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Une vague de morosité s'abattit sur les villes françaises au cours des années 1970. En fait, depuis dix ans déjà, l'incertitude avait gagné les milieux de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme, laissant désemparés ceux qui s'étaient ralliés d'enthousiasme au Mouvement moderne et constataient brutalement que ses charmes s'étiolaient. Les vieilles villes y trouvèrent une(...)
January 2008, Rennes
Art public et projet urbain: Brest, 1970-2000
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Une vague de morosité s'abattit sur les villes françaises au cours des années 1970. En fait, depuis dix ans déjà, l'incertitude avait gagné les milieux de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme, laissant désemparés ceux qui s'étaient ralliés d'enthousiasme au Mouvement moderne et constataient brutalement que ses charmes s'étiolaient. Les vieilles villes y trouvèrent une rédemption. Mais cette brutale révision doctrinale, qui glorifiait la longue durée et proclamait que l'histoire garantissait l'avenir, compliquait évidemment la tâche de ceux qui ne pouvaient s'en prévaloir. Elle rendait spécialement angoissante la situation des villes qui avaient connu une brutale interruption de leur destinée et qu'il avait fallu reconstruire. Déjà, pour d'obscures raisons, leur souvenir était remisé dans la médiocre catégorie des réalisations de l'urgence, dépourvues d'inspiration et de ressources. Elles rencontraient même la défiance de leurs habitants taraudés par la nostalgie ou le regret et la critique des spécialistes dépités que leur relèvement rient manifesté plus d'audace. Pourtant, ces villes sans mérite apparent constituaient un remarquable laboratoire pour interroger les raisons mêmes de l'urbain et leur relation au passé. Surtout, leur incapacité hâtivement proclamée à offrir des conditions propices à l'épanouissement d'un espace public satisfaisant rejoignait l'actualité d'une question qui ne pouvait espérer un plus vaste champ d'élucidation. Brest fut alors pionnière. On y conduisit des recherches originales ponctuées d'hypothèses qui justifièrent des expérimentations inédites et à très grande échelle. La plus ambitieuse d'entre elles, la plus spectaculaire et la plus commentée, la plus polémique aussi, mit à contribution des artistes parmi les plus en vue de l'époque ou à l'aube de leur œuvre, invités ou surgis spontanément. Bien loin en l'occurrence du rôle " d'enlumineurs " de la ville qu'on leur concédait parfois, ils furent promus acteurs principaux de sa transfiguration morale. A la reconstruction architecturale, jugée responsable de bien des maux réels ou psychosomatiques, on opposait ainsi une " reconstruction mentale " capable pensait-on d'apporter un supplément d'âme et de conduire à l'apaisement. En relatant et commentant les trois décennies de cette saga brestoise, l'intention est bien d'éclairer quelques questions universelles, auxquelles l'urbanisme se trouve confronté, et d'apprécier le secours que l'art et les artistes peuvent lui apporter.
L'espace public
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Au singulier, l'espace public désigne la sphère du débat politique, la publicité des opinions privées. Au pluriel, les espaces publics correspondent au réseau viaire, rues et boulevards, places et parvis, parcs et jardins, bref à toutes les voies de circulation ouvertes aux publics, dans les métropoles comme dans les villages urbanisés. Les deux relèvent de la(...)
L'espace public
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Au singulier, l'espace public désigne la sphère du débat politique, la publicité des opinions privées. Au pluriel, les espaces publics correspondent au réseau viaire, rues et boulevards, places et parvis, parcs et jardins, bref à toutes les voies de circulation ouvertes aux publics, dans les métropoles comme dans les villages urbanisés. Les deux relèvent de la communication. La mondialisation, la révolution communicationnelle, la vidéosurveillance, la multiplication des murs réels et virtuels «effacent » les espaces publics. L'urbanisation planétaire transforme leurs usages et les uniformise. Pourtant, des résistances se manifestent qui associent aux espaces publics, gratuits et accessibles, les trois qualités des villes : l'urbanité, la diversité et l'altérité.
Public Space
Why public space matters
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Public spaces — where people from all walks of life play, work, meet, talk, read, think, debate, and protest — are vital to a healthy civic life. And, as the eminent scholar of public space Setha Low argues in this book, even fleeting moments of visibility and encounter in these spaces tend to foster a broader worldview and our willingness to accept difference. Yet we are(...)
Why public space matters
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Public spaces — where people from all walks of life play, work, meet, talk, read, think, debate, and protest — are vital to a healthy civic life. And, as the eminent scholar of public space Setha Low argues in this book, even fleeting moments of visibility and encounter in these spaces tend to foster a broader worldview and our willingness to accept difference. Yet we are losing public spaces to accelerated urban development and the belief that public spaces are expendable. Low explores why public spaces matter today, how they are at risk, and what we can do about protecting these essential places that support our everyday lives. Finally, she shows how we can work to promote public space protection and expansion at both the grassroots and global levels. Throughout, she focuses on real public spaces and the people who use them in cities and regions across the Americas, from New Jersey to Costa Rica
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In this book, Edwin Heathcote looks at the cultural impact of street furniture using photography as a measure of how these things have become indispensable components of the cityscape. Based mainly in and on London – but including New York, Paris and Budapest – Heathcote uses history, personal reflection and the lenses of photographers to examine the status of these urban(...)
