(available to order)
Enter the enchanting world of pop-ups and handmade paper crafts. Join author Helen Hiebert as she guides you through materials, tools and pop-up basics including parallel folds, angle folds, combinations and variations, and layered pop-ups. Enjoy creating 20 projects to play with ranging from cards and books to buildings, graphic design pieces, and more.
Playing with pop-ups: the art of dimensional, moving paper designs
(available to order)
Enter the enchanting world of pop-ups and handmade paper crafts. Join author Helen Hiebert as she guides you through materials, tools and pop-up basics including parallel folds, angle folds, combinations and variations, and layered pop-ups. Enjoy creating 20 projects to play with ranging from cards and books to buildings, graphic design pieces, and more.
Pop Up
(available to order)
The creator of Paper Blossoms delivers more flowers for the table. From a butterfly garden to a hummingbird's arbor, a branch of orchids to a vase of tulips, the creator offers four new pop-up.
Paper blossoms, butterflies and birds: a book of beautiful bouquets for the table
(available to order)
The creator of Paper Blossoms delivers more flowers for the table. From a butterfly garden to a hummingbird's arbor, a branch of orchids to a vase of tulips, the creator offers four new pop-up.
Pop Up
(available to order)
¨Plic, ploc, plic, ploc... Il pleut sur mon robot Et mon robot n'aime pas l'eau. Trop tard ! Il a attrapé la rouille¨. Après Drôle d'oiseau et Big Bang Pop, voici le dernier livre de Philippe Ug.
Les robots n'aiment pas l'eau
(available to order)
¨Plic, ploc, plic, ploc... Il pleut sur mon robot Et mon robot n'aime pas l'eau. Trop tard ! Il a attrapé la rouille¨. Après Drôle d'oiseau et Big Bang Pop, voici le dernier livre de Philippe Ug.
Pop Up
Welcome to the neighbourhood
(available to order)
From award-winning artist Shawn Sheehy comes an up-close look at the architectural masterpieces of the animal world, featuring an array of lifelike pop-ups originally crafted with handmade paper. The earthy exploration culminates in a final spread showing all the neighborwood creatures together.
Welcome to the neighbourhood
(available to order)
From award-winning artist Shawn Sheehy comes an up-close look at the architectural masterpieces of the animal world, featuring an array of lifelike pop-ups originally crafted with handmade paper. The earthy exploration culminates in a final spread showing all the neighborwood creatures together.
Pop Up
Un petit bois mystérieux
(available to order)
Du soleil levant au soleil couchant, dans le petit bois mystérieux tout se lève et se soulève et, au crépuscule tout se couche et se replie avec la lune dans ce pop-up poème façonné par Susumu Shingu.
Un petit bois mystérieux
(available to order)
Du soleil levant au soleil couchant, dans le petit bois mystérieux tout se lève et se soulève et, au crépuscule tout se couche et se replie avec la lune dans ce pop-up poème façonné par Susumu Shingu.
November 2015
Pop Up
Le petit chaperon rouge
(available to order)
«Le petit chaperon rouge, qui va rendre visite à sa Mère-Grand, rencontre en chemin compère le loup». Un grand conte classique dans sa version intégrale et authentique, audacieusement illustré. Décors et personnages s’animent et prennent vie grâce aux pop-up !
Le petit chaperon rouge
(available to order)
«Le petit chaperon rouge, qui va rendre visite à sa Mère-Grand, rencontre en chemin compère le loup». Un grand conte classique dans sa version intégrale et authentique, audacieusement illustré. Décors et personnages s’animent et prennent vie grâce aux pop-up !
Pop Up
(available to order)
Sebastien Braun’s illustrations introduces children to a zoo and a half’s worth of animals and, of course, the prowling tiger.
The tiger prowls : a pop-up book of wild animals
(available to order)
Sebastien Braun’s illustrations introduces children to a zoo and a half’s worth of animals and, of course, the prowling tiger.
Pop Up
Pop up merveilles
(available to order)
''Les Merveilles du monde'' constituent l'ensemble des oeuvres architecturales et artistiques les plus extraordinaires. Faites un saut dans le temps et découvrez les architectures époustouflantes de 7 merveilles du monde classées au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco : - Les pyramides de Giseh (Egypte) - Le Taj Mahal (Inde, Agra) - Le Colisée (Italie, Rome) - La cathédrale(...)
Pop up merveilles
(available to order)
''Les Merveilles du monde'' constituent l'ensemble des oeuvres architecturales et artistiques les plus extraordinaires. Faites un saut dans le temps et découvrez les architectures époustouflantes de 7 merveilles du monde classées au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco : - Les pyramides de Giseh (Egypte) - Le Taj Mahal (Inde, Agra) - Le Colisée (Italie, Rome) - La cathédrale Saint-Basile (Russie, Moscou) - La statue de la Liberté (Etats-Unis, New York) - La tombe de l'empereur Qin Shi Huangdi (Chine) - Le château de Chenonceau (France) Ces oeuvres montrent qu'avec des moyens, pour nous rudimentaires, architectes et bâtisseurs de l'époque étaient capables, a? force de labeur et d'ingéniosité, d'ouvrages prodigieux. Marie Caillou donne vie et volume à ces 7 lieux mythiques chargés d'histoire, autant d'incroyables constructions de l'homme qui ont traversé les siècles et les mémoires.
Pop Up
Munari Pop-up (Italian)
(available in store)
''Travel sculptures started off as small sculptures (some even pocket sized) to carry with you, or so you could take part of your own culture to an anonymous hotel room. Later they were turned into 'travel sculptures' five or six metres tall and made of steel. One of these was seen for a few months in Cesenatico, another one in Naples along the seafront. Others are(...)
Munari Pop-up (Italian)
(available in store)
''Travel sculptures started off as small sculptures (some even pocket sized) to carry with you, or so you could take part of your own culture to an anonymous hotel room. Later they were turned into 'travel sculptures' five or six metres tall and made of steel. One of these was seen for a few months in Cesenatico, another one in Naples along the seafront. Others are sleeping among huge trees in the Alto Adige region.'' – Bruno Munari, A collective exhibition. This is how Bruno Munari described his ''travel sculptures'', which inspired American illustrator and designer David A. Carter for his pop-up book ''Le sculture da viaggio di Munari.''
Pop Up
Pop up Architecture
(available to order)
In "Wendy Evans Joseph : Pop-Up Architecture", six of Joseph’s most outstanding and award-winning architectural and interior design projects are brought to life in 3-D. From a Japanese-inspired home observatory, to a quiet, contemplative memorial garden, to a modern, cantilevered pedestrian bridge, each of the pops in the book allows the reader to engage with Joseph’s(...)
October 2009
Pop up Architecture
(available to order)
In "Wendy Evans Joseph : Pop-Up Architecture", six of Joseph’s most outstanding and award-winning architectural and interior design projects are brought to life in 3-D. From a Japanese-inspired home observatory, to a quiet, contemplative memorial garden, to a modern, cantilevered pedestrian bridge, each of the pops in the book allows the reader to engage with Joseph’s work in a new way. The pops themselves are minimally illustrated in solid-colored or lightly patterned paper to suggest the materials used in the construction — aluminum, cedar, terrazzo, steel — while photographs serve as the background design and provide additional views of the structure. Accompanying each pop is a text offering a brief discussion of the inspiration behind the work and some of the challenges Joseph and her team faced during the development and construction phases.