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Nunatsiavut, the Inuit region of Canada that achieved self-government in 2005, produces art that is distinct within the world of Canadian and circumpolar Inuit art. The world's most southerly population of Inuit, the coastal people of Nunatsiavut have always lived both above and below the tree line, and Inuit artists and craftspeople from Nunatsiavut have had access to a(...)
February 2017
SakKijâjuk : Art and craft From Nunatsiavut
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Nunatsiavut, the Inuit region of Canada that achieved self-government in 2005, produces art that is distinct within the world of Canadian and circumpolar Inuit art. The world's most southerly population of Inuit, the coastal people of Nunatsiavut have always lived both above and below the tree line, and Inuit artists and craftspeople from Nunatsiavut have had access to a diverse range of Arctic and Subarctic flora and fauna, from which they have produced a stunningly diverse range of work. Artists from the territory have traditionally used stone and woods for carving; fur, hide, and sealskin for wearable art; and saltwater seagrass for basketry, as well as wool, metal, cloth, beads, and paper. In recent decades, they have produced work in a variety of contemporary art media, including painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, video, and ceramics, while also working with traditional materials in new and unexpected ways. ''SakKijâjuk: Art and craft from Nunatsiavut'' is the first major publication on the art of the Labrador Inuit. Designed to accompany a major touring exhibition organized by The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery of St. John's, the book will feature more than 80 reproductions of work by 45 different artists, profiles of the featured artists, and a major essay on the art of Nunatsiavut by Heather Igloliorte.
(available in store)
Sisters Angnakuluk Friesen and Ippiksaut Friesen collaborate on this story about what it’s like to grow up in an Inuit community in Nunavut. Every line about the hometown in this book will have readers thinking about what makes their own hometowns unique. With strong social studies curriculum connections, this book introduces young readers to life in the Canadian North,(...)
May 2017
Kisimi Taimaippaktut Angirrarijarani / Only in My Hometown
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Sisters Angnakuluk Friesen and Ippiksaut Friesen collaborate on this story about what it’s like to grow up in an Inuit community in Nunavut. Every line about the hometown in this book will have readers thinking about what makes their own hometowns unique. With strong social studies curriculum connections, this book introduces young readers to life in the Canadian North, as well as the Inuit language and culture. Angnakuluk’s simple text, translated into Inuktitut and written out in syllabics and transliterated roman characters, is complemented by Ippiksaut’s warm paintings of their shared hometown.
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Depuis ses débuts, la Guilde a au coeur de ses préoccupations la volonté de faire connaître les métiers d'art, l'art inuit et celui des Premières Nations, dans un contexte québécois, canadien et international. Ce livre raconte le formidable travail de cet organisme créé par deux montréalaises en 1906, Alice Peck et May Phillips.
Entre bonnes mains: la guilde: un siècle de savoir-faire canadien
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Depuis ses débuts, la Guilde a au coeur de ses préoccupations la volonté de faire connaître les métiers d'art, l'art inuit et celui des Premières Nations, dans un contexte québécois, canadien et international. Ce livre raconte le formidable travail de cet organisme créé par deux montréalaises en 1906, Alice Peck et May Phillips.
Canadian art
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Kenojuak Ashevak shot to fame in 1970 when Canada Post printed The Enchanted Owl, a print of a black-and-red plumed nocturnal bird, on a postage stamp. She later became known as the magic-marker-wielding "grandmother of Inuit art," famous for her fluid graphic storytelling and her stunning depictions of wildlife. She was a defining figure in Inuit art and one of the first(...)
Contemporary Art Monographs
May 2018
Tunirrusiangit: Kenojuak Ashevak and Tim Pitsiulak
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Kenojuak Ashevak shot to fame in 1970 when Canada Post printed The Enchanted Owl, a print of a black-and-red plumed nocturnal bird, on a postage stamp. She later became known as the magic-marker-wielding "grandmother of Inuit art," famous for her fluid graphic storytelling and her stunning depictions of wildlife. She was a defining figure in Inuit art and one of the first Indigenous artists to be embraced as a contemporary Canadian artist. Ashevak's legacy inspired her nephew, Timootee (Tim) Pitsiulak, to take up drawing at the Kinngait Studios. In his relatively short career, he became a popular figure, known for drawing animal figures with a hunter's precision and capturing the technological presence of the South in Nunavut. Tunirrusiangit, "their gifts" or "what they gave" in Inuktitut, celebrates the achievements of two remarkable artists who challenged the parameters of tradition while consistently articulating a compelling vision of the Inuit world view. Published to coincide with a major exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario, opening on 16 June and continuing until late August, ''Tunirrusiangit'' features more than 60 reproductions of paintings, drawings, and documentary photographs. Completing the book are essays by contemporary artists and curators Jocelyn Piirainen, Anna Hudson, Georgiana Uhlyarik, Koomuatuk Curley, Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, and Taqralik Partridge that address both the past and future of Inuit identity.
Contemporary Art Monographs
Cautionary tales
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Janice Grey’s debut collection of short stories, "Cautionary tales", centres narratives of contemporary Inuit lives with searing precision. Her witty, compelling voice relays at once both the intricacy of families and the suspense and intensity of supernatural beings and events; mixing as she does dreams, visions, and the everyday in this powerful new work.
