The Project records from Neil Denari series, 1994 – 2004, consists of records produced by Denari for his show “Interrupted Projections” at Gallery MA in Tokyo, Japan. It documents the development and final design for the principal architectural installation built on the third level of the gallery, as well as related materials displayed on the gallery’s fourth floor. The series also contains photographic and video documentation of the exhibit, the show catalogue, and promotional materials. The series includes 4003 digital files (1 GB), 53 slides, 21 transparencies, seven drawings and/or reprographic copies, two VHS video cassettes, one exhibition catalogue, and a small amount of promotional material comprising one large and two small posters, one postcard, and one t-shirt. The majority of records date from 1994-1996. Denari used a combination of physical drawings and digital modelling to draft the design for Interrupted Projections. The series contains one ink drawing and one transfer print with plans and sections of the third floor gallery space, two reprographic copies of drawings with elevations and plans of existing conditions of the third and fourth floors at Gallery MA, and three graphite hand drawings of the installation. Digital files in the series include two original Softimage databases containing full and partial 3D models of the installation, as well as one forward-migrated database containing models compiled from the two original databases. The original models were created in Softimage ’95 on Windows NT and will not open in contemporary versions of Autodesk Softimage. The forward-migrated model database was created by members of Autodesk’s Montreal office for the Archaeology of the Digital exhibition Complexity and Convention and will open in Softimage 2014. Each Softimage model database is made up of several directories that contain information necessary to render all models and their animation into a “scene” (such as textures, lighting, camera movements, etc.). When the Interrupted Projections models were migrated, the information from all directories in both original databases was compiled into the Scenes directory of a single database. These updated scene files (SCN) contain all the elements needed to render the models without the need for additional directories. Each scene file has a corresponding scene TOC file (scene table of content), which can be used to further modify the information in the scene. Scene files in the migrated database contain full and partial models for Interrupted Projections, including one animated scene that follows a camera path through the interior and exterior of the final model. These files document the various stages of design work for the project, as well as Denari’s use of animation features in Softimage to visualize and study the spatial character of his drawings. Project collaborator Duks Koschitz created additional animations of the model that were edited and shown on the fourth floor of the exhibition. A compilation of his work is included on a VHS tape in the archive. The video, which spans one minute 16 seconds, contains four animations that move around the 3D gallery space. Koschitz attempted to reflect the concerns of the project in the movements of the camera, focusing on details such as the fictional company logos or curvatures in the surface of the model. The majority of photographic materials in the series are digital renderings of the model, comprising 38 slides, 14 diapositives, and seven digital images. Photographic materials also include images of the completed show, including seven diapositives that document the built work from various views on the third floor of Gallery MA, as well as the exhibition of materials on the fourth floor. A small number of slides document the exhibit open to the public, and include images of visitors interacting with the Sony Navicam. Most of the diapositive photographs and a small number of slides were taken by Fujitsuka Mitsumasa, a photographer of architecture based in Tokyo. A second VHS tape in the archive provides in-depth documentation of the Interrupted Projections exhibition, containing 45 minutes of raw video footage that explores Gallery MA and surrounding areas of Tokyo. The Interrupted Projections book contains in print the text and images from the installation and website. It was written by Denari and designed by Michiharu Shimoda, a graphic designer and underground trip-hop artist who was also responsible for the design of the fictional logos used in the exhibit. The book acts as an extension of the content of the show, as well as exhibition catalogue, and covers Denari’s other projects represented in the show. The series also contains a small amount of promotional media for Interrupted Projections, including one large and two small posters, a postcard, and a t-shirt.
