A social ecology of capital
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Faced with an ecological crisis of existential proportions, the economic relations of capitalism have only fanned the flames. The transformation of property relations is an urgent necessity, but not, in itself, enough to save us. Enter 'degrowth': a concept that radically challenges contemporary life, culture and economics as we know it. Through an impressive synthesis of(...)
A social ecology of capital
(available in store)
Faced with an ecological crisis of existential proportions, the economic relations of capitalism have only fanned the flames. The transformation of property relations is an urgent necessity, but not, in itself, enough to save us. Enter 'degrowth': a concept that radically challenges contemporary life, culture and economics as we know it. Through an impressive synthesis of the traditions of eco-Marxism and feminist ecological economics, Éric Pineault presents a well-rounded critique of contemporary capitalist growth and its socio-ecological contradictions, in which growth is understood as both a biophysical and accumulation process. The book provides fresh answers to key questions of current socio-ecological debates: Why does capitalist society depend on accelerating growth? Why is the constant upscaling of its economic process necessary for its social stability? How does this deepen the ecological contradictions that humanity now faces? And what can we learn from this for our understanding of emancipatory futures?
Environment and environmental theory
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''Almanac for the anthropocene'' collects original voices from across the solarpunk movement, which positions ingenuity, generativity, and community as beacons of resistance to the hopelessness often inspired by the climate crisis. To point toward practical implementation of the movement’s ideas, it gathers usable blueprints that bring together theory and practice. The(...)
Environment and environmental theory
September 2022
Almanac for the anthropocene: A compendium of solarpunk futures
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''Almanac for the anthropocene'' collects original voices from across the solarpunk movement, which positions ingenuity, generativity, and community as beacons of resistance to the hopelessness often inspired by the climate crisis. To point toward practical implementation of the movement’s ideas, it gathers usable blueprints that bring together theory and practice. The result is a collection of interviews, recipes, exercises, DIY instructions, and more—all of it amounting to a call to create hope through action. Inspired by a commitment to the idea that there can be no environmental justice without decolonial and racial justice,'' Almanac for the anthropocene'' unites in a single volume both academic and practical responses to environmental crisis.
Environment and environmental theory
(available in store)
Examining these questions and many more, ''Plants in place'' is a collaborative study of vegetal phenomenology at the intersection of Edward S. Casey’s phenomenology of place and Michael Marder’s plant-thinking. It focuses on both the microlevel of the dynamic constitution of plant edges or a child’s engagement with moss and the macrolevel of habitats that include the(...)
Environment and environmental theory
November 2023
Plants in place: A phenomelology of the vegetal
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Examining these questions and many more, ''Plants in place'' is a collaborative study of vegetal phenomenology at the intersection of Edward S. Casey’s phenomenology of place and Michael Marder’s plant-thinking. It focuses on both the microlevel of the dynamic constitution of plant edges or a child’s engagement with moss and the macrolevel of habitats that include the sociality of trees. This compelling portrait of plants and their places provides readers with new ways to appreciate the complexity and vitality of vegetal life. Eloquent and insightful, the book also shows how the worlds of plants can enhance our understanding and experience of place more broadly.
Environment and environmental theory
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This book brings the history of the geosciences and world cosmologies together, exploring many traditions, including Chinese, Pacific, Islamic, South and Southeast Asian conceptions of the earth’s origin and makeup. Together the chapters ask: How have different ideas about the sacred, animate, and earthly changed modern environmental sciences? How have different world(...)
