The Manifesta decade : debates on contemporary art exhibitions and biennials in post-wall Europe
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Manifesta, the first itinerant European biennial for contemporary art, emerged in a post-wall, globalizing Europe. Founded in 1993, it organized traveling exhibitions aimed at providing a new framework for cultural exchange and collaboration between artists and curators from across the continent. "The Manifesta decade" marks Manifesta's ten years of exhibits with original(...)
September 2005, Cambridge, Mass.
The Manifesta decade : debates on contemporary art exhibitions and biennials in post-wall Europe
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Manifesta, the first itinerant European biennial for contemporary art, emerged in a post-wall, globalizing Europe. Founded in 1993, it organized traveling exhibitions aimed at providing a new framework for cultural exchange and collaboration between artists and curators from across the continent. "The Manifesta decade" marks Manifesta's ten years of exhibits with original essays, unpublished images, and texts that not only document the different Manifesta exhibits but also examine the cultural, curatorial, and political terrain of the Europe from which they sprang. Including contributions from philosophers, historians, and anthropologists, interviews with architect Rem Koolhaas and historian Jacques Le Goff, and essays by such curators and writers as Okwui Enwezor, Boris Groys, Maria Hlavajova, and Hans Ulrich Obrist, the collection traces the cultural and political developments of Europe in the 1990s. It reflects the debates incited by exhibitions such as "Magiciens de la terre", Documenta, and "After the wall" and explores the changing roles of curators and artists in the new geo-political context. The issues discussed include the effect of communism's collapse on Eastern Europe, the role of biennials in the context of globalization, and the ephemerality of exhibitions versus the permanence of the museum. The book's second section traces the history of Manifesta, from its conceptual foundations and contributions to artistic practices of the 1990s to the relationship of a roving biennial to themes of multiculturalism, migration and diaspora. At a moment when biennials continue to proliferate worldwide, "The Manifesta decade" takes Manifesta as a case study to look critically at the landscape from which new exhibition paradigms have emerged. The book's 100 images, both color and black and white, include unpublished installation shots of each Manifesta exhibition.
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Essays, plans and projects by various artists,including Max Bill, Heinrich Dunst, Helmut Federle, Per Kirkeby, Katarina Fritsch, Erwin Heerich, Gerhard Merz, Gottfried Honegger, Walther Pichler, Ulrich Rückriem, Bernar Venet, Daniel Buren, Christoph Haerle, Peter Wigglesworth, Donald Judd, Markus Lüpertz, Arnulf Rainer, Richard Serra among others showing their ideas for(...)
Museum architecture : texts and projects by artists
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Essays, plans and projects by various artists,including Max Bill, Heinrich Dunst, Helmut Federle, Per Kirkeby, Katarina Fritsch, Erwin Heerich, Gerhard Merz, Gottfried Honegger, Walther Pichler, Ulrich Rückriem, Bernar Venet, Daniel Buren, Christoph Haerle, Peter Wigglesworth, Donald Judd, Markus Lüpertz, Arnulf Rainer, Richard Serra among others showing their ideas for how museums should be constructed. When discussing the increasing number of museums and exhibition spaces for modern art which have come into being in recent years, the deep-seated differences of opinion between architects and artists keep coming to the fore. The discussion seems to be almost exclusively dominated by the point of view of the architect and defined by his/her interests. The needs of the art itself are being widely neglected and the voice of the artist is simply not being heard. Donald Judd, the American sculptor and minimalist artist, once noted that museums are so rarely built on functional lines these days, the trend being more towards the creation of a showpiece for the architect. Why are painters and sculptors not asked for their input? The very obvious question was addressed by the Espace de l’art concret when in 1997, it asked a number of well-known artists to come up with ideas and projects for a museum for concrete art. They were invited to submit their ideal utopian suggestions as well as very concrete and architectural proposals and written statements. These are documented in this publication, supplemented with the material for the collection owned by the Kunsthaus in Bregenz and expanded with an extensive anthology of texts by artists on this subject. The résumé of the contributions presents a searing criticism of contemporary museum architecture by its most important users. Their voice will at last find an ear in the current architectural discussion about the new cathedrals of the post-industrial society.
