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''Comradeship'' collects 16 essays by the forward-thinking Slovenian curator, museum director and scholar Zdenka Badovinac (born 1958). Appointed director of Ljubljana's Museum of Modern Art in 1993 in the wake of Slovenian independence, Badovinac has become an influential voice in international conversations rethinking the geopolitics of art after the fall of communism.(...)
Comradeship: curating, art, and politics in post-socialist Europe
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''Comradeship'' collects 16 essays by the forward-thinking Slovenian curator, museum director and scholar Zdenka Badovinac (born 1958). Appointed director of Ljubljana's Museum of Modern Art in 1993 in the wake of Slovenian independence, Badovinac has become an influential voice in international conversations rethinking the geopolitics of art after the fall of communism. She is a ferocious critic of unequal negotiations between East and West and a leading historian of the avant-garde art that emerged in socialist and post-socialist countries at the end of the last century. One of the longest-serving and most prominent museum directors in the region, Badovinac has pioneered radical institutional forms to create a museum responsive to the complexities of the past, and commensurate with the demands of the present.
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The experience of engaging with art and history has been utterly transformed by information and communications technology in recent decades. We now have virtual, mediated access to countless heritage collections and assemblages of artworks, which we intuitively browse and navigate in a way that wasn’t possible until very recently. This collection of essays takes(...)
Museums in a digital culture: how art and heritage became meaningful
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The experience of engaging with art and history has been utterly transformed by information and communications technology in recent decades. We now have virtual, mediated access to countless heritage collections and assemblages of artworks, which we intuitively browse and navigate in a way that wasn’t possible until very recently. This collection of essays takes up the question of the cultural meaning of the information and communications technology that makes these new engagements possible, asking questions like: How should we theorize the sensory experience of art and heritage? What does information technology mean for the authority and ownership of heritage?
October 2016
Le facteur C
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Fruits des observations et réflexions d'un des leaders les plus en vue du secteur culturel, Simon Brault, Le Facteur C explique l'émergence spectaculaire des préoccupations culturelles dans l'arène publique au cours de la dernière décennie. L'auteur soutient qu'il sera désormais de plus en plus risqué de les ignorer sur le plan politique et dans la réalisation de tout(...)
Le facteur C
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Fruits des observations et réflexions d'un des leaders les plus en vue du secteur culturel, Simon Brault, Le Facteur C explique l'émergence spectaculaire des préoccupations culturelles dans l'arène publique au cours de la dernière décennie. L'auteur soutient qu'il sera désormais de plus en plus risqué de les ignorer sur le plan politique et dans la réalisation de tout projet collectif. Après avoir examiné l'impact économique et questionné différents aspects du fonctionnement du secteur culturel, il insiste sur l'importance des arts et de la culture comme dimension essentielle de la vie des individus et des communautés.
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Carolee Thea explores the intellectual convictions and personal visions that lay the groundwork for the most prestigious and influential exhibitions in the world today. Among the aesthetic and theoretical issues raised are the relationship between artist and curator, globalism, post-colonialism, capitalism, the future of cultural tourism and the biennial as spectacle or(...)
On curating: interviews with ten international curators
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Carolee Thea explores the intellectual convictions and personal visions that lay the groundwork for the most prestigious and influential exhibitions in the world today. Among the aesthetic and theoretical issues raised are the relationship between artist and curator, globalism, post-colonialism, capitalism, the future of cultural tourism and the biennial as spectacle or utopian ideal. Thea's interviewees are Joseph Backstein, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Okwui Enwezor, Charles Esche, Massimiliano Gioni, RoseLee Goldberg, Mary Jane Jacob, Pi Li, Virginia Perez-Ratton and Rirkrit Tiravanija.
The curator's egg, the evolution of the museum concept from the french revolution to the present day
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This book traces the growth of the museum concept from the opening of the Louvre to the current popularity of buildings by 'starchitects'. Encompassing curatorial, scholarly, political and cultural spheres, author Karsten Schubert addresses the concept of the museum from a variety of influences. In Part I, Schubert looks at the complex history of the museum in specific(...)
The curator's egg, the evolution of the museum concept from the french revolution to the present day
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This book traces the growth of the museum concept from the opening of the Louvre to the current popularity of buildings by 'starchitects'. Encompassing curatorial, scholarly, political and cultural spheres, author Karsten Schubert addresses the concept of the museum from a variety of influences. In Part I, Schubert looks at the complex history of the museum in specific cities during critical moments, for instance New York between 1930-1950 as the Metropolitan Museum expanded and MoMA was founded.
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Aujourd’hui, les musées sont plus que jamais au centre des problématiques culturelles, sociales et économiques de nos sociétés. Et la muséologie occupe désormais une place incontournable dans le champ des sciences sociales. Ce dictionnaire, réunissant une équipe d'experts internationaux, vient, en plus de 1200 entrées organisées en 7 thématiques, définir, analyser et(...)