On the street- In-between architecture
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In this book, Edwin Heathcote looks at the cultural impact of street furniture using photography as a measure of how these things have become indispensable components of the cityscape. Based mainly in and on London – but including New York, Paris and Budapest – Heathcote uses history, personal reflection and the lenses of photographers to examine the status of these urban artefacts in both the contemporary imagination and the city streets themselves. It looks at the changing landscape of the cityscape and the way in which street furniture has been adapted to address new technologies, the culture of surveillance and shifts in taste, orthodoxy and material culture. On the Street looks at the language of street furniture reflected through the gaze of photography and contemporary culture. It is a book about the elements of the streetscape which can exert an increasing impact on our interaction with the cities we inhabit.
Public Space
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The way public spaces are designed reflects the period in which they were created. However, in our globalized world of experience and images the desire for uniqueness tends to achieve the opposite: increasingly, designers of open spaces resort to the same devices and thereby distance themselves from the urban context. The author analyzes ten outstanding contemporary(...)
Universal singular: Contemporary public space design unveiled
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The way public spaces are designed reflects the period in which they were created. However, in our globalized world of experience and images the desire for uniqueness tends to achieve the opposite: increasingly, designers of open spaces resort to the same devices and thereby distance themselves from the urban context. The author analyzes ten outstanding contemporary designs of public spaces in Europe in terms of their function in the urban context and what materials are used for their implementation. In interviews with the designers she retraces the changes of the concepts during the design stage of the projects, underpinning her findings with numerous sketches. In addition, her research focuses on how the projects were received in the community. A topical introduction to the design of public spaces.
Public Space
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This publication investigates how and why more long-term and/or accumulative public art projects have began to emerge in response to single locations, and provides in-depth examination of sustained public art projects, including: The Blue House, IJburg (NL), Trekroner Art Plan, Roskilde (DK), Grizdale Arts, Cumbria (UK), and Edgware Road, London.
Locating the producers : durational approaches to public art
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This publication investigates how and why more long-term and/or accumulative public art projects have began to emerge in response to single locations, and provides in-depth examination of sustained public art projects, including: The Blue House, IJburg (NL), Trekroner Art Plan, Roskilde (DK), Grizdale Arts, Cumbria (UK), and Edgware Road, London.
Public Space
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Topotek 1 is one of Germany's internationally best-known landscape architecture firms. Rosemarie Trockel has made a name for herself through highly unconventional works that have been exhibited in New York, Chicago, at documenta Kassel, the Venice Biennale, and elsewhere. The new and extremely playful park in Munich is the result of a collaboration between them. It covers(...)
June 2010
Topotek 1 : Rosemarie Trockel: A landscape sculpture for Munich
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Topotek 1 is one of Germany's internationally best-known landscape architecture firms. Rosemarie Trockel has made a name for herself through highly unconventional works that have been exhibited in New York, Chicago, at documenta Kassel, the Venice Biennale, and elsewhere. The new and extremely playful park in Munich is the result of a collaboration between them. It covers a three-hundred-meter section of railroad tracks and creates urgently needed open space for the neighborhood of Theresienhohe. In addition to the design, technically demanding questions like the approach to statics, acoustics, and traffic safety also needed to be solved. This monograph examines the new park design in a number of essays and documents the design and production process.
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Bearing witness to the tensions of public space in Europe: this is the aim of the European Prize for Urban Public Space. It was established in 2000 by the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) and now counts with the collaboration of six other European institutions. This book is the first publication about the prize, which celebrates its 10th issue. It(...)
In favour of public space: 10 years of the European prize for urban public space
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Bearing witness to the tensions of public space in Europe: this is the aim of the European Prize for Urban Public Space. It was established in 2000 by the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) and now counts with the collaboration of six other European institutions. This book is the first publication about the prize, which celebrates its 10th issue. It presents a selection of projects from former and new winners and theoretical texts from Manuel de Solà-Morales, president of the 2008 award, Dietmar Steiner, director of Architekturzentrum Wien and a jury member since 2002, the architect and president of the 2010 jury, Rafael Moneo and David Bravo, secretary of the 2010 award.
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Voilà maintenant quarante ans que le graffiti moderne s'est emparé de nos métropoles. Tendance de l'art urbain, le sticker art a connu un développement récent tel qu'il supplante parfois le graffiti classique. Tout en introduisant une forme d'expression nouvelle, les autocollants et affiches, faciles et rapides à coller, permettent une diffusion sensiblement plus(...)
Sticker city, l'art du graffiti papier
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Voilà maintenant quarante ans que le graffiti moderne s'est emparé de nos métropoles. Tendance de l'art urbain, le sticker art a connu un développement récent tel qu'il supplante parfois le graffiti classique. Tout en introduisant une forme d'expression nouvelle, les autocollants et affiches, faciles et rapides à coller, permettent une diffusion sensiblement plus importante. Expliquer l'incroyable ascension du sticker art tout en retraçant de manière engageante une scène vaste et mouvante est l'une des premières ambitions de ce livre. C'est donc un échantillon de techniques et d'artistes qui est présenté ici, des pionniers tels Swoon, Shepard Fairey et Invader, jusqu'aux stars montantes.
January 2008
Public Space
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Small Scale presents fifty ingenious yet simple projects ranging from the purely conceptual to the fully realized. From a bridge that curls up into itself when not in use, to a stacked rental car dispenser, to a bus-stop like shelter that uses bright lights to treat seasonal affective disorder in the winter, these projects energize our cities' leftover spaces and help us(...)
Small scale: Creative solutions for better living
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Small Scale presents fifty ingenious yet simple projects ranging from the purely conceptual to the fully realized. From a bridge that curls up into itself when not in use, to a stacked rental car dispenser, to a bus-stop like shelter that uses bright lights to treat seasonal affective disorder in the winter, these projects energize our cities' leftover spaces and help us imagine the future of our urban infrastructure.