Environment and environmental theory
November 2023
New earth histories: Geo-cosmologies and the making of the modern world
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This book brings the history of the geosciences and world cosmologies together, exploring many traditions, including Chinese, Pacific, Islamic, South and Southeast Asian conceptions of the earth’s origin and makeup. Together the chapters ask: How have different ideas about the sacred, animate, and earthly changed modern environmental sciences? How have different world traditions understood human and geological origins? How does the inclusion of multiple cosmologies change the meaning of the Anthropocene and the global climate crisis? By carefully examining these questions, ''New earth histories'' sets an ambitious agenda for how we think about the earth. The chapters consider debates about the age and structure of the earth, how humans and earth systems interact, and how empire has been conceived in multiple traditions. The methods the authors deploy are diverse—from cultural history and visual and material studies to ethnography, geography, and Indigenous studies—and the effect is to highlight how earth knowledge emerged from historically specific situations. ''New earth histories'' provides both a framework for studying science at a global scale and fascinating examples to educate as well as inspire future work. Essential reading for students and scholars of earth science history, environmental humanities, history of science and religion, and science and empire.
Environment and environmental theory
Territoires submergés
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À l’échelle mondiale, des centaines de millions de personnes seront touchées d’ici 2050 par la montée de eaux, et en France, 864 communes sont identifiées comme étant vulnérables aux submersions marines. Sachant que ces espaces sont éminemment stratégiques, quelles solutions existe-t-il pour les rendre habitables et résilients face aux risques accrus ? C’est ce à quoi(...)
Territoires submergés
(available to order)
À l’échelle mondiale, des centaines de millions de personnes seront touchées d’ici 2050 par la montée de eaux, et en France, 864 communes sont identifiées comme étant vulnérables aux submersions marines. Sachant que ces espaces sont éminemment stratégiques, quelles solutions existe-t-il pour les rendre habitables et résilients face aux risques accrus ? C’est ce à quoi tente de répondre cet ouvrage collectif réunissant universitaires, experts et praticiens autour de la question. Ainsi, ce livre expose d’abord un constat scientifique qui vient nourrir la réflexion et le débat d’idées, puis recense les outils existants qui permettent aux communes d’agir concrètement sur leur territoire. Il présente des exemples concrets et très actuels de mises en application de solutions, allant de l’adaptation au risque (Prêcheur en Martinique) à la relocalisation d’un village entier (Miquelon à Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) ; ou encore à la délocalisation de route et d’infrastructure.
Environment and environmental theory
Printemps silencieux
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Premier ouvrage sur le scandale des pesticides, « Printemps silencieux » a entraîné l’interdiction du DDT aux États-Unis. Cette victoire historique d’un individu contre les lobbies de l’industrie chimique a déclenché au début des années 1960 la naissance du mouvement écologiste. « Printemps silencieux » est aussi l’essai d’une écologue et d’une vulgarisatrice hors(...)
Printemps silencieux
(available in store)
Premier ouvrage sur le scandale des pesticides, « Printemps silencieux » a entraîné l’interdiction du DDT aux États-Unis. Cette victoire historique d’un individu contre les lobbies de l’industrie chimique a déclenché au début des années 1960 la naissance du mouvement écologiste. « Printemps silencieux » est aussi l’essai d’une écologue et d’une vulgarisatrice hors pair. En étudiant l’impact des pesticides sur le monde vivant, du sol aux rivières, des plantes aux animaux, et jusqu’à l’ADN, ce livre constitue l’exposition limpide, abordable par tous, d’une vision écologique du monde.
Environment and environmental theory
Le pétrole
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« Le pétrole est une énergie fossile. », « On peut trouver du pétrole n’importe où sous terre. », « Les réserves de pétrole seront bientôt épuisées.»,« Les compagnies pétrolières font d’énormes profits.»,« Le pétrole est la source d’énergie la moins chère. », « La majeure partie des ressources pétrolières est au Moyen Orient. », « En France, on n’a pas de pétrole. », «(...)
Environment and environmental theory
September 2003, Paris
Le pétrole
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« Le pétrole est une énergie fossile. », « On peut trouver du pétrole n’importe où sous terre. », « Les réserves de pétrole seront bientôt épuisées.»,« Les compagnies pétrolières font d’énormes profits.»,« Le pétrole est la source d’énergie la moins chère. », « La majeure partie des ressources pétrolières est au Moyen Orient. », « En France, on n’a pas de pétrole. », « L’OPEP fait sa loi. », « Le contrôle du pétrole a toujours été à l’origine de conflits. », « Les pétroliers sont de redoutables pollueurs.»… Issues de la tradition ou de l'air du temps, mêlant souvent vrai et faux, les idées reçues sont dans toutes les têtes. L'auteur les prend pour point de départ et apporte ici un éclairage distancié et approfondi sur ce que l'on sait ou croit savoir.
