Inside the Renaissance house
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The Renaissance home was an outward symbol of a family’s status, wealth and erudition, and much care went into its arrangement and furnishing, and the art of household management. 'Inside the Renaissance house' vividly conveys through contemporary illustrations and lively writing the realities of living in Florence and Venice during this innovative era and takes the(...)
Inside the Renaissance house
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The Renaissance home was an outward symbol of a family’s status, wealth and erudition, and much care went into its arrangement and furnishing, and the art of household management. 'Inside the Renaissance house' vividly conveys through contemporary illustrations and lively writing the realities of living in Florence and Venice during this innovative era and takes the reader on a room-by-room tour. From the sala, devoted to games, music and entertaining in style, to the bedchamber, which was far from the private space it is today, to the study, full of objects, Elizabeth Currie evokes the life that went on in each room.
April 2009, London
History until 1900, Renaissance
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De Rome à Würzburg et de l’Andalousie à l’Amérique latine, l’art baroque est le premier phénomène artistique d’ampleur mondiale. Véhicule des idées de l’église catholique, il a su inventer des formes nouvelles, tout en s’adaptant à des conditions historiques, politiques et géographiques très différentes. Longtemps considéré comme un art de décadence, le baroque apparaît(...)
History until 1900, Renaissance
April 2009, Paris
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De Rome à Würzburg et de l’Andalousie à l’Amérique latine, l’art baroque est le premier phénomène artistique d’ampleur mondiale. Véhicule des idées de l’église catholique, il a su inventer des formes nouvelles, tout en s’adaptant à des conditions historiques, politiques et géographiques très différentes. Longtemps considéré comme un art de décadence, le baroque apparaît aujourd’hui comme la manifestation d’une civilisation qui a considérablement élargi l’horizon du réel. La culture de l’âge baroque est à l’origine de la nôtre : c’est la première véritable “civilisation de l’image”. Construit autour des photographies réalisées ces vingt dernières années par Ferrante Ferranti, Baroques présente tous les aspects du baroque mondial dans un parcours qui donne au lecteur une idée de l’infini d’un style artistique grandiose.
April 2009, Paris
History until 1900, Renaissance
Play in Renaissance Italy
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From comic verse to practical jokes, pornography to satire, acting to acrobatics, the Renaissance witnessed the flowering of play in all its forms. In the first wide-ranging and accessible introduction to play in Renaissance Italy, Peter Burke, celebrated historian of the Italian Renaissance, synthesizes over forty years’ research, explores the various forms of play in(...)
Play in Renaissance Italy
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From comic verse to practical jokes, pornography to satire, acting to acrobatics, the Renaissance witnessed the flowering of play in all its forms. In the first wide-ranging and accessible introduction to play in Renaissance Italy, Peter Burke, celebrated historian of the Italian Renaissance, synthesizes over forty years’ research, explores the various forms of play in this period, and offers an overview that reveals the many connections between its different domains. While play could be rough, the Church played an increasing role in determining acceptable and unacceptable forms of play, and, after campaigns against violence and obscenity, much of the licentiousness characteristic of the early Renaissance was tamed.
November 2021
History until 1900, Renaissance
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Le Grand panorama de Lisbonne, œuvre extraordinaire, l’une des plus importantes de la collection du musée national de l’Azulejo, est un document d’une richesse iconographique unique pour l’histoire de la ville de Lisbonne. Elle présente la vue la plus complète de la capitale, se déployant le long du Tage, avant le tremblement de terre qui la détruisit en 1755. La(...)