1994 - 2004
Project records from Neil Denari
The Project records from Neil Denari series, 1994 – 2004, consists of records produced by Denari for his show “Interrupted Projections” at Gallery MA in Tokyo, Japan. It documents the development and final design for the principal architectural installation built on the third level of the gallery, as well as related materials displayed on the gallery’s fourth floor. The series also contains photographic and video documentation of the exhibit, the show catalogue, and promotional materials. The series includes 4003 digital files (1 GB), 53 slides, 21 transparencies, seven drawings and/or reprographic copies, two VHS video cassettes, one exhibition catalogue, and a small amount of promotional material comprising one large and two small posters, one postcard, and one t-shirt. The majority of records date from 1994-1996. Denari used a combination of physical drawings and digital modelling to draft the design for Interrupted Projections. The series contains one ink drawing and one transfer print with plans and sections of the third floor gallery space, two reprographic copies of drawings with elevations and plans of existing conditions of the third and fourth floors at Gallery MA, and three graphite hand drawings of the installation. Digital files in the series include two original Softimage databases containing full and partial 3D models of the installation, as well as one forward-migrated database containing models compiled from the two original databases. The original models were created in Softimage ’95 on Windows NT and will not open in contemporary versions of Autodesk Softimage. The forward-migrated model database was created by members of Autodesk’s Montreal office for the Archaeology of the Digital exhibition Complexity and Convention and will open in Softimage 2014. Each Softimage model database is made up of several directories that contain information necessary to render all models and their animation into a “scene” (such as textures, lighting, camera movements, etc.). When the Interrupted Projections models were migrated, the information from all directories in both original databases was compiled into the Scenes directory of a single database. These updated scene files (SCN) contain all the elements needed to render the models without the need for additional directories. Each scene file has a corresponding scene TOC file (scene table of content), which can be used to further modify the information in the scene. Scene files in the migrated database contain full and partial models for Interrupted Projections, including one animated scene that follows a camera path through the interior and exterior of the final model. These files document the various stages of design work for the project, as well as Denari’s use of animation features in Softimage to visualize and study the spatial character of his drawings. Project collaborator Duks Koschitz created additional animations of the model that were edited and shown on the fourth floor of the exhibition. A compilation of his work is included on a VHS tape in the archive. The video, which spans one minute 16 seconds, contains four animations that move around the 3D gallery space. Koschitz attempted to reflect the concerns of the project in the movements of the camera, focusing on details such as the fictional company logos or curvatures in the surface of the model. The majority of photographic materials in the series are digital renderings of the model, comprising 38 slides, 14 diapositives, and seven digital images. Photographic materials also include images of the completed show, including seven diapositives that document the built work from various views on the third floor of Gallery MA, as well as the exhibition of materials on the fourth floor. A small number of slides document the exhibit open to the public, and include images of visitors interacting with the Sony Navicam. Most of the diapositive photographs and a small number of slides were taken by Fujitsuka Mitsumasa, a photographer of architecture based in Tokyo. A second VHS tape in the archive provides in-depth documentation of the Interrupted Projections exhibition, containing 45 minutes of raw video footage that explores Gallery MA and surrounding areas of Tokyo. The Interrupted Projections book contains in print the text and images from the installation and website. It was written by Denari and designed by Michiharu Shimoda, a graphic designer and underground trip-hop artist who was also responsible for the design of the fictional logos used in the exhibit. The book acts as an extension of the content of the show, as well as exhibition catalogue, and covers Denari’s other projects represented in the show. The series also contains a small amount of promotional media for Interrupted Projections, including one large and two small posters, a postcard, and a t-shirt.
1994 - 2004
22 File
library shelving rooms, library ceiling, loud speaker recess, cuspidor and drinking fountain, screen, grill, domestic science room, library counter, luncheonette counter, cashier's booth, kitchen cupboard, arts room and darkroom sinks, projection room parts, contributor's board, bronze plaques, panel ornaments, railings
Library shelving rooms, library ceiling, loud speaker recess, cuspidor and drinking fountain
library shelving rooms, library ceiling, loud speaker recess, cuspidor and drinking fountain, screen, grill, domestic science room, library counter, luncheonette counter, cashier's booth, kitchen cupboard, arts room and darkroom sinks, projection room parts, contributor's board, bronze plaques, panel ornaments, railings
22 File
The CCA galleries are transformed into cinematic screening rooms to present a range of artistic, scientific, and experimental films on speed and space. Selected by curators from the archives of NASA, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM), the National Film Board of Canada (NFB), and UbuWeb, the films explore the impact of velocity and technology on our(...)
Main galleries
25 November 2009 to 28 February 2010
Intermission: Films From a Heroic Future
The CCA galleries are transformed into cinematic screening rooms to present a range of artistic, scientific, and experimental films on speed and space. Selected by curators from the archives of NASA, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM), the National Film Board of Canada (NFB), and UbuWeb, the films explore the impact of velocity and technology on our(...)