Cautionary tales
(available in store)
Janice Grey’s debut collection of short stories, "Cautionary tales", centres narratives of contemporary Inuit lives with searing precision. Her witty, compelling voice relays at once both the intricacy of families and the suspense and intensity of supernatural beings and events; mixing as she does dreams, visions, and the everyday in this powerful new work.
Literature and poetry
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From Abbey SK to Zurich ON, this unique dictionary includes over 6,200 Canadian place names. Canada's diversity is marked not just by geography; this richness is reflected in names of cities, villages, rivers, lakes, mountains, and parks. And the names reflect a range of languages including Cree, Inuit, French, Gaelic, Spanish, Portuguese, Mi'kmaq, and Basque. 2nd edition.
A dictionary of place names of Canada
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From Abbey SK to Zurich ON, this unique dictionary includes over 6,200 Canadian place names. Canada's diversity is marked not just by geography; this richness is reflected in names of cities, villages, rivers, lakes, mountains, and parks. And the names reflect a range of languages including Cree, Inuit, French, Gaelic, Spanish, Portuguese, Mi'kmaq, and Basque. 2nd edition.
Architecture in Canada
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Un roman atypique. Sur la vie. Au jour le jour. Les joies et les peines d’une petite communauté inuit du nord du Canada. On y apprend à construire en toute hâte un iglou, à repérer la glace traîtresse, à chasser l’ours avec des chiens de traîneau, à préparer de la viande séchée de phoque et à interpréter les signes de la présence de Tuurngaq, un esprit auxiliaire de(...)
(available to order)
Un roman atypique. Sur la vie. Au jour le jour. Les joies et les peines d’une petite communauté inuit du nord du Canada. On y apprend à construire en toute hâte un iglou, à repérer la glace traîtresse, à chasser l’ours avec des chiens de traîneau, à préparer de la viande séchée de phoque et à interpréter les signes de la présence de Tuurngaq, un esprit auxiliaire de chamane que n’apprécient guère les premiers missionnaires chrétiens. Surtout, une expérience rare est ici offerte, celle de voir le monde singulier des Inuit avec les yeux de l’héroïne, Sanaaq. Une femme qui, à l’image de Mitiarjuk Nappaaluk, l’auteure du roman, écrivaine analphabète et docteure sans cursus scolaire, ne s’en laisse jamais conter…
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Les changements climatiques menacent la survie culturelle de nos peuples. Suivant le parcours personnel et militant de l’auteure, « Le droit au froid » analyse les liens entre la sauvegarde de l’Arctique, la survie de la culture inuit – et ultimement du monde – et la dégradation environnementale passée, présente et future. Sheila Watt-Cloutier soutient avec passion que(...)
Le droit au froid : combat d'une femme pour protéger sa culture, l'Arctique et la planète
(available in store)
Les changements climatiques menacent la survie culturelle de nos peuples. Suivant le parcours personnel et militant de l’auteure, « Le droit au froid » analyse les liens entre la sauvegarde de l’Arctique, la survie de la culture inuit – et ultimement du monde – et la dégradation environnementale passée, présente et future. Sheila Watt-Cloutier soutient avec passion que les changements climatiques sont non seulement un enjeu de justice climatique, mais aussi de droits humains qui touche l’ensemble du globe. Car la culture et l’autonomie économique des Inuit, tout comme la faune de l’Arctique, sont tributaires du froid, de la glace et du pergélisol. Les graves perturbations de la température et des événements météorologiques causent la dégradation d’un mode de vie et signifient la négation de leurs droits sociaux, culturels et sanitaires. D’où ce « droit au froid », qui est au cœur de son plaidoyer.
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Dans ce grand livre encyclopédique, Joëlle Jolivet nous offre une petite histoire du costume à travers le monde et les époques. Réalisées en linogravure et colorées à la gouache, les planches de ce beau libre regorgent de ce que l'on a pu inventer pour se vêtir, se parer, faire du sport, travailler, se coiffer ou se chausser... On y découvrira aussi, cachés sous des(...)
(available to order)
Dans ce grand livre encyclopédique, Joëlle Jolivet nous offre une petite histoire du costume à travers le monde et les époques. Réalisées en linogravure et colorées à la gouache, les planches de ce beau libre regorgent de ce que l'on a pu inventer pour se vêtir, se parer, faire du sport, travailler, se coiffer ou se chausser... On y découvrira aussi, cachés sous des volets, les dessous d'une princesse, d'un samouraï, d'une Inuit...
Children's Books
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This book explores the parallels between safeguarding the Arctic and the survival of Inuit culture, of which the author's own background is such an extraordinary example. This is a human story of resilience, commitment, and survival told from the unique vantage point of an Inuk woman who, in spite of many obstacles, rose from humble beginnings in the Arctic to become one(...)
The right to be cold: One woman's story of protecting her culture
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This book explores the parallels between safeguarding the Arctic and the survival of Inuit culture, of which the author's own background is such an extraordinary example. This is a human story of resilience, commitment, and survival told from the unique vantage point of an Inuk woman who, in spite of many obstacles, rose from humble beginnings in the Arctic to become one of the most influential and decorated environmental, cultural, and human rights advocates in the world.