History until 1900, Renaissance
October 2024
Le grand panorama de Lisbonne
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Le Grand panorama de Lisbonne, œuvre extraordinaire, l’une des plus importantes de la collection du musée national de l’Azulejo, est un document d’une richesse iconographique unique pour l’histoire de la ville de Lisbonne. Elle présente la vue la plus complète de la capitale, se déployant le long du Tage, avant le tremblement de terre qui la détruisit en 1755. La contemplation de cette œuvre permet d’admirer des bâtiments et des lieux qui ont résisté à la catastrophe, mais aussi d’en observer d’autres ayant disparu, images d’un monde dont la fragilité nous est rappelée. Cette œuvre a été attribuée à l’un des premiers maîtres de la céramique baroque, le peintre d’origine espagnole Gabriel del Barco. Le panneau, d’environ 23 mètres de long, représentant 14 km de côtes d’Algés à Xabregas, nous invite à découvrir – au-delà des palais, églises, couvents et habitations – l’atmosphère générale de la ville lisboète en ce début de xviiie siècle, des zones les plus densément peuplées jusqu’aux campagnes et environs d’Alcântara ou Belém.
October 2024
History until 1900, Renaissance
Paper Palaces
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This book explores how architectural treatises by such authors as Alberti, Di Giorgio, Colonna, Serlio, Palladio, and others have affected the development of the art of building. The contributors, Joseph Rykwert, Alberto Perez-Gomez, Nigel Llewellyn, Indra Kagis McEwen, Ingrid and James McQuillan among others offer new insights into the ideas of the treatises and discuss(...)
History until 1900, Renaissance
October 1998, New Haven
Paper Palaces
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This book explores how architectural treatises by such authors as Alberti, Di Giorgio, Colonna, Serlio, Palladio, and others have affected the development of the art of building. The contributors, Joseph Rykwert, Alberto Perez-Gomez, Nigel Llewellyn, Indra Kagis McEwen, Ingrid and James McQuillan among others offer new insights into the ideas of the treatises and discuss their significance in Renaissance Italy, as well as their long-lasting influence throughout Europe.
October 1998, New Haven
History until 1900, Renaissance
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Comment créer des formes nouvelles dans un système a priori clos par des règles de morphologie et de syntaxe clairement définies ? Le système des ordres d’architecture classiques ne laisse apparemment aucune place à l’innovation formelle. Mais si les trois ordres grecs, dorique, ionique et corinthien, fournissent à la Renaissance le pivot naturel de la grammaire et le(...)
Aux marges de la règle : essai sur les ordres d'architecture à la Renaissance
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Comment créer des formes nouvelles dans un système a priori clos par des règles de morphologie et de syntaxe clairement définies ? Le système des ordres d’architecture classiques ne laisse apparemment aucune place à l’innovation formelle. Mais si les trois ordres grecs, dorique, ionique et corinthien, fournissent à la Renaissance le pivot naturel de la grammaire et le fondement de la rhétorique, des formes périphériques apparaissent aux marges : toscan, attique, italique ou latin sont autant d’inventions qui, bien qu’elles échappent à la perfection de l’idée de l’architecture, acquièrent une valeur esthétique. Mineures, hybrides, monstrueuses parfois, elles suscitent l’intérêt des plus inventifs des architectes, Michel-Ange ou Philibert De l’Orme, dont elles stimulent l’imagination.
November 2008, Wavre
History until 1900, Renaissance
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De la Renaissance à la dernière actualité, ce recueil est une contribution à l'histoire des relations entre architectes et commanditaires. Figures déterminantes de la commande architecturale, elles sont ici évoquées par neuf historiens, tant américain, français, italien, russe que suisse, abordant une vingtaine d'exemples issue d'horizons variés. De grands commanditaires(...)
Architectes et commanditaires : cas particuliers du XVIe au XXe siècle
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De la Renaissance à la dernière actualité, ce recueil est une contribution à l'histoire des relations entre architectes et commanditaires. Figures déterminantes de la commande architecturale, elles sont ici évoquées par neuf historiens, tant américain, français, italien, russe que suisse, abordant une vingtaine d'exemples issue d'horizons variés. De grands commanditaires réapparaissent, tels l'impératrice Catherine la Grande, le philanthrope Andrew Carnegie ou la famille Rothschild. D'autres, moins connus, sont à découvrir : le cardinal d'Amboise, l'ordre ecclésiastique de la Visitation, le cas singulier de puissants genevois, le Prince Napoléon, ou les usines Renault... Les architectes trouvent également la place qui leur est due avec des artistes aussi importants que François Mansart, Charles Cameron, Emile Trélat ou Mies van der Rohe.