Dictionnaire de muséologie, nouvelle édition
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Aujourd’hui, les musées sont plus que jamais au centre des problématiques culturelles, sociales et économiques de nos sociétés. Et la muséologie occupe désormais une place incontournable dans le champ des sciences sociales. Ce dictionnaire, réunissant une équipe d'experts internationaux, vient, en plus de 1200 entrées organisées en 7 thématiques, définir, analyser et mettre en perspective l'ensemble des termes utilisés dans le champ muséal, des plus académiques (exposition, artefact, patrimoine immatériel, cabinet de curiosité) aux plus innovants (digital curatorship, memory spots, cybermusée...). Un ouvrage de référence couvrant à la fois les domaines de la muséologie, de l’exposition, des méthodes de recherche, de gestion des collections et de conservation/restauration, de l’éducation muséale et la médiation, dans la gestion/marketing, de l’histoire et de l’analyse critique du musée.
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Le discours sur l'art traite généralement d'œuvres, d'artistes ou de création mais délaisse un aspect essentiel de la relation esthétique : l'exposition. De fait, la question est complexe : comment aborder conjointement des éléments aussi hétérogènes que les relations entre objets, les relations de ces objets à des lieux ou à des publics ou encore les relations internes(...)
May 2009
L'art: une histoire d'expositions
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Le discours sur l'art traite généralement d'œuvres, d'artistes ou de création mais délaisse un aspect essentiel de la relation esthétique : l'exposition. De fait, la question est complexe : comment aborder conjointement des éléments aussi hétérogènes que les relations entre objets, les relations de ces objets à des lieux ou à des publics ou encore les relations internes au monde de l'art qu'ils sous-tendent ? Une partie de la difficulté tient aux compréhensions contradictoires impliquées par l'exposition ; car exposer c'est à la fois produire une énonciation (un exposé) et découvrir, mettre à nu, mettre en danger. A la fois révéler - en un sens quasi photographique - et dévoiler : dénoncer et donner en exemple - rabaisser et élever. Bien que la question de l'art et de son appréciation ne se réduise évidemment pas à un ensemble de dispositifs de présentation, à des textes d'accompagnement ou de critique, à des choix de commissaires, il n'en demeure pas moins que la prise en compte des procédures d'exposition éclaire singulièrement la place de l'art dans notre monde. Des explications sur les circonstances entourant la création d'une œuvre - de même que la façon dont ces circonstances sont connues et divulguées - enrichissent sa connaissance et en modifient le sens et l'approche. De même, une réflexion sur les publics, la scénographie, l'architecture, les commentaires, les textes de présentation, permet de voir en quoi les différentes médiations orientent et réorientent en permanence le jugement sur les œuvres et notre compréhension de l'art.
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A curatorial situation is always one of hospitality. It implies invitations to artists, artworks, curators, audiences, and institutions; people and objects are received, welcomed, and temporarily brought together. It offers resources for material and physical support while also responding to a need for recognition, respect, or attention. Finally, and very importantly, a(...)
Cultures of the curatorial 3: Hospitality. Hosting relations in exhibitions
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A curatorial situation is always one of hospitality. It implies invitations to artists, artworks, curators, audiences, and institutions; people and objects are received, welcomed, and temporarily brought together. It offers resources for material and physical support while also responding to a need for recognition, respect, or attention. Finally, and very importantly, a curatorial situation operates in the space between an unconditional acceptance of the other and exclusions legitimized through various rules and regulations. This publication analyzes, from the perspective of hospitality, the curatorial within the current sociopolitical context through key topics concerning immigration, conditions along borders, and accommodations for refugees. The contributions in this volume, by international curators, artists, critics, and theoreticians, deal with conditions of decontextualization and displacement, encounters between the local and the foreign, as well as the satisfaction of basic human needs.
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What happens when feminist and queer care ethics are put into curating practice? What happens when the notion of care based on the politics of relatedness, interdependence, reciprocity, and response-ability informs the practices of curating? Delivered through critical theoretical essays, practice-informed case studies, and manifestos, the essays in this book offer(...)
Radicalizing care: Feminist and queer activism in curating
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What happens when feminist and queer care ethics are put into curating practice? What happens when the notion of care based on the politics of relatedness, interdependence, reciprocity, and response-ability informs the practices of curating? Delivered through critical theoretical essays, practice-informed case studies, and manifestos, the essays in this book offer insights from diverse contexts and geographies.
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What is the role of the curator when organizing digital art exhibitions in offline and online spaces? Analyzing the influence and impact of curating digital art through more than 20 interviews with artists and curators plus an extensive timeline, this book focuses on how the work of curators, artists and designers created fresh possibilities for reconfiguring traditional(...)
Curating digital art: from presenting and collecting digital art to netwiorked co-curation
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What is the role of the curator when organizing digital art exhibitions in offline and online spaces? Analyzing the influence and impact of curating digital art through more than 20 interviews with artists and curators plus an extensive timeline, this book focuses on how the work of curators, artists and designers created fresh possibilities for reconfiguring traditional models for presenting and accessing digital art.