La transition foncière
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Le sol, comme l’énergie, constitue l’une des ressources fondamentales du développement humain. Une indispensable transition des relations que nous entretenons avec lui est engagée. Elle nous conduit du mythe des sols fossiles à la réalité des sols vivants?; du plat de la carte à la verticalité de leurs «?horizons?»?; de la division du cadastre à leur continuité(...)
La transition foncière
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Le sol, comme l’énergie, constitue l’une des ressources fondamentales du développement humain. Une indispensable transition des relations que nous entretenons avec lui est engagée. Elle nous conduit du mythe des sols fossiles à la réalité des sols vivants?; du plat de la carte à la verticalité de leurs «?horizons?»?; de la division du cadastre à leur continuité écologique?; de leur artificialisation à leur recyclage et leur restauration. Parce qu’ils sont essentiels à la vie terrestre, prendre soin des sols devient un but en soi. Nos modèles économiques, d’aménagement du territoire, nos choix de vie et de consommation, comme nos décisions politiques, nous ont progressivement fait oublier ce rapport vital aux sols. Face à l’ampleur de la tâche, il faudra s’appuyer sur les expertises, les connaissances et les bonnes volontés de chacun, tout en prenant en compte les contraintes et injonctions, parfois contradictoires, auxquelles nous sommes tous soumis. Nouveau pilier de la transition écologique, la transition foncière est un champ d’immense transversalité dont la filière, aujourd’hui, doit naître et se regrouper autour de chantiers communs, d’outils partagés et d’un espace collectif.
Environment and environmental theory
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L’écocritique concerne l’étude des rapports entre l’être humain et son environnement dans la littérature. Elle vise à définir une écologie littéraire, c’est-à-dire à offrir une contribution spécifiquement littéraire à la pensée environnementale contemporaine. En se fondant sur l’écologie, l’écocritique se trouve confrontée à la crise environnementale et à une conscience(...)
Éc(h)ographies d'une terre déréglée : petit traité d'écocritique
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L’écocritique concerne l’étude des rapports entre l’être humain et son environnement dans la littérature. Elle vise à définir une écologie littéraire, c’est-à-dire à offrir une contribution spécifiquement littéraire à la pensée environnementale contemporaine. En se fondant sur l’écologie, l’écocritique se trouve confrontée à la crise environnementale et à une conscience des menaces qui pèsent sur la biosphère. L’objet de l’ouvrage est d’offrir un traité sur l’écocritique et les principales questions qui y sont reliées, sur les relations entre littérature et écologie, dans une situation de péril pour la Terre. Il s’agira d’observer comment la planète est « éc(h)ographiée » par la littérature à travers divers procédés d’écriture et de réécriture afin de représenter le dérèglement du monde dans sa composante environnementale. Tout en explorant les approches théoriques liées à l’écocritique (études postcoloniales, études animales, études de l’Anthropocène, waste studies…), l’ouvrage se propose de réfléchir sur la puissance d’agir de la littérature, sa capacité à se renouveler (fictions climatiques, fossile-fiction, thriller écologique…) et à apporter une réponse, sinon un remède, à la crise environnementale, afin d’éviter de désespérer d’habiter la planète Terre menacée de sa propre fin.
Environment and environmental theory
Land sickness
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As a heatwave hits Paris, the author's entire existence is disrupted and disoriented by the effects of climate change. All his normal reference points are destroyed. To escape the heat and his growing anxieties, he flees to the small Mediterranean island of Porquerolles. But even in this idyllic setting, can he escape the harsh realities of the Anthropocene? Written as(...)
Land sickness
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As a heatwave hits Paris, the author's entire existence is disrupted and disoriented by the effects of climate change. All his normal reference points are destroyed. To escape the heat and his growing anxieties, he flees to the small Mediterranean island of Porquerolles. But even in this idyllic setting, can he escape the harsh realities of the Anthropocene? Written as a fictionalized travelogue based on the author's own experiences, this inquiry into the issues raised by the climate crisis will be of interest to everyone concerned about the increasingly dire situation in which we find ourselves on our climate-damaged planet.
Environment and environmental theory
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The enormous popular interest in the world of fungi and the mycelium testifies to its tremendous resonance as a metaphor for new ways of thinking, new systems and behaviors. Taking its inspiration from this world, ''Let's Become Fungal!'' looks at a range of Indigenous practices from Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia that are rooted in multispecies collaboration,(...)