Main galleries
Movement in Midtown
Circulation study of the Midtown Manhattan area from 34th Street to 63rd Street. A partial closing of Madison Avenue and the creation of a pedestrian mall was proposed to decongest the area; redesign of 48th and 49th Streets; and a system of mid-block pedestrian routes. The study contains a series of reports on parking, trucks, maxicabs, cost projections, the West Side Highway, and Convention center. Among solutions advanced were the design and manufacture of a special minibus [Ginkelvan], the widening of sidewalks, a new east-west subway line, and new parking.
Movement in Midtown
Circulation study of the Midtown Manhattan area from 34th Street to 63rd Street. A partial closing of Madison Avenue and the creation of a pedestrian mall was proposed to decongest the area; redesign of 48th and 49th Streets; and a system of mid-block pedestrian routes. The study contains a series of reports on parking, trucks, maxicabs, cost projections, the West Side Highway, and Convention center. Among solutions advanced were the design and manufacture of a special minibus [Ginkelvan], the widening of sidewalks, a new east-west subway line, and new parking.
File 52
Project records from Mr. Koz
The Project records from Mr. Koz series, 1996, consists of records produced by Seiichi Kozu of Studio KOZ, a local architect who managed the physical construction and installation of Denari’s show “Interrupted Projections” at Gallery MA in Tokyo, Japan. The series consists of 20 drawings and/or reprographic copies, 19 layouts, 16 slides, and a small amount of promotional material including three posters and one promotional pamphlet. Records date from 1996. For Interrupted Projections, in collaboration with Tokyo-based architect Seiichi Kozu (Mr. Koz) of Studio KOZ, Denari used traditional construction techniques to build a structure inside the gallery space that blended floor, wall and ceiling into a continuous curved surface. This surface displayed printed logos for fictional corporations, designed specifically for the exhibition. The majority of drawings and reprographic copies in the series relate to the construction of the principal architectural installation built on the third floor of Gallery MA. This includes plans and sections for the third floor, as well as working drawings that detail specifications such as dimensions, materials, layouts, and assembly techniques. The series also contains a set of five drawings that include first and second floor plans and sections of Gallery MA. The majority of writing on the drawings is Japanese, aside from one reprographic copy with third floor plans and sections that contains notes in English about elements of the installation such as lighting and the placement and size of fictional company logos. Photographic materials in the series comprise 16 slides that contain images of the built installation, as well as images of the exhibition open to the public, including slides of visitors interacting with the NaviCam. The series also includes printed layouts of the 3D digital renderings for the Interrupted Projections model alongside a pantone sheet, which were used as a reference during the construction process. Promotional material in the series includes three small posters for the exhibition, as well as a brochure that highlights selected works from the show.
Project records from Mr. Koz
The Project records from Mr. Koz series, 1996, consists of records produced by Seiichi Kozu of Studio KOZ, a local architect who managed the physical construction and installation of Denari’s show “Interrupted Projections” at Gallery MA in Tokyo, Japan. The series consists of 20 drawings and/or reprographic copies, 19 layouts, 16 slides, and a small amount of promotional material including three posters and one promotional pamphlet. Records date from 1996. For Interrupted Projections, in collaboration with Tokyo-based architect Seiichi Kozu (Mr. Koz) of Studio KOZ, Denari used traditional construction techniques to build a structure inside the gallery space that blended floor, wall and ceiling into a continuous curved surface. This surface displayed printed logos for fictional corporations, designed specifically for the exhibition. The majority of drawings and reprographic copies in the series relate to the construction of the principal architectural installation built on the third floor of Gallery MA. This includes plans and sections for the third floor, as well as working drawings that detail specifications such as dimensions, materials, layouts, and assembly techniques. The series also contains a set of five drawings that include first and second floor plans and sections of Gallery MA. The majority of writing on the drawings is Japanese, aside from one reprographic copy with third floor plans and sections that contains notes in English about elements of the installation such as lighting and the placement and size of fictional company logos. Photographic materials in the series comprise 16 slides that contain images of the built installation, as well as images of the exhibition open to the public, including slides of visitors interacting with the NaviCam. The series also includes printed layouts of the 3D digital renderings for the Interrupted Projections model alongside a pantone sheet, which were used as a reference during the construction process. Promotional material in the series includes three small posters for the exhibition, as well as a brochure that highlights selected works from the show.