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What begins as a meditation on "the museum" becomes, in this book, a far-reaching critical examination of how art history and museums have guided and controlled not only the way we look at art but the ways in which we understand modernity itself. Originally delivered as the 2001 Slade Lectures in the Fine Arts at Oxford University, the book makes its deeply complex(...)
Brain of the earth's body : art, museums and the phantasms of modernity
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What begins as a meditation on "the museum" becomes, in this book, a far-reaching critical examination of how art history and museums have guided and controlled not only the way we look at art but the ways in which we understand modernity itself. Originally delivered as the 2001 Slade Lectures in the Fine Arts at Oxford University, the book makes its deeply complex argument remarkably accessible and powerfully clear. Concentrating on a period from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth, Donald Preziosi presents case studies of major institutions that, he argues, have defined--and are still defining--the possible limits of museological and art historical theory and practice. These include Sir John Soane's Museum in London, preserved in its 1837 state; the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851; and four museums founded by Europeans in Egypt in the late nineteenth century, which divided up that country's history into "ethnically marked" aesthetic hierarchies and genealogies that accorded with Europe's construction of itself as the present of the world's past, and the "brain of the earth's body." Through this epistemological and institutional archaeology, Preziosi unearths the outlines of the more radical Enlightenment project that academic art history, professional museology, and art criticism have rendered marginal or invisible. Finally, he sketches a new theory about art, artifice, and visual signification in the cracks and around the margins of the "secular theologisms" of the globalized imperial capital called modernity.
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We owe our idea of the contemporary exhibition to Harald Szeemann--the first of the jet-setting international curators. From 1961 to 1969, he was Curator of the Kunsthalle Bern, where in 1968 he had the foresight to give Christo and Jeanne-Claude the opportunity to wrap the entire museum building. Szeemann's groundbreaking 1969 exhibition When Attitudes Become Form, also(...)
March 2008, Berlin, Dijon, New York, Manchester
Harald Szeemann Individual Methodology
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We owe our idea of the contemporary exhibition to Harald Szeemann--the first of the jet-setting international curators. From 1961 to 1969, he was Curator of the Kunsthalle Bern, where in 1968 he had the foresight to give Christo and Jeanne-Claude the opportunity to wrap the entire museum building. Szeemann's groundbreaking 1969 exhibition When Attitudes Become Form, also at the Kunsthalle, introduced European audiences to artists like Joseph Beuys, Eva Hesse, Richard Serra and Lawrence Weiner. It also introduced the now-commonplace practice of curating an exhibition around a theme. Since Szeemann's death in 2005, there has been research underway at his archive in Tessin, Switzerland. An invaluable resource, this volume provides access to previously unpublished plans, documents and photographs from the archive, along with important essays by Hal Foster and Jean-Marc Poinsot. There is also an informative interview with Tobia Bezzola--curator at the Kunsthauz Zurich and Szeemann's collaborator for many years. Two of Szeemann's most ambitious exhibitions are presented as case studies: Documenta V (1972) and L'Autre, the 4th Lyon Biennial (1997). A biography, an illustrated chronology of Szeemann's exhibitions and a selection of his writings complete this exhaustive survey.
Hans Ulrich Obrist : Everything you always wanted to know about curating (but were afraid to ask)
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Everything you ever wanted to know about Hans Ulrich Obrist butwere afraid to ask has now been asked, revealing the truth from the beginning of his career as a young curator in his Zurich kitchen to his recent position as co-director of the Serpentine in London. This book is a "production of reality conversations", otherwise known as interviews. It undertakes the(...)
Hans Ulrich Obrist : Everything you always wanted to know about curating (but were afraid to ask)
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Everything you ever wanted to know about Hans Ulrich Obrist butwere afraid to ask has now been asked, revealing the truth from the beginning of his career as a young curator in his Zurich kitchen to his recent position as co-director of the Serpentine in London. This book is a "production of reality conversations", otherwise known as interviews. It undertakes the impossible: pinning down this peripatetic curator, and affirming the wisdom of an artist who told Obrist "don't go" when he contemplated leaving the art world for other fields. Interviews by Jean Max Colard, Robert Fleck, Jefferson Hack, Nav Haq, Sophia Krzys Acord, Brendan McGetrick, Ingo Niermann, Paul O'Neill,Philippe Parreno & Alex Poots, Juri Steiner, Gavin Wade, et al. Foreword by Tino Sehgal, afterword by Yona Friedman.