April 2009, Paris
History until 1900, Renaissance
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Giuliano da Sangallo was one of the first architects to draw the ruins and artifacts of ancient Rome in a systematic way. Cammy Brothers shows how Giuliano played a crucial role in the Renaissance recovery of antiquity, and how his work transformed the broken fragments of Rome’s past into the image of a city made whole. The book demonstrates how his drawings form the(...)
Giuliano da Sangallo and the Ruins of Rome
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Giuliano da Sangallo was one of the first architects to draw the ruins and artifacts of ancient Rome in a systematic way. Cammy Brothers shows how Giuliano played a crucial role in the Renaissance recovery of antiquity, and how his work transformed the broken fragments of Rome’s past into the image of a city made whole. The book demonstrates how his drawings form the basis for a reevaluation of the meaning and method of the Renaissance study of ancient artifacts, and brings to life the transformative moment when artists and architects began to view the fragments of ancient Rome not as broken artifacts of little interest but as objects of aesthetic contemplation.
January 2022
History until 1900, Renaissance
Architecture and the sense in the Italian Renaissance: the varieties of architectural experience
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This is the first study of Renaissance architecture as an immersive, multisensory experience that combines historical analysis with the evidence of first-hand accounts. Questioning the universalizing claims of contemporary architectural phenomenologists, David Karmon emphasizes the infinite variety of meanings produced through human interactions with the built(...)
Architecture and the sense in the Italian Renaissance: the varieties of architectural experience
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This is the first study of Renaissance architecture as an immersive, multisensory experience that combines historical analysis with the evidence of first-hand accounts. Questioning the universalizing claims of contemporary architectural phenomenologists, David Karmon emphasizes the infinite variety of meanings produced through human interactions with the built environment. His book draws upon the close study of literary and visual sources to prove that early modern audiences paid sustained attention to the multisensory experience of the buildings and cities in which they lived. Through reconstructing the Renaissance understanding of the senses, we can better gauge how constant interaction with the built environment shaped daily practices and contributed to new forms of understanding.'' Architecture and the senses in the Italian Renaissance'' offers a stimulating new approach to the study of Renaissance architecture and urbanism as a kind of ''experiential trigger'' that shaped ways of both thinking and being in the world.
May 2021
History until 1900, Renaissance
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From the strictly regimented church bells to the freewheeling chatter of civic life, Renaissance Florence was a city built not just of stone but of sound as well. An evocative alternative to the dominant visual understanding of urban spaces, The Noisy Renaissance examines the premodern city as an acoustic phenomenon in which citizens used sound to navigate space and(...)
The noisy Renaissance: sound, architecture and Florentine urban life
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From the strictly regimented church bells to the freewheeling chatter of civic life, Renaissance Florence was a city built not just of stone but of sound as well. An evocative alternative to the dominant visual understanding of urban spaces, The Noisy Renaissance examines the premodern city as an acoustic phenomenon in which citizens used sound to navigate space and society. Analyzing a range of documentary and literary evidence, art and architectural historian Niall Atkinson creates an “acoustic topography” of Florence. The dissemination of official messages, the rhythm of prayer, and the murmur of rumor and gossip combined to form a soundscape that became a foundation in the creation and maintenance of the urban community just as much as the city’s physical buildings. Sound in this space triggered a wide variety of social behaviors and spatial relations: hierarchical, personal, communal, political, domestic, sexual, spiritual, and religious.
October 2017
History until 1900, Renaissance