Construction for the transatlantic ocean liner, S.S. Nieuw Amsterdam – an initiative of the Holland-America Line – began in 1936 and was completed by May 1938. After the death of a leading figure of the Brinkman & Van der Vlugt architectural firm, the director of the Holland-American Line contracted the interior design to several architects, each working in partnership with artists. Oud was responsible for designing the First Class Swimming Pool and Second Class Tourist Lounge and Smoking Room. Oud outfitted the Second Class lounge with a rug, wooden furniture and a parquet dance floor; at one end of the room he set a stage, grand piano, and projection booth. The Smoking Room featured cork floors, panelled walls and a long reading table. The Smoking Room featured club chairs in brown leather and wooden chairs (Taverne et al. 2001, 389-392). Project series includes plans for the Tourist Lounge, and photographs of its interior.
Interior of the S.S. Nieuw Amsterdam (1936-1938)
Construction for the transatlantic ocean liner, S.S. Nieuw Amsterdam – an initiative of the Holland-America Line – began in 1936 and was completed by May 1938. After the death of a leading figure of the Brinkman & Van der Vlugt architectural firm, the director of the Holland-American Line contracted the interior design to several architects, each working in partnership with artists. Oud was responsible for designing the First Class Swimming Pool and Second Class Tourist Lounge and Smoking Room. Oud outfitted the Second Class lounge with a rug, wooden furniture and a parquet dance floor; at one end of the room he set a stage, grand piano, and projection booth. The Smoking Room featured cork floors, panelled walls and a long reading table. The Smoking Room featured club chairs in brown leather and wooden chairs (Taverne et al. 2001, 389-392). Project series includes plans for the Tourist Lounge, and photographs of its interior.
2016 Visiting Scholar Cara Rachele presents her research: This lecture investigates the explosion of detail drawings in the Renaissance. It connects the emergence of the detail in the sixteenth century as a canonical drawing type with the evocation of the material antique. The organic evolution of the detail drawing method can be seen in the sketchbooks of everyday(...)
11 August 2016, 6pm
Visiting Scholar Seminar: Cara Rachele
2016 Visiting Scholar Cara Rachele presents her research: This lecture investigates the explosion of detail drawings in the Renaissance. It connects the emergence of the detail in the sixteenth century as a canonical drawing type with the evocation of the material antique. The organic evolution of the detail drawing method can be seen in the sketchbooks of everyday(...)
- 1 projecteur Leitz "Typ VIII S" "No 43705"; - 1 support à film; - 1 support à diapositives; - 1 lampe de projection de marque General Electric dans sa boîte; - 1 cordon rallonge électrique; - 1 carte d'affaire "ERNEST CORMIER / ARCHITECTE / ET INGENIEUR-CONSTRUCTEUR / 3675 COTE DES NEIGES / MONTREAL"; dans un boîtier noir
Projecteur et accessoires dans un boîtier
- 1 projecteur Leitz "Typ VIII S" "No 43705"; - 1 support à film; - 1 support à diapositives; - 1 lampe de projection de marque General Electric dans sa boîte; - 1 cordon rallonge électrique; - 1 carte d'affaire "ERNEST CORMIER / ARCHITECTE / ET INGENIEUR-CONSTRUCTEUR / 3675 COTE DES NEIGES / MONTREAL"; dans un boîtier noir
18 File
front office desk, changes to bedroom floors, basement arcade, main lobby, toilet, speaker and microphone layout, electrical for offices, heating for entrance, plumbing layout for toilets, air pipes, Ontario room, Quebec room, piping revision, New Brunswick room, telecommunication and projection rooms, banquet hall foyer, plaster reliefs for main lobby
Front office desk, changes to bedroom floors, basement arcade, main lobby, toilet
front office desk, changes to bedroom floors, basement arcade, main lobby, toilet, speaker and microphone layout, electrical for offices, heating for entrance, plumbing layout for toilets, air pipes, Ontario room, Quebec room, piping revision, New Brunswick room, telecommunication and projection rooms, banquet hall foyer, plaster reliefs for main lobby
18 File
O.C.H. Feasibility Study