Environment and environmental theory
October 2023
Let's become fungal! Mycelium teachings and the arts: Based on conversations with indigenous wisdom keepers, artists, curators, feminists and mycologists
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The enormous popular interest in the world of fungi and the mycelium testifies to its tremendous resonance as a metaphor for new ways of thinking, new systems and behaviors. Taking its inspiration from this world, ''Let's Become Fungal!'' looks at a range of Indigenous practices from Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia that are rooted in multispecies collaboration, symbiosis, alliances, non-monetary resource exchange, decentralization, bottom-up methods and mutual dependency--all suggestive of the behavior of the mycelium. Each of the book's 12 chapters offers teachings on collaboration, decoloniality, nonlinearity, toxicity, mobilization, biomimicry, death and being nonbinary, while also examining the world of fungi. ''Let's Become Fungal!'' shows how fungi can inspire artists, collectives, organizations, educators, policymakers, designers, scientists, anthropologists, curators, urbanists, activists, gardeners, community leaders, farmers and others to become more fungal in their ways of working and being.
Environment and environmental theory
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Over the past decade, people have learned about oil contamination in the Ecuadorian Amazon through toxic tours in which a guide brings participants – students, lawyers, environmental activists, journalists, and foreign tourists – to visit contaminated sites. These toxic tours combine personal experience and local knowledge to convince visitors of the immediacy of(...)
Environment and environmental theory
February 2024
Toxic: A tour of the Ecuadorian Amazon
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Over the past decade, people have learned about oil contamination in the Ecuadorian Amazon through toxic tours in which a guide brings participants – students, lawyers, environmental activists, journalists, and foreign tourists – to visit contaminated sites. These toxic tours combine personal experience and local knowledge to convince visitors of the immediacy of environmental issues. Drawing on extensive research and fieldwork, ''Toxic'' takes the reader on a visual toxic tour through the Amazon. Following the story of three fictional participants, this graphic novel paints a visceral picture of the waste pits, gas flares, and precarious lives of people in this region. The book challenges the reader to consider what it means to live in a place and historical moment where victims of industrial toxicants are continually required to prove that harm has occurred.
Environment and environmental theory
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La ruralità è una condizione al tempo stesso delimitata e sconfinata, attiva e ricettiva, prodotta e produttiva, pacificata e conflittuale. Rendere esplicita la consistenza politica e ontologica del rurale, significa ridefinire i modi attraverso i quali, come architetti e urbanisti, ci confrontiamo con questa particolare dimensione operativa. Il rurale è un luogo spesso(...)
Environment and environmental theory
February 2023
Ecologie Rurali: Pratiche e forme della coesistenza
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La ruralità è una condizione al tempo stesso delimitata e sconfinata, attiva e ricettiva, prodotta e produttiva, pacificata e conflittuale. Rendere esplicita la consistenza politica e ontologica del rurale, significa ridefinire i modi attraverso i quali, come architetti e urbanisti, ci confrontiamo con questa particolare dimensione operativa. Il rurale è un luogo spesso concepito come spazio da addomesticare, da proteggere, da sfruttare o da far fruttare: uno spazio subalterno. È tempo allora di politicizzare il nostro pensiero sul rurale, di decoloniarne il senso e il progetto, mettendo in discussione i tanti immaginari e approcci teorici, quasi sempre semplificanti, cioè ossificanti, attraverso cui oggi è pensato. Ciò che si cerca è una tensione cognitiva volta ad individuare e porre in relazione una complessa e spesso opaca varietà di ecologie sociali e spaziali al di fuori di qualsiasi operazione. Decolonizzare il pensiero rurale, significa farlo vibrare costantemente, dal momento che in campagna, più che altrove, il potere è ortopedico.
Environment and environmental theory
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In ''The pulse of the earth'' Adam Bobbette tells the story of how modern theories of the earth emerged from the slopes of Indonesia’s volcanoes. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, scientists became concerned with protecting the colonial plantation economy from the unpredictable bursts and shudders of volcanoes. Bobbette follows Javanese knowledge traditions,(...)
