coast of Scotland, are closer to the Arctic Circle than to London. Surrounded by fierce seas and shrouded by clouds and mist, the islands seem to mark the edge of the known world. And yet they are a center for energy technology innovation, from marine energy to hydrogen fuel networks, attracting the interest of venture capitalists(...)
Energy at the end of the world
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The islands of Orkney, off the northern coast of Scotland, are closer to the Arctic Circle than to London. Surrounded by fierce seas and shrouded by clouds and mist, the islands seem to mark the edge of the known world. And yet they are a center for energy technology innovation, from marine energy to hydrogen fuel networks, attracting the interest of venture capitalists and local communities. In this book, Laura Watts tells a story of making energy futures at the edge of the world.
Environment and environmental theory
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A comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society throughout history, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel–driven civilization.
Energy and civilization: a history
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A comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society throughout history, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel–driven civilization.
Environment and environmental theory
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Récemment, de nombreuses publications ont traité du changement climatique et des questions environnementales du point de vue global. Parallèlement, on assiste à un intérêt croissant pour les architectures d’objets connectés. ''Mauvais temps'' a pour ambition d’allier ces deux phénomènes en une même suite d’interrogations : le bouleversement généralisé du temps compris(...)
Environment and environmental theory
August 2018
Mauvais temps : anthropocène et numérisation du monde
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Récemment, de nombreuses publications ont traité du changement climatique et des questions environnementales du point de vue global. Parallèlement, on assiste à un intérêt croissant pour les architectures d’objets connectés. ''Mauvais temps'' a pour ambition d’allier ces deux phénomènes en une même suite d’interrogations : le bouleversement généralisé du temps compris comme temporalités, époque et climat. Cette réflexion se présente comme une façon d’échapper à ces gardiens du temps que sont les déterminismes aussi bien technologiques, économiques, qu’écologiques. Elle permet d’ouvrir la question des temporalités dans l’Anthropocène. ''Mauvais temps'' présente notre actualité comme autant de lignes de fuite à explorer, de possibles à revisiter, de partages du sensible à réinventer.
Environment and environmental theory
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A cutting exploration of how cities drive climate change while being on the frontlines of the coming climate crisis.
Extreme cities: the peril and promise of urban life in the age of climate change
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A cutting exploration of how cities drive climate change while being on the frontlines of the coming climate crisis.
Environment and environmental theory
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In ''Seeing Green'', Finis Dunaway shows how popular environmentalism has been entwined with mass media spectacles of crisis. Beginning with radioactive fallout and pesticides during the 1960s and ending with global warming today, he focuses on key moments in which media images provoked environmental anxiety but also prescribed limited forms of action. Moreover, he shows(...)
Seeing green: the use and abuse of American environmental images
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In ''Seeing Green'', Finis Dunaway shows how popular environmentalism has been entwined with mass media spectacles of crisis. Beginning with radioactive fallout and pesticides during the 1960s and ending with global warming today, he focuses on key moments in which media images provoked environmental anxiety but also prescribed limited forms of action. Moreover, he shows how the media have blamed individual consumers for environmental degradation and thus deflected attention from corporate and government responsibility. Ultimately, Dunaway argues, iconic images have impeded efforts to realize- or even imagine- sustainable visions of the future.
Environment and environmental theory
(available to order)
"Mediating Environments" examines fundamental and radical environmental conditions in the Arctic and provides a spectrum of innovative design approaches and spatial outcomes. Climate organizes and sustains a broad range of activities in the Arctic, and it will dictate the future transformations in northern urban landscapes and their metabolic operations. As such, arctic(...)
Environment and environmental theory
October 2019
Mediated environments: Arctic Design Group
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"Mediating Environments" examines fundamental and radical environmental conditions in the Arctic and provides a spectrum of innovative design approaches and spatial outcomes. Climate organizes and sustains a broad range of activities in the Arctic, and it will dictate the future transformations in northern urban landscapes and their metabolic operations. As such, arctic urbanism must take into account the varied nuances of weather phenomena that are deeply engrained in everyday living practices and biophysical fabrics. By revisiting and reconfiguring the intersections between environmental and design systems, this publication aims to expand conceptual strategies in the arctic beyond the modes of insulation, stabilization, and optimization while repositioning the region as a central figure within the global network of exchanges.
Environment and environmental theory
(available in store)
Nicole Seymour develops the concept of ''bad environmentalism'': cultural thought that employs dissident affects and sensibilities to reflect critically on our current moment and on mainstream environmental activism. Seymour champions the practice of alternative green politics and expands our understanding of how environmental art and activism can be pleasurable, even in(...)
Bad environmentalism: irony and irreverence in the ecological age
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Nicole Seymour develops the concept of ''bad environmentalism'': cultural thought that employs dissident affects and sensibilities to reflect critically on our current moment and on mainstream environmental activism. Seymour champions the practice of alternative green politics and expands our understanding of how environmental art and activism can be pleasurable, even in a time of undeniable crisis.
Environment and environmental theory