File documents a feasibility study commissioned by J. Lyons Co. Ltd for the conversion of the Oxford Corner House, in London, England, United Kingdom, into a combined information, education and skill centre. The unrealized project was to include a 'self-pace public skill and information hive' with facilities for conferences, teaching, exhibitions, computer use, planetarium, audio-visual library, and public eating areas. The project included a movable floor system and projection screens. Reference material includes plans and details of London Electric Railway subway line, alterations to Oxford Street Corner House by J. Lyons and Co. Ltd., field notes, photographs and photomontages of site. Conceptual diagrammatic plans explore designs for the organization of activities. Charts show variables, including number of people, monitors/screens, and study carrels; circulation patterns; and maximization of viewing capacity. Preliminary presentation boards illustrate project feasibility and include photographs of model and existing conditions. Design development drawings include floor plans, plans exploring the relationships between various activities, analysis of building volumes and networks, comparative plans showing main structural grid, sections, diagrammatic sections for public activity areas, axonometric drawings of roof, perspectives of projection screens and moveable floor system, progress charts, and diagrams and graphs of communication and travel modes, routes, and time into central London from outlying areas. Some material in this file was published in Price, Cedric. 'Cedric Price-Works II' (London: Architectural Press, 1984), 11, 54, 112; Landau, Royston. 'New Directions in British Architecture'. New York: George Braziller, 1968. 108-111; and 'Self-Pace Public Skill and Information Hive.' 'Architectural Design'. (May 1968), 237-239. Material in this file was produced between 1927 and 1967, but predominantly between 1965 and 1966. Group DR1995:0224:001-013 contains reference drawings attributed to London Transport Architect's Department and J. Lyons & Company Limited Architect's Office. Group DR1995:0224:333-341 contains drawings attributed to Richard Sutcliffe Limited, Felix J. Samuely & Partners, and G.E.C. (Process Engineering) Ltd. File contains conceptual drawings, consultant drawings, design development drawings, presentation drawings, presentation panels, reference drawings, photographic material, and textual records.
1927-1967, predominant 1965-1966
O.C.H. Feasibility Study
File documents a feasibility study commissioned by J. Lyons Co. Ltd for the conversion of the Oxford Corner House, in London, England, United Kingdom, into a combined information, education and skill centre. The unrealized project was to include a 'self-pace public skill and information hive' with facilities for conferences, teaching, exhibitions, computer use, planetarium, audio-visual library, and public eating areas. The project included a movable floor system and projection screens. Reference material includes plans and details of London Electric Railway subway line, alterations to Oxford Street Corner House by J. Lyons and Co. Ltd., field notes, photographs and photomontages of site. Conceptual diagrammatic plans explore designs for the organization of activities. Charts show variables, including number of people, monitors/screens, and study carrels; circulation patterns; and maximization of viewing capacity. Preliminary presentation boards illustrate project feasibility and include photographs of model and existing conditions. Design development drawings include floor plans, plans exploring the relationships between various activities, analysis of building volumes and networks, comparative plans showing main structural grid, sections, diagrammatic sections for public activity areas, axonometric drawings of roof, perspectives of projection screens and moveable floor system, progress charts, and diagrams and graphs of communication and travel modes, routes, and time into central London from outlying areas. Some material in this file was published in Price, Cedric. 'Cedric Price-Works II' (London: Architectural Press, 1984), 11, 54, 112; Landau, Royston. 'New Directions in British Architecture'. New York: George Braziller, 1968. 108-111; and 'Self-Pace Public Skill and Information Hive.' 'Architectural Design'. (May 1968), 237-239. Material in this file was produced between 1927 and 1967, but predominantly between 1965 and 1966. Group DR1995:0224:001-013 contains reference drawings attributed to London Transport Architect's Department and J. Lyons & Company Limited Architect's Office. Group DR1995:0224:333-341 contains drawings attributed to Richard Sutcliffe Limited, Felix J. Samuely & Partners, and G.E.C. (Process Engineering) Ltd. File contains conceptual drawings, consultant drawings, design development drawings, presentation drawings, presentation panels, reference drawings, photographic material, and textual records.
File 59
1927-1967, predominant 1965-1966