textual records
Level of archival description:
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for the The Mountain of Carnisse in Barendercht, Netherlands, an interactive public artwork for the City of Barendercht. This project is also known as the De Berg ban Carnisse in Dutch. Material in this series was produced around 2008. The series contains a presentation booklet for the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2008
The Mountain of Carnisse, Barendrecht, Netherlands (2008)
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for the The Mountain of Carnisse in Barendercht, Netherlands, an interactive public artwork for the City of Barendercht. This project is also known as the De Berg ban Carnisse in Dutch. Material in this series was produced around 2008. The series contains a presentation booklet for the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
textual records
Level of archival description:
ca. 2008
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for the Eye Bridge in Aachen, Germany, a design development for a pedestrian bridge for the City of Aachen. This project is also know as Wolfsfurth-Brücke in Dutch. Material in this series was produced around 2007. The series contains a presentation booklet for the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2007
Eye Bridge, Aachen, Germany (2007)
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for the Eye Bridge in Aachen, Germany, a design development for a pedestrian bridge for the City of Aachen. This project is also know as Wolfsfurth-Brücke in Dutch. Material in this series was produced around 2007. The series contains a presentation booklet for the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2007
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project WetGRID in Nantes, France, a housing project for 250 paintings for the ''Vision Marchines'' at the Musée des Beaux Arts of Nantes. The project was completed in 2000. Material in this series was produced around 1999. The series contains slides of the installation and slides of design development drawings. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 1999
WetGRID, Nantes, France (1999)
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project WetGRID in Nantes, France, a housing project for 250 paintings for the ''Vision Marchines'' at the Musée des Beaux Arts of Nantes. The project was completed in 2000. Material in this series was produced around 1999. The series contains slides of the installation and slides of design development drawings. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 1999
born digital
Complete contents of CD-R ARCH268298, labeled "3DTFV presentation post movies (feb. 99)". File includes an .iso disk image of the dual-formatted ISO-9660/HFS disk and digital files exported from the disk image using FTK Imager. Most common file formats: Quicktime.
6 February 1999
Presentation videos of Three Dimensional Virtual Trading Floor posts, February 1999
Complete contents of CD-R ARCH268298, labeled "3DTFV presentation post movies (feb. 99)". File includes an .iso disk image of the dual-formatted ISO-9660/HFS disk and digital files exported from the disk image using FTK Imager. Most common file formats: Quicktime.
born digital
6 February 1999
born digital
Complete contents of CD-R labeled "Asymptote NYSE Presentation 06/18/01". File includes an .iso disk image of the dual-formatted ISO-9660/HFS disk and digital files exported from the disk image using FTK Imager. Most common file formats: Macromedia Flash.
13 June 2001 - 18 June 2001
Presentation files for MarkeTrac website mock-up
Complete contents of CD-R labeled "Asymptote NYSE Presentation 06/18/01". File includes an .iso disk image of the dual-formatted ISO-9660/HFS disk and digital files exported from the disk image using FTK Imager. Most common file formats: Macromedia Flash.
born digital
13 June 2001 - 18 June 2001
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for The Three Graces in Dubaï, United Arab Emirates, an hotel and office towers for Miznin/Tatweer with the Municipality of Dubaï. Project for which he shared the first prize. Material in this series was produced around 2008. The series contains presentation booklets for the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2008
The Three Graces, Dubaï, United Arab Emirates (2008)
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for The Three Graces in Dubaï, United Arab Emirates, an hotel and office towers for Miznin/Tatweer with the Municipality of Dubaï. Project for which he shared the first prize. Material in this series was produced around 2008. The series contains presentation booklets for the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2008
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for Whispering Garden in Rotterdam, Netherlands, an interactive public artwork for the City of Rotterdam. Project for which he won the First prize. Material in this series was produced around 2005. The series contains reprographic copies of presentation and a presentation booklet of the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2005
Whispering Garden, Rotterdam, Netherlands (2006)
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for Whispering Garden in Rotterdam, Netherlands, an interactive public artwork for the City of Rotterdam. Project for which he won the First prize. Material in this series was produced around 2005. The series contains reprographic copies of presentation and a presentation booklet of the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2005
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for the Joe and Joey in the Netherlands, a design development for an interactive public artwork for the Province of South-Holland, Kunstbouw. Material in this series was produced around 2007. The series contains textual records, including presentation booklets for the project, sketches and a presentation drawing. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2007
Joe and Joey, Netherlands (2007)
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for the Joe and Joey in the Netherlands, a design development for an interactive public artwork for the Province of South-Holland, Kunstbouw. Material in this series was produced around 2007. The series contains textual records, including presentation booklets for the project, sketches and a presentation drawing. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2007
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for the Psycho-Magnetic Aerial in Dordrecht, Netherlands, a design development for an interactive public artwork for the City of Dordrecht. Lars Spuybroek won the First prize for his project. Material in this series was produced around 2008. The series contains a presentation booklet for the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2008
Psycho-Magnetic Aerial, Dordrecht, Netherlands (2008)
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition for the Psycho-Magnetic Aerial in Dordrecht, Netherlands, a design development for an interactive public artwork for the City of Dordrecht. Lars Spuybroek won the First prize for his project. Material in this series was produced around 2008. The series contains a presentation booklet for the project. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2008
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition FEDUROK in Nancy, France, a popular music center CRMA, two concert halls, bars, library, sound studios and offices, a project for which Spuybroek won the second prize. Material in this series was produced around 2002. The series contains slides of drawings. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2002
FEDUROK, Nancy, France (2003)
Series documents Lars Spuybroek's project for the invited competition FEDUROK in Nancy, France, a popular music center CRMA, two concert halls, bars, library, sound studios and offices, a project for which Spuybroek won the second prize. Material in this series was produced around 2002. The series contains slides of drawings. This project may also include digital design material, which has yet to be processed and which will available for consultation in 2017.
ca. 2002