Environment and environmental theory
Vivre sans pétrole
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Que se passerait-il si, comme le pensent beaucoup de spécialistes, le prix du pétrole se remettait à flamber ? Si la demande finissait par surpasser l'offre ? Aujourd'hui, personne ne sait, ou ne veut dire, si la décroissance irréversible de la production pétrolière s'amorce déjà. Beaucoup pensent que la pénurie de l'or noir aura lieu en 2015, voire avant. Cet ouvrage(...)
Environment and environmental theory
February 2007, Toulouse
Vivre sans pétrole
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Que se passerait-il si, comme le pensent beaucoup de spécialistes, le prix du pétrole se remettait à flamber ? Si la demande finissait par surpasser l'offre ? Aujourd'hui, personne ne sait, ou ne veut dire, si la décroissance irréversible de la production pétrolière s'amorce déjà. Beaucoup pensent que la pénurie de l'or noir aura lieu en 2015, voire avant. Cet ouvrage étudie en direct la fin d'une civilisation fondée sur l'énergie bon marché et facile à produire. Il imagine la naissance d'un autre monde, dans lequel nos conceptions économiques, sociales et politiques seront ébranlées et où de nombreux secteurs seront touchés de plein fouet : transports, agriculture, cosmétiques... A partir d'études pertinentes, d'interviews et d'enquêtes, François Marot résume la problématique actuelle, décrit l'ampleur des bouleversements futurs et propose des alternatives pratiques pour vivre sans pétrole.
Environment and environmental theory
(available to order)
The deceptively simple supermarket choice echoed in the title symbolizes the dilemma of a society on a collision course with the planet's life-support systems. About one-third of America's municipal solid waste is packaging - at least 300 pounds per person each year - and the "upstream" costs in energy and ressources used to make packaging are even more alarming. In(...)
Environment and environmental theory
April 2005, San Francisco
Paper or plastic : searching for solutions to an overpackaged world
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The deceptively simple supermarket choice echoed in the title symbolizes the dilemma of a society on a collision course with the planet's life-support systems. About one-third of America's municipal solid waste is packaging - at least 300 pounds per person each year - and the "upstream" costs in energy and ressources used to make packaging are even more alarming. In this book, author Daniel Imhoff unwraps the packaging problem and gives consummers, product designers, and policymakers the information they need to take steps toward a more sustainable future.
Environment and environmental theory
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Archival power, silences, and absences profoundly shape and structure postcolonial landscapes, spaces, and urban environments by controlling bodies, histories, and interactions. This book explores pathways to dismantle these imperial entanglements by developing methodologies and plural epistemologies through an interdisciplinary dialog between history, memory politics,(...)
Environment and environmental theory
January 2024
Unearthing traces: dismantling imperialist entanglements of archives, landscapes, and the built environment
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Archival power, silences, and absences profoundly shape and structure postcolonial landscapes, spaces, and urban environments by controlling bodies, histories, and interactions. This book explores pathways to dismantle these imperial entanglements by developing methodologies and plural epistemologies through an interdisciplinary dialog between history, memory politics, critical theory, and archival practice together with the fields of the built environment, landscape, urban studies, architecture, and the arts. Unearthing traces catalyzes critical discussions that not only challenge the objectivity and dismantle the neutrality surrounding current archival practices and archival institutions, but also question what constitutes the archive itself. The book unearths potential histories and minor narratives buried by the imperial production of pasts and silences. The diverse range of contributions in the book offers original research, discussions, positions, and tools and provides a critical resource for scholars, architects, artists, activists, and archivists who want to engage with landscapes and built environments in a critical and postcolonial perspective in relation to archival materials and practices.
Environment and environmental theory