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Nina Mö ntmann's timely book extends the decolonisation debate to the institutions of contemporary art. In a thoughtfully articulated text, illustrated with pertinent examples of best practice, she argues that museums and galleries of contemporary art have a responsibility to "decenter" their institutions, removing from their collections, exhibition policies and(...)
Decentring the museum: Contemporary art institutions and colonial legacies
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Nina Mö ntmann's timely book extends the decolonisation debate to the institutions of contemporary art. In a thoughtfully articulated text, illustrated with pertinent examples of best practice, she argues that museums and galleries of contemporary art have a responsibility to "decenter" their institutions, removing from their collections, exhibition policies and infrastructures a deeply embedded Euro-centric cultural focus with roots in the history of colonialism. In this, she argues, they can learn from the example both of anthropological museums (such as the Humboldt Forum in Berlin and the British Museum), which are engaged in debates about the colonial histories of their collections, and of small-scale art spaces (such as La Colonie in Paris or Savvy Contemporary in Berlin), which have the flexibility to initiate different kinds of conversation – for example, by programming exhibitions and events in collaboration with local diasporic communities from the global south.
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Artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important topic in the cultural sector. While museums have long focused on building digital object databases, the existing data can now become a field of application for machine learning, deep learning and foundation model approaches. This goes hand in hand with new artistic practices, curation tools, visitor analytics,(...)
AI in museums: Reflections, perspectives and applications
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Artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important topic in the cultural sector. While museums have long focused on building digital object databases, the existing data can now become a field of application for machine learning, deep learning and foundation model approaches. This goes hand in hand with new artistic practices, curation tools, visitor analytics, chatbots, automatic translations and tailor-made text generation. With a decidedly interdisciplinary approach, the volume brings together a wide range of critical reflections, practical perspectives and concrete applications of artificial intelligence in museums, and provides an overview of the current state of the debate.
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''The Art Institution of Tomorrow'' is a unique manifesto for raising the standard of institutional practices across the world. It suggests that existing art institutions are not equipped to deal with the radical social, economic and environmental change we are living through and engage with advancement in the arts, and that unless they re-focus on their core purpose and(...)
The art institution of tomorrow: Reinventing the model
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''The Art Institution of Tomorrow'' is a unique manifesto for raising the standard of institutional practices across the world. It suggests that existing art institutions are not equipped to deal with the radical social, economic and environmental change we are living through and engage with advancement in the arts, and that unless they re-focus on their core purpose and fundamentally transform their organisational structure and operational models, they will start to lose their relevance and influence.
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"1. The tropics is a state of mind. A different perception of space, time and geography that resists neoliberalism’s efficiency, overproduction, overconsumption, and over accumulation."
Manual for exhibition making in the Tropics #125
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"1. The tropics is a state of mind. A different perception of space, time and geography that resists neoliberalism’s efficiency, overproduction, overconsumption, and over accumulation."
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Every city has at least one, and great cities often have more. From the Louvre to the Bilbao Guggenheim, the museum has had a long-standing relationship with the city. This ground-breaking volume examines the meaning of museum architecture in the urban environment, considering important issues such as forms of civic representation, urban regeneration, cultural tourism and(...)
The architecture of the museum : symbolic structures, urban contexts
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Every city has at least one, and great cities often have more. From the Louvre to the Bilbao Guggenheim, the museum has had a long-standing relationship with the city. This ground-breaking volume examines the meaning of museum architecture in the urban environment, considering important issues such as forms of civic representation, urban regeneration, cultural tourism and the museumification of the city itself. Bringing together an international group of distinguished scholars from a range of disciplines, this volume bridges the gap between museum studies and traditional architectural history. The contributors explore the conceptual architectural frameworks that govern the museum's diverse symbolic structures and focus attention on the complex ways in which museums function in the city. Ranging from the 17th century to the present day, the detailed and thoroughly researched case studies are drawn from Great Britain, continental Europe, South America and Australia.