The pulse of the earth: Political geology in Java
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In ''The pulse of the earth'' Adam Bobbette tells the story of how modern theories of the earth emerged from the slopes of Indonesia’s volcanoes. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, scientists became concerned with protecting the colonial plantation economy from the unpredictable bursts and shudders of volcanoes. Bobbette follows Javanese knowledge traditions, colonial geologists, volcanologists, mystics, Theosophists, orientalists, and revolutionaries to show how the earth sciences originate from a fusion of Western and non-Western cosmology, theology, anthropology, and geology. Drawing on archival research, interviews, and fieldwork at Javanese volcanoes and in scientific observatories, he explores how Indonesian Islam shaped the theory of plate tectonics, how Dutch colonial volcanologists learned to see the earth in new ways from Javanese spiritual traditions, and how new scientific technologies radically recast notions of the human body, distance, and the earth. In this way, Bobbette decenters the significance of Western scientists to expand our understanding of the evolution of planetary thought and rethinks the politics of geological knowledge.
Environment and environmental theory
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In "The ends of research" Tom Özden-Schilling explores the afterlives of several research initiatives that emerged in the wake of the "War in the woods," a period of anti-logging blockades in Canada in the late twentieth century. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork among neighboring communities of White environmental scientists and First Nations mapmakers in northwest(...)
Environment and environmental theory
December 2023
The ends of research: Indigenous and settler science after the War in the Woods
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In "The ends of research" Tom Özden-Schilling explores the afterlives of several research initiatives that emerged in the wake of the "War in the woods," a period of anti-logging blockades in Canada in the late twentieth century. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork among neighboring communities of White environmental scientists and First Nations mapmakers in northwest British Columbia, Özden-Schilling examines these researchers' lasting investments and the ways they struggle to continue their work long after the loss of government funding. He charts their use of planning documents, Indigenous territory maps, land use plots, reports, and other documents that help them not only to survive institutional restructuring but to hold on to the practices that they hope will enable future researchers to continue their work. He also shows how their lives and aspirations shape and are shaped by decades-long battles over resource extraction and Indigenous land claims. By focusing on researchers' experiences and personal attachments, Özden-Schilling illustrates the complex relationships between researchers and rural histories of conservation, environmental conflict, resource extraction, and the long-term legacies of scientific research.
Environment and environmental theory
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As global rates of plant and animal extinctions mount, anxieties about the future of the earth’s ecosystems are fueling ever more ambitious efforts at conservation, which draw on Western scientific principles to manage species and biodiversity. In "Revenant ecologies," Audra Mitchell argues that these responses not only ignore but also magnify powerful forms of structural(...)
Revenant ecologies: Defying the violence of extinction and conservation
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As global rates of plant and animal extinctions mount, anxieties about the future of the earth’s ecosystems are fueling ever more ambitious efforts at conservation, which draw on Western scientific principles to manage species and biodiversity. In "Revenant ecologies," Audra Mitchell argues that these responses not only ignore but also magnify powerful forms of structural violence like colonialism, racism, genocide, extractivism, ableism, and heteronormativity, ultimately contributing to the destruction of unique life forms and ecosystems. Critiquing the Western discourse of global extinction and biodiversity through the lens of diverse Indigenous philosophies and other marginalized knowledge systems, "Revenant ecologies," promotes new ways of articulating the ethical enormity of global extinction. Mitchell offers an ambitious framework—(bio)plurality—that focuses on nurturing unique, irreplaceable worlds, relations, and ecosystems, aiming to transform global ecological–political relations, including through processes of land return and critically confronting discourses on "human extinction."
Environment and environmental theory
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Part manifesto, part toolkit, part proof of concept, and part dialogue, Empirical Ecocriticism studies the influence of environmental stories on our affects, attitudes, and actions. The contributors leverage case studies on topics ranging from the impact of climate fiction on readers’ willingness to engage in activism to the political empowerment that results from(...)
Environment and environmental theory
August 2023
Empirical ecocriticism: Environmental narratives for social change
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Part manifesto, part toolkit, part proof of concept, and part dialogue, Empirical Ecocriticism studies the influence of environmental stories on our affects, attitudes, and actions. The contributors leverage case studies on topics ranging from the impact of climate fiction on readers’ willingness to engage in activism to the political empowerment that results from participating in environmental theater, ultimately pointing toward a novel and fruitful synthesis of the environmental humanities and social sciences.
Environment and environmental theory